Deck of Cards

During the North African Campaign, a bunch of soldier boys had been on a long hike. They arrived in a little town called Casino. The next morning being Sunday, several of the boys went to church. A sergeant commanded the boys in church.
After the Chaplain read the prayer, the text was taken up next. Those of the boys that had a prayer book took them out. One boy had only a deck of cards, and he spread them out. The sergeant saw the cards and said, "Soldier, put away those cards." After the service was over, the soldier was taken prisoner and brought before the Provost Marshal.
The Marshal said, "Sergeant, why have you brought this man here?"
"For playing cards in church, Sir," was the response.
The Marshal asked the soldier, "And what have you to say for yourself, son?"
"Much, Sir," replied the soldier.
The Marshal stated, "I hope so, for if not I will punish you more than any man was ever punished."
The soldier said, "Sir, I have been on the march for about six months. I have neither bible nor a prayer book, but I hope to satisfy you, sir, with the purity of my intentions." And with that, the boy started his story ...
"You see, sir, when I look at the Ace, it reminds me that there is but one G-d.And the deuce reminds me that the bible is divided into two parts: the Old and the New Testaments.When I see the trey, I think of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.And when I see the four, I think of the four evangelists who preached the Gospel: there was Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.And when I see the five, it reminds me of the five wise virgins who trimmed their lamps; there were ten of them: five were wise and were saved; five were foolish and were shut out.When I see the six, it reminds me that in six days G-d made this heaven and earth.And when I see the seven, it reminds me that on the seventh day, G-d rested from His great work.And when I see the eight, I think of the eight righteous persons that G-d saved when he destroyed the earth: there was Noah, his wife, their sons and their wives.And when I see the nine, I think of the lepers our Savior cleansed, and that nine of the ten didn't even thank Him.When I see the ten, I think of the Ten Commandments that G-d handed down to Moses on a tablet of stone.When I see the King, it reminds me that there is but one King of Heaven, G-d Almighty.And when I see the Queen, I think of the blessed Virgin Mary who is the Queen of Heaven.And the Jack or Knave is the Devil.
When I count the number of spots in a deck of cards, I find 365, the number of days in a year.There are 52 cards, the number of weeks in a year.There are four suits, the number of weeks in a month.There are twelve picture cards, the number of months in a year.There are thirteen tricks, the number of weeks in a quarter.
So you see, Sir, my deck of cards serves me as a bible, an almanac and a prayer book."
What ever it takes and what ever you have to have a personal relationship with the Father.

Spiritual Leakage

My visit with the Father, questions I needed answered.
Heb. 2:1 “We ought to give more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip away.”
Everyday there is leakage in our lives, Father. Both in the physical and in the spiritual! Why do we seem to plug them up instead of dealing with the problem?
We do not take care of our temple or we keep trying to change it in the physical.
And spiritually we have drifted far far from the Truth. What was once called sin in now expectable even in the church!
We tend to lesson to what is taught us more than to what You had to say. Apparently we do not take the time to search it out for ourselves, is that why you call us sheep gone to the slaughter?
As a result our economy is in bad shape – yes we do reap what we have sown!

Thus saith the L-rd:
Those that have an ear let them hear what I say:
Have I not said to love the L-rd thy G-d, the Father with all your heart, and all your soul and with all your mind, and with all your strength; was this not My first commandment?
And the second was to love your neighbor AS yourself.
Some of My people have left their first love and have white-washed sin; this is an evil among all things that are done under the sun. I know their works, that they are neither cold nor hot but have become lukewarm, if they don’t return to Me I will spit them out of My mouth.
Are not My people to be watchmen over the gates of there temples, are they not to guard their ears, eyes, and minds and not be blown away with every wind that comes?
Did I not tell them to study to show theirselfs approved unto Me, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness?
I have given people free choice, my child, and told them to choose wisely this day whom they wish to serve.
Sin and generational curses can bring on physical sickness. I expect My people to take care of the temple I have given them. Do you eat the healthy foods I gave you? Do you wear the proper covering to bear the elements? Do you take the day of rest I laid out for you? Do you love the temple I have given you and tend to it? Do not allow the adversary to take over what was rightfully yours to tend to, and care for.
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which does so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, for the joy of the L-rd is your strength.
Let your garments be always white; and let your head lack no ointment.
Whatsoever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work, no device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom and there is no I in servant hood. All work is done for My kingdom!
As for My economy there is no lack. Did I not say take no thought, saying, what shall you eat? Or, what shall you drink? Or wherewithal shall you be clothed?
But to seek you first the kingdom of G-d, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Therefore take no thought for tomorrow: for tomorrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
Those that have sowed on good ground and named their seed will reap the harvest, faith comes with labor, believe it and work for it, and I will see you at the finish line and place a crown of glory upon your head.

You are Somebody!!

