Baggage We Carry

Have you been carrying baggage around for years?
Stuffing your bag with all your hurts and pains not being able to leave it at the alter?
Seems like it has become so much a part of you that you dare not let go of it. It’s mine and don’t you touch it! You do not understand the troubles I have seen ----
I see the L-rd saying as He as holding up your baggage: “Lovest thou Me more than this My Child? What would your answer be?”
He is not mad, His eyes full of compassion as He is asking you this question: “How much do you love Me?”
“Do you love Me enough to lay it down at My feet?”
“Do you trust Me enough to let go of it for good?”
“I can only heal what you have given Me – Did I not say My yolk is easy and My burden is light?”
“Are you not tired of carrying this with you day and night?”
“Do you not want to be set free and enjoy the rest of your life?”
“Your season has come and you are not being pass over but you need to lighten your load so you can carry Mine.”
“Lovest thou Me more than this My Child? What answer will you give Me?”
Father, I want to love you more than this, help me pry off my fingers and place it into your loving care!! Were I am weak You will be made strong and with You all things are possible.
“Well said My Child, now together we can work on removing your heavy load.
For I have much for you to do and I will have you using your baggage to help restore others, but you will not feel the affects of it anymore. You will be moving faster now with less weight to carry.”
“I have never left you nor forsaken you and can now bring you into the maturity I have desired for you.”
“Watch and see if My promises are not true, My rainbow was a sign of a promise and it is set all around you as you walk into the fullness of your calling!”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bless you with a warrior's keen hearing in your spirit. In times of spiritual battle, it is crucial to hear your commander. I bless you with active and accurate listening for deliverance, for freedom, for victory, for direction, for comfort.