Soon and very soon

"I have sent many a person to prepared the way of My second coming – have you received them? Then stand up and be counted in the praise percussion. Join in with the many voices – do not let a rock take your place, for I am worthy of all your praises.
Do not be ashamed of Me and I will not be ashamed of you – for I intercede on your behalf before My Father.
It is all about Me! I am a jealous G-d and will have no other; nor no thing put before Me; I am calling for intimacy – complete intimacy with Me, we are to become in one accord – one will.
Rest in Me, did I not tell you My burden is light so lay down all your carries at My feet and rest in Me. I am the One that called peace to the raging storms, and I say ‘Peace’ to your troubled soul.
I am coming for a pure bride. One who has seeks Me out. One who knows My heart, and feels My gentle touch. So keep pressing in – closer and closer – do you not see the love I have for you? Look into My eyes for I delight in you My beloved. I hear your hearts cry, I have felt your pain, your soul has touch Mine as you walk though this path of life.
I am the Healer! It is through these intimate times that I heal and restore rest to the weary soul. Hearken onto My voice – lean in to hear My love whispers into your ears. Let the fires burn like the ones of our first love. Come daily to spend time with Me for we have so much to talk about and plans to make.
Allow Me to wrap my arms around you and lead you as we sway to the heavenly choir. Stepping higher and higher allowing nothing else to exist but us as I hold you in My arms. We rise higher than the earthly problems, for this is our time to bond and focus on the real issues at hand.
Oh, how I long to spend eternity with you My beloved.
Soon and very soon I will come for you.
Watch for Me
Expect Me - soon
Keep your gown clean
Wait in My presents for it will not be much longer
Do not be afraid – look up for your redemption draweth nigh."

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