G-d has “wired” each of us differently.
1 Cor. 12:6: “G-d works through different in different ways.”
There is no right or wrong temperament. All are helpful, but all are limited – because we are all unique!
You are unique blend of personality traits.
We are all a blending of certain basic personality traits that are consistent in our behavior.
We can learn much from other personality types.
Our personalities need to be more sanctified, smoothed out, and molded by the L-rd. We need to tame our personality! We were not made to be copies but unique individuals.
Bible Truth about our experiences in life.
Our experiences are a part of who we are as individuals. Pass experiences help to reveal our ministry calling. G-d desires to use our various experiences in our ministries. G-d even wants to use our painful experiences to help others – G-d never wastes a hurt!

Other important Traits:
Extrovert or Introvert - Introverts have thier energy sources renewed by spending time alone. Extroverts get their batteries re-charged whern they are with people.
Analytical or Intuitive - This has to do with how we approach coming to a decision. Thinkers are more concerned with the objective facts, while Feelers prefer subjective understanding or experience. Thinkers do have feelings and emotions, even if they are not visible or evident in their decision-making process. And Feelers can think logically, even thour it may not be verbalized.
Routine or Variety - some people prefer the kinds of tasks that are Routine, while others prefer a Variety of tasks. Routine people enjoy the comfort the knowing what is expected and performs appropriately. Variety people like the challenge of diversity.
Cooperative or independent - some people prefer to work with people and to cooperate on job assignments, while others prefer to work alone and be more independent. How we relate to other people is an important aspect of our personalities. Cooperative people enjoy the camarderie of fellow workers and jointing efforts to accomplish something. Independent people enjoy the challenge and satisfaction of personally completing entire tasks by themselves.

Somebody out there

There’s Somebody out there
There’s somebody out there hurt and confused,
an innocent child being abused!
There’s somebody out there who’s heart is breaking in two!
There’s somebody out feeling alone
A husband or wife being done wrong!
There’s somebody out there shattered from a broken heart.

But there’s somebody out here with arms open wide that longs to embrace you, dry the tears from your eyes.
He’s hope for the helpless. He’ll carry the burdens you bear –
when you don’t have a prayer, there’s somebody out there.

There’s somebody out there who thought it was cool to keep taking chances thinking they could never loose. Now they're hooked on a feeling that left them empty and full.
There’s somebody out there that can’t quite decide whether to live or whether to die! They’re searching for strength - to get through their crises in life.

But there’s somebody out here with arms open wide that longs to embrace you, dry the tears from your eyes.
He’s hope for the helpless. He’ll carry the burdens you bear - when you don’t have a prayer, there’s somebody out there.

But there’s somebody out here with arms open wide that longs to embrace you, dry the tears from your eyes.
He’s hope for the helpless. He’ll carry the burdens you bear –
when you don’t have a prayer, there’s somebody out there.


Salome, the daughter of Alphaeus and half-sister of the L-rd, her name means “Peacemaker”, she followed Him and ministered to Him when He was in Galilee. Salome and another brother Joses and James were with her on the hill overlooking the crucifixion. Salome helps bring spices to anoint the body as they attended to Y’Shua’s burial rites.
Jewish tradition corpses are to be buried within twenty-four hours of death if possible. Washing and anointing the naked body of a loved one was an intimate ace of devotion.
Tradition was that first the body was washed and anointed with oils and spices and wrapped in a burial shroud. It was then placed on a stone shelf or in a niche known as a loculus carved into the bedrock wall of the tomb. The body was allowed to decompose and desiccate for as long as a year. When mostly bones were left, the remains would be gathered and placed into an ossuary or ‘bone box’ usually carved from limestone. Often the name of the deceased was carved or scratched on the side into the stone. These rectangular lidded boxes vary in size but typically they are 20 by 10 by 12 inches, long enough for the femur or thigh bone, and wide enough to hold the skull.
And Unknown names of other daughters.


Matthew Levi, the son of Alphaeus and the “5th half-brother of the L-rd. His name means “Gift of Yahweh”, Levi means “Joined in harmony.” Mark 2:14. Was he to be considered part of the family of Y’Shua's too? Though both Matthew and James are described as being the "son of Alphaeus" there is no Biblical account of the two being called brothers.
Alphaeus is mentioned in the New Testament as the father of three of the Twelve Apostles.


