Like a thief in the night

“Faith that all things are possible through Me. I honor your effects and I will come for you, and I will come expecting…..your readiness.
How I love to dwell with My people. Your prayers are like insects through My nostrils. Your praises are music to My ears.
I am moving My people out of their comfort zones, they have gotten to soft and relax forgetting what My message is all about.
I have been shaking everything from people to the elements, calling things back in to order. I have called out for repentance and I will be sending out judgment.
Take heed My people and watch the signs for time is running out and I do not want any one to perish.
Repent and turn from your wicked ways. Do not be fooled into being ‘busy’ doing good things that I have not called you to do.
It is not about showman ship, I am looking for a sincere heart, a willing vessel that will not touch My glory. Then I will pour out My blessing with signs and wonders to follow.
Judge yourself daily and guarded your tongue – renewing your mind and keeping your oil lamp ready for I am going to use you mightily, beyond even your wildness imagination.
You asked if I would show up in the place you have prepared for Me -----Aaron anointed all the Tabernacle vessels – you have done the same.
People of old brought their treasures to help furnish the Tabernacle – it is once again being done as the word of need went out, it got provided.
The menorah light the Tabernacle and lights were brought in.
Elijah spoke to the elements, Moses parted the Red Sea, My children went into the fiery furnace and My own Son walk on the water.
Have I not told you that all things are possible? Faith is the answerer and prayer unlocks the doors.
Call them in – call My servants from the North, South, East and West. Pray and believe – call it into being.
Yes, My child I will show up and not only I but My heavenly host is coming with Me!
Times are changing and I am moving. I have always used the foolish things to confound the wise.
Get ready for a out pouring is on its way, watch and be ready for I will come as a thief in the night.”

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