Vegetable Garden

Companion planting:
Carrots and Dill dislike each other.
Beans dislike fennel.
Potatoes don’t like cucumbers.
Tomatoes, asparagus and parsley are a threesome.
Cucumbers like beans.
Beets and onions.
Corn, squash, cucumbers and pumpkins.
Strawberries, spinach, and beans.
Horseradish and potatoes.
Borders of wormwood, yarrow and marigolds.
Plant fennel all alone and away from all the rest.
Oregano near the cucumbers and melons.
Lavender by the painted daisies.
Coriander near the garlic
Anise by the thyme for flies
Sage by the rosemary for insects
Lemon balm by the catnip for rats
Bee balm by the chamomile and a companion to tomatoes.
American penny royal by the bay for fleas and lice.
Garlic, onions, chives, cayenne pepper for caterpillars and tomato worms.
Anise the mice find it irresistible.
The seeds are the most useful part of the plant
(actually the fruit of the plant).
Basil is a companion to tomatoes but dislike rue.
Repels flies and mosquitoes
Borage by tomatoes, squash, and strawberries
It attracts the bees.
Caraway loosens the soil.
Catnip is planted in borders.
It deters flea beetle.
Chamomile by the cabbage and onions.
Chervil with the radishes.
Chives with the carrots.
Dead Mettle with potatoes,
Deters potato bugs.
Dill with the cabbage but dislikes carrots.
Garlic plant near roses and raspberries.
Horseradish planted at corners of potatoes patch
Rids the bugs.
Hyssop with cabbage and grapes but dislikes radishes.
Lamb’s Quarters is a edible weed that should be allowed to grow in moderate amounts in the garden. Grow in the corn patch.
Lovage can be grown here and there.
Marigold grow through out the garden to rid the pest.
Mint with the cabbage and tomatoes
Flies and rats don’t like mint.
Marjoram can be grown here and there.
Nasturtium with the radishes, cabbage and cucurbits
Plant under fruit trees.
Pot Marigolds with tomatoes here and there.
Pig weed with potatoes, onions and corn. Keep the weeds thinned.
Peppermint with the cabbage.
Rosemary with cabbage, bean, carrots and sage.
Rue plant near roses and raspberries but keep it away from sweet basil.
Sage with cabbage and carrots but keep away from cucumbers.
Summer Savory with beans and onions.
Tarragon throughout the garden.
Thyme here and there
It attracts bees

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