Judas, the son of Alphaeus and the “4th half-brother of the L-rd and in the 4th century theologians debated whether the letter of Jude should be included in the New Testament. Many Bible readers today would be surprised to learn that we have within the New Testament letters from Y’Shua’s brothers.
Jude Thaddeus, whose real name is Judas, but is called Thaddeus, which means courageous one in Hebrew to distinguish him from the traitor. He was in his nineties when chosen to succeed Simeon because of the great honor and respect these early Believers had for the royal family.
Martin Luther, a great champion of Paul, moved the letters of James and Jude to the very end of his 1522 edition asserting that “they were of lesser quality than the true and certain books of the New Testament.”
Jude’s letter dates to the last decades of the 1st century A.D. He warned his readers of certain ‘intruders’ who had stolen in among the movement and he urges them to ‘struggle earnestly for the faith that was once for all passed on’ to the original Believers (3), formal passing on of an authorized tradition. The phrase ‘once for all’ implies that no subsequent tradition is to replace the original one. He does not identify by name those he has in mind but he does say that such teachers had turned the notion of ‘grace’ into a license for lawless behavior.
Both James and Jude share the apocalyptic outlook that Y’Shua and John the Baptizer had proclaimed. Jude quoted the Book of Enoch which survives in Ethiopic, and also in Aramaic fragments among the Dead Sea Scrolls. Enoch was the seventh generation from Adam and according to this apocryphal work he had prophesied, “The L-rd comes with 10.000 of His holy ones, to execute judgment on all, and to convict everyone of all the deeds of ungodliness that they have committed.” The reference to the ‘coming of the
L-rd’ was to ‘the only G-d our Savior,’ as Jude puts it, not to the Second Coming of Y’Shua (25). What these early Christians expected was drawn from the Hebrew Prophets who predicted the coming of the L-rd G-d that is Yahweh, not a Second Coming of the Messiah. L-rd meaning G-d in Zech. 14:5; Isa. 40:10; Isa. 66:15.
James and Jude refer to their brother Y’Shua as the “L-rd” but they don’t use the term to refer to the “L-rd G-d” to Y’Shua as their respected “Master” who had given His life for the cause of the Kingdom of G-d. The Greek word for “L-rd” is a term of respect, something akin to ‘Sir’ or Mister.’ One of the pivotal moves that Paul had made was to equate Y’Shua as “L-rd” with passages in the Hebrew Bible that referred exclusively to the “L-rd G-d” of Israel – thus effectively making Y’Shua equal Yahweh. (Isa. 45:22-23).
Paul quotes this very verse but shifts its reference to the “L-rd” Y’Shua as the Messiah in Phil. 2:10-11. This is an enormous change that eventually became commonplace among Christians. Y’Shua as ‘G-d in the flesh’ and His mother became the ‘holy mother of
G-d.” Since Christians maintained that they were nonetheless monotheistic, that is, they adhered to the Shema – the great confession of Judaism, “Hear O Israel, the L-rd our G-d, the L-rd is One” – the conclusion became inescapable. If Y’Shua were truly “G-d”, and there is one G-d not two, then He is nothing less than an incarnation of the L-rd G-d of Israel. To put things bluntly, G-d became man.
Paul started the expression “Jesus Christ”, as if the term “Christ”, which was a Greek term for the Messiah, used as a proper name rather than a designated title.
Y’Shua Himself confessed the Shema and highlighted it as the “Great Commandment” in Mark 12:29. Notice Mark 10:18.
The Didache is the handbook for Christian converts and reminds one strongly of the faith and goodness we find in the letter of James, it was a witness to a form of the Christian faith that traces directly back to Y’Shua and was carried on and perpetuated by James, Jude, and the rest of the Twelve Apostles. In Paul’s gospel there is nothing in the Didache that corresponds to his, - no divinity of Y’Shua, no atoning through His body and blood, and no mentioned of Y’Shua’s resurrection from the dead. In the Didache Y’Shua is the one who has brought the knowledge of life and faith, but there is no emphasis whatsoever upon the figure of Y’Shua apart from His message. Sacrifice and forgiveness of sins in the Didache come through good deeds and a consecrated life.
Jude is given the L-rd’s burial cloth. You see, Y’Shua likes to keep things “all in the family.” Jude Thaddeus, is the Apostle who takes the cloth out of Jerusalem during the time that their brother James the Less is bishop of the city.
He will first evangelize Northern Africa (Mauritania) with the Shroud, to take the cloth to fulfill Y’Shua’ earthly vow, as recorded by the first Church historian, Bishop Eusebius, to heal the king of Edessa, Turkey, known as Agbar the Black. Jude will, again, under Divine Inspiration entrust the cloth to this king, Agbar V. Why? Because the L-rd knew that soon Apostle Jude, with the Apostle Simon the Zealot were to become martyrs for the faith in Persia.
As apparent from today’s headlines, the “prince of Persia” does not like those who preach Truth, whether Old or New Covenant, and stirs up the people of the area to kill those who are the true messengers of G-d.
We have no record of Jude’s manner of death, but we do know that during the early decades of the 2nd century A.D., in Palestine identification with the Davidic family and its messianic expectations could have serious consequences. Any hope of the Kingdom of G-d being realized on earth had begun to fade and Jewish Messianic passion grew cold. Paul is sharply censored as one who put his own testimony based on visions over the certainty of the teachings that the original apostles had from Y’Shua directly.
What Jews had rejected is not so much Y’Shua as the systems of Christian theology that equated Him to G-d, that nullified the Torah, and that displaced Jewish people and their covenant.


