
Nehemiah 2:20 The G-d of heaven, He will prosper you; therefore you His servant will arise and build.
Ps. 1:3 become a well-rooted tree and whatsoever you do will prosper.
Ps. 122:6 love Jerusalem and prosper.
Isa. 53:10 the pleasure of the L-rd will prosper in your hands.
3 John 2 the Father wishes above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.
Deut 29:9 Keep therefore the words of this covenant, and do them, that you may prosper in all that you do.
Joshua 1:7 prosper whithersoever you goest.
Isa. 55:11 prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
Eze. 16:13 prosper into a kingdom.
3 John 3 testify of the truth and walk in the truth.
Father I break off completely any spirit of poverty on my family in the name of Y’Shua the Messiah. It is your wish for Your children to prosper and be in good health, to walk in truth, planted firmly in faith. I submit myself and my family to Your great plan and to You be all the glory. Thank you Father, may I be counted worthy to be yours.

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