Battle Cry

“Mature warriors arise!! I need a battle cry to go throughout all your land. Some of My warriors are falling down for they have gotten sidetracked by their own agendas, and forgotten what I have sent them out to do.
Some are seeking recognition, cutting ranks, and stepping on others to get where they will be noticed. Is it not enough that I notice you? Maybe I want you hidden until your season has come. If you raise yourself you must maintain yourself.
Some have been coveting anointing and gifting, trying to steal from others what I have given them. Do you not appreciate what I have given you?
Some have grown weak trying to carry others instead of letting them express the free will that I gave them. Each individual must make their own choice in service. Imposing your values on others thinking you are doing them a favor is not only a form of control, but diminishes their anointing.
I went into sinners’ homes and showed them acceptance and loved on them. The Pharisees would not set foot in those homes, for sinners did not live up to their expectations.
Are you forgetting what I have assigned you to do? What was My purpose for your life?
Some have been ending relationships they have formed; not because I said to cut it off, but because they got offended. Did I not tell you in the last days people will get offended easily? Maybe when you were offended, I was using the offender to point out something in you that you have not yet taken care of. Did you bring your concern to Me, or did you offend them by throwing them away as if they were garbage? Do I not love them? Did I not call you to be a peacemaker?
Some have kept their foot in the door too long. When you get too close up and personal, you pick up others’ problems and lose discernment of what I am trying to do with them. Move on in love when someone doesn’t listen to you any longer, before you become a hindrance instead of a help. Your assignment is over. Your life won’t be a roller coaster ride if you make the right choices.
Some have taken to cheating their government. Did I not tell you to obey the laws of the land? You cry out that you would not make it – but I say you have not fully trusted in My provision. If you choose to play the game, you will also have to pay the price.
Some warriors have fallen into drunkenness, getting stone, fornication and adultery. Having many children out of wedlock, or not by their husband. What the world has accepted as the norm - I have not!
Some mothers have fallen into weakness, answering the call of worldly desires. They have left the grandmothers to relieve them of their responsibility in raising their offspring. But I have called you to be the mother of your children and to raise them up in Me. Yes, it comes with a price; a lot of self sacrifice. You must lay down your life to teach your children My values, this is all part of your training and equipping to fulfill what I have planned for you. Grandmothers have already received this training – now it is your turn. You cut the apron strings and pick up your life when your children become of age. That is when you are free to move on into a higher calling. I need you on the front lines to share your life experiences with others and lead the battle. You only get life experiences by living the plan I’ve designed for your life.”
Some mothers have children get the government support. Others have children to do their work as servants, rather than taking the time and effort to get to know each child, and lead them into their gifting. Some have played favorites – did I not say to not be a respecter of persons? Do I not show My love equally?
Some mothers are having a difficult time cutting the ties by allowing their children to follow Me in their own way. Yes, they may fall down, but let them lay for in their weakness they will turn to Me to pick them up. They must learn to depend on Me, not you.
Has your word been true or have you become wishy-washy? Did not I say let your yes mean yes and your no mean no? How can I use you to share My Word when your word has become no good? Did I not say if you are lukewarm I will spit you out of My mouth?
You give excuses for your decisions, saying that was how you were raised. Not all traditions passed down are beneficial for this day and age. By refusing to break ties from the previous generations’ mistakes you may be discharged from My army.
Do you seek Me in all your ways? Have you come to Me and asked My opinion or do you run around to get everyone else’s but Mine? Have you caused division amongst the ranks by doing so?
Some warriors jumped out of boot camp before their training was done. They caught a glimpse of My vision and took off running, turning it into their own agenda. I must send many back to be retrained, for in training they become equipped for service. But you must get the full training or you will be discharged from service.
Mature warriors arise! Let Me hear the battle cry ringing throughout all the land. I need strong warriors, mature warriors that do not get weary in battle. I cannot use weak warriors that cannot carry My vision. The battle must go forward, for there is still much work to be done for the victory to be won.
Fall to your knees and set things right. Shake off what has been holding you back.
Let the battle cry go forth, march forward with more maturity!"

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