Simeon, the son of Alphaeus and the “3rd half-brother of the L-rd,” will take up an important role after his blood brother James the Less (later known as James the Just) is martyred as the first bishop of Jerusalem. Simeon becomes the City of Peace’s 2nd bishop.
Eusebius reported that the remaining apostles gathered with those left of the family of Y’Shua and they took counsel together as to who would succeed James. He wrote that Cleophas was the brother of Joseph, husband of Mariam, and thus also of Davidic lineage. Cleophas was the legal uncle of Y’Shua, and the second husband of Mariam His mother, based on Levirate Law.
We would presume Peter would have taken over the leadership of the group, but the Apostles chose Simon which shows us how important the Y’Shua family was in their thinking.
After being supernaturally warned by G-d in 66 A.D. that the destruction of Jerusalem was forthcoming, Simeon (which means “to hear” in Hebrew) followed the L-rd’s instructions and led a group of early Messianic Believers to the city of Pella in A.D. 66.
Simeon escaped death several times when the Romans decreed that all those of Hebrew origin were to be executed. Simeon was tortured and crucified by the Romans during the persecution of Believers under the reign of the evil emperor Trajan on February 18, 107 A.D. as a descendant of David, he was over one hundred years old at the time.
These records of these early Palestinian Christians during the period of the flight of Pella to the execution of Simon, of what was transpiring in those areas of Christianity to the West that had been influenced by Paul – but details of what was transpired among those who had followed the Teaching represented by His family were not preserved.


Joseph, the son of Alphaeus and the “2nd half-brother of the L-rd,” Mark nicknamed him Joses or Jose. The brother who would have been second in line to succeed James, very possibly had died by the time Simon took over leadership.
We simply cannot know, but what we can know, with some certainty, is that the royal family of Y’Shua, including the children and grandchildren of His brothers and sisters, were honored by the early Believers well into the 2nd century A.D. While at the same time they were watched and hunted down by the highest levels of the Roman government in Palestine.


James, the son of Alphaeus, the “1st. half-brother of the L-rd,” who is also called the "Less" or perhaps "Younger," His name means “Truthful Supplanter,” he is described as the chairman of the Messianic church of Jerusalem, exceeding in rank was Peter and John. Each time in the New Testament where the name of "James" appears, after the official roster of the Apostles is listed in the first chapter of Acts, it refers to James, the brother of Y’Shua, he was the spokesman for the Apostles. At the conference where Paul and Barnabas received a special commission to preach to the Gentiles, Paul certainly mentions him as having been the first and only Apostle with whom he personally conferred three years after his conversion, except for Peter.Prayer was his constant business and delight. He seemed to live upon it and to trade in nothing but the frequent returns of converse with heaven. When the Christians began to canonize the New Testament in the 4th century – that is, to authoritatively determine which books would be included and which would not – the status of the letter of James was questioned. There were three major reasons that some later Christians questioned the letter of James:
1. The first has to do with what James said and did not say about his brother Y’Shua. He only mentioned the name of Y’Shua two times in a passing way and either reference could easily be removed without affecting the content of the letter or the points James was making (1:1; 2:1).
2. In addition, the letter lacked any reference to Paul’s view of Y’Shua as the divine Son of G-d, His atoning death on the cross, or His glorified resurrection. How could a New Testament document that lacked such teachings of Paul’s really be considered ‘Christian’?
3. The other factor that put the letter in disfavor with some was that James directly disputed Paul’s teaching of salvation by faith without the deeds of the Law while strongly upholding the positive nature of the Torah as well as its enduring validity:
James 2:14, 17. What does it profit, my brothers, if a man says he has faith but has not works? Can his faith save him?....So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.
James 1:25. For whoever looks into the perfect Torah, the Torah of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer that forgets but a doer that acts, he shall be blessed in his doing.
James 2:10. For whoever keeps the whole Torah but fails in one point has become guilty of all of it.
James addresses his letter to the Twelve Tribes in the Dispersion. This is a direct reference to the scattered Twelve Tribes of Israel over which Y’Shua had promised they would rule. The letter reflects an early Palestinian Jewish cultural context. He is referred to the local meeting or assembly of Christians as a Synagogue, reflecting his understanding of the movement as fully a part of Judaism (2:2), not to start a new religion. The letter reflects numerous Aramaic and Hebrew expressions.
James taught the practice of anointing the sick with oil, carrying the same message as Y’Shua and John the Baptizer. Also that one is forgive of sins and justified before G-d through repentance and prayer – that is directly calling upon G-d, he wrote that confession of sins and prayer were the way to salvation in 5:15-16. This is in keeping with the general teaching of the Hebrew Bible regarding forgiveness of sins. Judaism teaches salvation that all human beings are justified by grace, fining forgiveness from their sins by repentance and prayer – calling upon the name of the L-rd (Joel 2:32).The letter of James contains the most direct possible link to the teachings of Y’Shua Himself. It is also important to note that James did not directly quote Y’Shua or attribute any of these teachings to Y’Shua by name – even though they are teachings of Y’Shua.
For James the message is not the person of Y’Shua but the message that Y’Shua proclaimed – The Gospel of the Kingdom of G-d with its full political and social implications. Y’Shua, Himself always pointed back to the Father, not holding up himself. James’s letter lacks a single teaching that is characteristic of Paul’s and it draws nothing at all from the tradition of Mark. He wanted to tell it in the Hebrew way just as his Brother did, without all the bells and whistles or add-ons, remember he grew up with his Brother and had front row seat.
What is most amazing about the letter of James is that the ethical content of its teaching is directly parallel to the teachings of Y’Shua that we know from the Qumran source. The Qumran source is the earliest collection of the teachings and sayings of Y’Shua that scholars date to around the years A.D. 50. The lost gospel of Qumran consists of about 235 verses that are mostly but not entirely the sayings of Y’Shua. The Qumran source takes us back to the original teachings of Y’Shua minus much of the theological framework that the gospels subsequently added. Found in the 2nd century in the Book of Jubilees. The most striking characteristic of the Qumran source in terms of reconstructing Christian origins is that it has nothing of Paul’s theology, particularly his Christology or view of the Messiah.
The letter of James, short as it is, contains no fewer than thirty direct references, echoes, and allusions to the teachings of Y’Shua found in the Qumran source!
James saw Y’Shua as a model to follow. As Y’Shua’s successor James sought to emulate Y’Shua’s faith, His ethical teachings, and His courage in the face of evil.
It is surely an irony of history that the high priest Annas, who had presided at the trial of Y’Shua, was behind the murder of James, also at the season of Passover in the year A.D. 62. The successor to Festus, the enemies of James decided to dispatch him. A council of Sanhedrin was hastily summoned. They charged James and others with transgressing the Jewish Law and delivered them to be stoned. They plotted to set the scribes and Pharisees to in snare him. They told him they had a mighty confidence in him and that they would that he might correct the error and false opinion the people had of Y’Shua. To that end he was invited to go to the top of the Temple where he might be seen and heard by all. There they demanded, 'Tell us, what the institution of the crucified Y’Shua is?' The people below, hearing it, glorified the blessed Y’Shua. The Scribes and Pharisees perceiving now that they had overshot themselves and that instead of reclaiming the people had confirmed them in their error, thought there was no way left but presently to dispatch him, that by his sad fate others might be warned not to believe him. Wherefore, suddenly crying out that James the just himself was seduced and had become an imposter, they threw him down from the place where he stood, the southeast wall of the Temple complex and fell into the Kidron Valley.. Barely alive, though bruised, he was not killed by the fall, but recovered so much strength, as to get upon his knees and pray to heaven for them.
They began to load him with a shower of stones until one more mercifully cruel than the rest with a fuller's dub beat out his brains. Thus died, about 24 years after Messiah’s ascension, He was buried in that area, not far from the Temple itself, upon the Mt. of Olives in a tomb which he had built for himself. Y’Shua was crucified outside the eastern wall of Jerusalem, both He and His brother James died in very close proximity to each other, both at Passover, and both at the hands of Annas family of priests.James death, like that of Y’Shua, was a fulfillment of prophecy. Isa. 3:10 says: “Let us bind the Just One, for he is a burden to us.” It is chilling to note that James himself, probably with the brutal death of his brother Y’Shua in mind, wrote in his letter in 5:6: “You have condemned and murdered the Just One and He does not resist you”. He likely had no idea how prophetic his words would prove to be regarding his own death.Agrippa II held court, and complained about the murder of James. Agrippa had Annas stripped of the priesthood that he had only held for three months. Hegesippus wrote that James was holy from his mother’s womb and like his kinsman John the Baptizer neither drank wine nor ate any meat. James was believed by all men to be most righteous and thus called ‘Just’ by all men from Y’Shua’s time to his own.

