Irony Debates

[Job 5:1] Call now, if there be any that will answer thee; and to which of the saints wilt thou turn?
[Eliphaz here makes a fair motion to put the matter to a reference. In all debates perhaps the sooner this is done the better if the contenders cannot end it between themselves.
This appears to be a strong irony.
Call now – G-d is to be called upon, and especially in times of trouble; and prayer is to be made in faith, in sincerity, and with fervency, and to be accompanied with confession of sin, and repentance for it; and sooner or later G-d hears and answers those that call upon Him. Summon any of the holy ones (Dan. 4:17, "angels") round His throne, will vouchsafe a reply a judicial expression to his rebellious complaint.
To which …wilt thou turn - or "look", or "have respect" for.
1. Good people are called saints even in the Old Testament; and therefore I know not why we should, in common speaking unless because we must speak as our neighbors, appropriate a title when G-d said we are all saints. Therefore we should not say St. Abraham, St. Moses, and St. Isaiah, as well as Apostle Matthew and Apostle Mark; and St. David the psalmist. Mankind has been elevating himself, therefore must obtain himself. Aaron is expressly called the saint of the L-rd, we are called Ambassadors.
2. All that are themselves saints will turn to those that are so, will choose them for their friends and converse with them, will choose them for their judges and consult them. See Ps. 119:79. The saints shall judge the world, 1 Corinthians 6:1, 2. Walking in the way of good men (Prov. 2:20), the old way, the footsteps of the flock following the Good Shepherd. Every one chooses some sort of people or other to whom he studies to advocate himself, and whose sentiments are to him the test of honour and dishonor. Now all true saints endeavor to counsel themselves to those that are such, and to stand right in their opinion.
3. There are some truths so plain, and so universally known and believed, that one may venture to appeal to any of the saints concerning them. However there are some things about which they unhappily differ, there are many more, and more considerable, in which they are agreed; as the evil of sin, the vanity of the world, the worth of the soul, the necessity of a holy life, and the like. Though they do not all live up, as they should, to their belief of these truths, yet they are all ready to bear their testimony to them.]
4. You need not to be uneasy when words are spoken in hast, for the world's smiles can never shelter them from G-d's frowns; they are foolish and silly if they think they will.Debates among friends can become a strong irony, and cause division among believers.
One must think before speaking, for one day they may have to swallow their own words.
Notice this was a close friend of Jobs – we would say if that is a friend who needs enemy’s?
Have you ever been bitten by a friend? All have different giftings, callings, and prices that are only accountable to the Father. But if the contenders cannot end debates between themselves, then they must take it to the next step which is go before the Elders. If not solved there they will appear before the congregation.
Maybe we should concentrate on what we agree on, and agree to disagree on our differences. We do not always think alike that is why we are called individuals of free choice, but we are all brothers and sisters in the L-rd. Growing in maturity and intimacy in Him.

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