Father May I?

“Often as I have given you an order to speak, you are off to do it before you have fully heard what I have said, you need to first pause to check if it is really I giving you the order and when you were to speak it out. Be sensitive to Me and I will anoint your lips with a burning coal.
Sometimes you experience great emptiness, sometimes you will have to wait, but My anointing will always be there when you need it.
My withholding is only so you would know your absolute dependence of Me.
Be contented with life than trying to control it. Do not feel you have to have it all together or how to figure everything out. I am in control, and I can see the whole picture.
Let your yes be yes and your no be no. Before your act or speak come to Me and say ‘Father, may I?’ I am the one that is to guide you, and I will tell you when to start and when to stop. Do not make a move in any direction until you hear from Me.
Stop wrestling with the memory of the past, the uncertainty of the future, or the circumstances of the present. I will give you the peace that passes all understanding – rest in Me, My warrior.
I have taken you into the desert that you may know your weariness the lack hunger within you that you may strive to fight. There will come a fullness and maturity in Me.
I will raise you up in My time and in My ways but first you need to learn to say ‘Father, may I?’ in all things.
Look not for confirmation that you are on the right path for I have the power to change every circumstance. Allow me to be a Father who takes you by the hand and lead you down this life’s pathway.
I am the initiator of your actions, thoughts and words and taught you in all things. I would never leave you nor forsake you.
You can do nothing before saying ‘Father, may I? For I am to be your ALL in all. And what will happen will be so total, so complete that there is no describing this purification of your senses, your inner being for you are being transformed by My Father.”

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