Are you grateful??

No matter what your political convictions are this is an eye opener....What a thankless people we are!!!
David Letterman, on President Bush.
'As most of you know I am not a President Bush fan, nor have I ever been, but this is not about Bush, it is about us, as Americans, and it seems to hit the mark.' 'The other day I was reading Newsweek magazine and came across some Poll data I found rather hard to believe. It must be true given the source, right? The Newsweek poll alleges that 67 percent of Americans are unhappy with the direction the country is headed and 69 percent of the country is unhappy with the performance of the President.. In essence 2/3 of the citizenry just ain't happy and want a change. So being the knuckle dragger I am, I started thinking, 'What are we so unhappy about?'
A. Is it that we have electricity and running water 24 hours a day, 7 Days a week?
B. Is our unhappiness the result of having air conditioning in the summer and heating in the winter?
C. Could it be that 95.4 percent of these unhappy folks have a job?
D. Maybe it is the ability to walk into a grocery store at any time and see more food in moments than Darfur has seen in the last year?
E. Maybe it is the ability to drive our cars and trucks from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean without having to present identification papers as we move through each state.
F. Or possibly the hundreds of clean and safe motels we would find along the way that can provide temporary shelter?
G. I guess having thousands of restaurants with varying cuisine from around the world is just not good enough either.
H. Or could it be that when we wreck our car, emergency workers show up and provide services to help all and even send a helicopter to take you to the hospital.
I. Perhaps you are one of the 70 percent of Americans who own a home.
J. You may be upset with knowing that in the unfortunate case of a fire, a group of trained firefighters will appear in moments and use top notch equipment to extinguish the flames thus saving you, your family, and your belongings.
K. Or if, while at home watching one of your many flat screen TVs, a burglar or prowler intrudes, an officer equipped with a gun and a bullet-proof vest will come to defend you and your family against attack or loss.
L. This all in the backdrop of a neighborhood free of bombs or militias raping and pillaging the residents. Neighborhoods where 90% of teenagers own
cell phones and computers.
M. How about the complete religious, social and political freedoms we enjoy that are the envy of everyone in the world?
Maybe that is what has 67% of you folks unhappy. Fact is, we are the largest group of ungrateful, spoiled brats the world has ever seen.
No wonder the world loves the U.S. , yet has a great disdain for its citizens.
They see us for what we are. The most blessed people in the world who do nothing
but complain about what we don't have, and what we hate about the country instead of thanking the good Lord we live here. I know, I know. What about the president who took us into war and has no plan to get us out? The president who has a measly 31 percent approval rating?
Is this the same president who guided the nation in the dark days after 9/11?The president that cut taxes to bring an economy out of recession?
Could this be the same guy who has been called every name in the book for succeeding in keeping all the spoiled ungrateful brats safe from terrorist attacks? The commander in chief of an all-volunteer army that is out there defending you and me?
Did you hear how bad the President is on the news or talk show? Did this news affect you so much, make you so unhappy you couldn't take a look around for yourself and see all the good things and be glad?
Think about it......are you upset at the President because he actually caused you personal pain OR is it because the 'Media' told you he was failing to kiss your sorry ungrateful behind every day.
Make no mistake about it. The troops in Iraq and Afghanistan have volunteered to serve, and in many cases may have died for your freedom. There is currently no draft in this country. They didn't have to go. They are able to refuse to go and end up with either a ''general'' discharge, an 'other than honorable'' discharge or, worst case scenario, a ''dishonorable' discharge after a few days in the brig. So why then the flat-out discontentment in the minds of 69 percent of Americans?
Say what you want, but I blame it on the media. If it bleeds it leads and they specialize in bad news. Everybody will watch a car crash with blood and guts. How many will watch kids selling lemonade at the corner? The media knows this and media outlets are for-profit corporations. They offer what sells, and when criticized, try to defend their actions by 'justifying' them in one way or another. Just ask why they tried to allow a murderer like O.J. Simpson to write a book about how he didn't kill his wife, but if he did he would have done it this way... ...Insane! Turn off the TV, burn Newsweek, and use the New York Times for the bottom of your bird cage. Then start being grateful for all we have as a country. There is exponentially more good than bad. We are among the most blessed people on Earth and should thank God several times a day or at least be thankful and appreciative.''With hurricanes, tornados, fires out of control, mud slides, flooding, severe thunder-storms tearing up the country from one end to another, and with the threat of bird flu and terrorist attacks, 'Are we sure this is a good time to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance?' -David Letterman

Levirate Marriage

Levirate Marriage of Mariam:
It is required in the Torah in Deut. 25:5-10, were the oldest surviving unmarried brother or relative was obligated to marry his deceased brother’s widow and bear a male child in his name so that his dead brother’s ‘name’ or lineage would not perish. To honor a man who died without an heir and thus assure his posterity was one of the most sacred and holy things a family could do. Remember Tamer and Ruth had Levirate marriages.
Mary’s Jewish name was Mariam, and she became pregnant while engaged, by the Holy Spirit; Joseph married her anyway, and adopted Y’Shua as his own.
The last we hear of Joseph was when Y’Shua was twelve years old, it is a good reason to suppose that Joseph died early, whether because he was substantially older than Mariam was or for some other unknown cause. It comes up in a discussion in the Gospels where Y’Shua is asked about a case in which a woman is widowed no less than seven times and each time successively marries a brother of her first husband in Mark 12:19-22.
Mariam being as young as fifteen or sixteen when she had Y’Shua B.C. 5, then in her twenties she had James the Just A.D. 5, Simon, Joseph nicknamed Jose or Joses, Jude. Salome only mentioned by Mark 15:40 is possibly Y’Shua’s sister.
Mark 15:47; 16:1 identifies the ‘other Mariam’ two times as the mother of the two fishermen James and John, who were part of the Twelve. We do know Mariam the mother of Y’Shua also had two sons named James and Joses, (Mk. 6:3), and it was assumed they were sisters. Is it likelihood that two sisters in the same family would have the same name, and then have children with the same name also? Some translated it as sisters-in-law.
John 19:25 calls the second Mariam as the wife of Cleophas. Something seems to be going on here. John knows something that either he, or those who later edited his gospel, chose to veil. Could it be the one in the same woman – in order to disguise the fact that Y’Shua’s mother Mariam, after the death of Joseph, married his brother Cleophas? A decrypted version of John would read: ‘Standing by the cross of Y’Shua was His mother Mariam wife of Cleophas and Mariam of Magdalene, and Salome the sister of Y’Shua.’ This would agree perfectly with Mark and not create the absurdity of sisters-in-law of the same name having identically named children, including the nickname “Joses,” in the same order of birth.
Joseph’s brother, Cleophas, though seldom recognized, is mentioned in the New Testament in John 19:25. Cleophas’ name comes from the Hebrew root chalaph and means to ‘change or to replace.’ It is an ancestor of the English term ‘caliphate,’ referring to a dynastic succession of rulers. So this is likely not his given name, but a type of nickname. He is the one who replaced his brother Joseph, who died childless. Cleophas is mentioned elsewhere by the Greek form of the same name – Alphaeus. His firstborn son was regularly known as ‘James son of Alphaeus or James the younger’ to distinguish him from James son of Zebedee the fisherman, brother of the apostle John.
According to Jewish Law ‘Cleophas or Alphaeus’ became his ‘replacer,’ and married his widow, Mariam, mother of Y’Shua. His firstborn son, James, the brother who succeeded Y’Shua, legally became known as the ‘son of Joseph’ after his deceased brother in order to carry on his name. This would mean that Y’Shua had four half-brothers and at least two half sisters, all born of His mother Mariam but from a different father.
In Mark 2:14, Matthew is described as ‘Levi son of Alphaeus’ that would also make him a brother to Y’Shua. But why would he be called Matthew or Levi rather than Joseph? It is possible that he was known by both names, one was his and the other was given to him in honor of Joseph, the deceased husband of Mariam and brother of Cleophas. This combination of names was quite common in the period, especially among those connected to a priestly lineage, as was Mariam. Remember in her line alone are listed half a dozen ‘Matthews.’ Y’Shua’s grandfather was Levi. The 1st century Jewish historian, Josephus was named Joseph and he had a father and brother named Matthew and a grandfather named Joseph. His family was the same priestly lineage, descended from the Maccabees.
It is indicated in the gospel of John 19:25 when Y’Shua, the eldest son in the family, just before His death, handed His mother over to the care of a mysterious ‘beloved disciple’ that John prefers not to name. We assumed John was talking about himself, ‘whom He loved is mentioned in 19:26; 21:7; and 21:20. This person is most likely James, His brother, the next eldest in the family to take care of His mother who was widowed again, and became His successor. We have to remember that the gospels are primarily theological accounts of the Y’Shua story written a generation or more after His death. When it comes to Y’Shua’s’ family there is much they do not spell out, and there are things they appear to deliberately suppress. The reasons for these tendencies are a tangled tale of political conspiracy and religious power plays with stakes destined to shape the future of the world’s largest religion. And that they do not take into account Jewish history and tradition The Blessed Virgin Mary, they say, only had one husband (Joseph) and remained a virgin and had no other children, making the New Testament more ‘Gentile’ in form and origin by changing the translations to fit their purpose. The other names were considered ‘cousins.’ One may find this on the net from the Catholic sights. The message is simple, especially for those who literally interpret the Scripture to attack Mary's virginity: ‘don't play name games with the Word!’
Many have the mistake impression that our New Testament gospels offer us four fairly complete biographies of His life. The facts are otherwise. Mark and John begins their story with Y’Shua at age thirty, Matthew and Luke add birth stories and they include more of the teachings of Y’Shua but basically they follow Mark’s lead. The vital role Y’Shua’s brothers played was in process of being painted out of the picture. We are missing any historical record of the first thirty years of Y’Shua’s life. We know that His family grew up poor for they could only afford two young doves for sacrifice (Lev. 12:8 and Lk. 2:24).
Eight days after the birth, at the circumcision, the child was given the legal name ‘Y’Shua bar Yosef,’ or Y’Shua son of Joseph. Joseph was known as a carpenter. The Greek word tekton is a more generic term referring to a ‘builder.’ It can include one who works with wood, but in its 1st century Galilean context it more likely refers to a stoneworker. The 2nd century Proto-evangelism of James refers to Joseph as a ‘builder of buildings.’ Houses and buildings were built of stone. Wood was used sparingly, mostly for roof and beams and doors, since wood was a scarce building material in the rocky terrain of Palestine. In one of Y’Shua’s well known stories He speaks of the wise man who is building a house digs a deep foundation and lays the solid stone foundation of the building upon bedrock in Luke 6:48. He appears to have been exposed to the building trades, and stonework of some type was most likely His trade.
In the Roman culture the artisan trades were regarded as akin to slave labor. They were viewed as the toilsome, backbreaking work of the lower classes and anyone who said his father was a tekton would demean his social class.
I could not find anything out about Cleophas/ Alphaeus trade.
Paul’s connection to Y’Shua was based on his own visionary experiences in which he claimed to have ‘seen’ Y’Shua several years after His crucifixion. He states he had received his authority and his commission directly from the heavenly Messiah and needed no earthly human approval or authorization. Paul developed his views on Christology based on his own mystical experiences but he would have been able to draw upon a complex set of speculative Jewish traditions as well. He referred to his message of the exalted Messiah and the gift of forgiveness and eternal life made available by His death as ‘my gospel.’ He seldom mentioned anything that Y’Shua taught and said little about His life other than His death. No one in the Y’Shua movement was thinking about a ‘new religion’ but rather a restoration and fulfillment of the promises that G-d had anciently made to Israel. Paul was called to the Gentiles, and his implications are clear. G-d’s covenant with Israel has been nullified by ‘faith in Messiah,’ so that ‘being Jewish and following the commandments of G-d set forth in the Torah had become obsolete. That is why Peter and many others did not agree with his teachings; the issue was raised directly in A.D. 58 when Paul was called to appear before the elders. He tacitly allowed them to assume he was dedicated to the Torah but then he wrote to 1 Cor. 9:20-21 the contrary. Presumably, among Gentiles he was willing to live as a Gentile, which certainly no Jew observant of the Law could ever do. He thought he was a apostle and in no way inferior to any of the Twelve, though they did not accept all his teachings. (1 Cor. 15:10). He broke from James and the Jerusalem leaders. Paul’s legacy is a alarming one, since his version of the gospels was gradually accepted by more and more Christians scattered throughout the Roman world. After 70 A.D. the message of the original Twelve Apostles began to diminish. His letters and the influence of his ideas as embedded in the New Testament writings, including the gospels, became so persuasive that they came to constitute what was viewed as the only authentic Christianity, losing its Jewish roots. The New Testament itself is primarily a literary legacy of the apostle Paul, for he is the author of thirteen of twenty-seven books. Paul was the hero of Mark, and the other gospels spun off of what Mark said, each adding their own twist.
There is something about the myth of the Messiah that taints otherwise honest people, turning them into liars and confidence tricksters. The prejudices of the great historian and Christian defender in general are inexcusable. They believe the gospels are G-d-given, with no proof other than what they have always been led to understand, and that therefore suffices. Not understanding that there have been many translations down through the years, and changes have been made. It does not suffice for anyone who is properly scholarly. Christians cannot be scholarly and simply believe their childish fairy stories with no conclusive proof they should have the respect they give them. They believe the preachers and do not take the time to study to show thyself approved rightly dividing the word of truth. It does not matter that their parents believed it and so do millions of their friends. They all suffer from the same lack of discernment. They just believe what they are told. No historian could make such offhand assessments of competing texts. The fact that the texts they prefer are religious texts is an excellent reason for treating them with suspicion. People will give them excessive credence simply because they have been accepted as authoritative in the past, irrespective of their validity. Once the canon of acceptable books had been decided by the Church, other books that were historically more valid, were forgotten, or even deliberately destroyed in the Church’s timeless war against unorthodoxy and heresy. So it is that a book like the Protevangelium, long ignored, might contain genuine tradition quite contrary to the beliefs of the dogmatized.
Now let's do serious Bible Study, and go to Strong's and the KJV (both Protestant, by the way). Go to that link, and search for these two passages, one at a time: Matt 10:3 and John 19:25.
In the first, click the 'C' icon for the Strong's Concordance, then click the Strong's number for the name Alphaeus.
Comes up 'father of James the Less'.
We knew that. Now hit the back button to start again with John 19:25. Go to the Concordance ('C' icon), then hit the number for Cleophas, and gosh: it comes up father of James the less!
In other words, Alphaeus and Cleophas are simply two forms of the same name, It is not only NOT being held up that these brothers 'may' be Our L-rd's siblings, but that idea is being REFUTED by the Scripture, when one harmonizes the Gospels! We should also point out that the Scripture nowhere calls them Mariam's children.


Strong meanings:
It may be regarded as the missing of a mark or aim;
The disobedience to a Voice;
The falling where one should have stood upright;
Ignorance of what one ought to have known;
It is regarded as a failing and missing the true end and scope of our lives, which is G-d;
A discord in the harmonies of G-d’s universe;

Ecc. 10:4 If the spirit of a ruler rise up against you, leave not your place; for yielding pacified great offences.
Matt. 18:7 Woe unto the world because of offences! For it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!
Lk. 17:1 Then said He unto the disciples, it is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!
Rom. 4:25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.
Rom. 16:7 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause division and offences contrary to the doctrine which you have learned; and avoid them.

Love is like a hurricane and I am bending beneath the weight and suddenly I am aware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory. If grace is an ocean we’re all sinking and my heart turns violently inside my chest. I don’t have time to maintain these regrets for the Father is calling me to Him.
Mankind can not express the love that our hearts desire – that true unconditional love comes only from the Heavenly realm. That is the only place were things happen for our good and not our harm.
My people why do you go another hurting one another? Even done un-intentionally it causes much harm.
“Why does not My body cry with the wounded, not only from the highest but to the lowest. Only I can calm the storms and bring rest to the soul. Hold on to My hand and I will walk you through the raging storm. Trust Me for I will not let you fall but take you deeper in Me.
You have come too far to turn back now – finish the race that I have set before you.
The Heavenly storehouses are laden with treasures all for you. Your bank account has been deposited and overflowing.
Don’t quit on Me now! Going backwards is not an option! March proudly forward, for I walk with you. Hold your head up for you belong to Me, and I call you precious.


My mother has the beginning of beginnings of emphysema breathing problems, people who smoke plus non – smokers can get this. She has quite smoking for many years not. Treatment is Low-flow oxygen therapy may be prescribed for continual use, during exertion, or during sleep, and is typically administered through a nasal cannula. Oxygen therapy requires careful measurement by a doctor to determine the correct dosing (flow rate) because if too little is administered, the patient still experiences symptoms. However, if too much oxygen is administered, the patient can cause further, long-term damage to the lungs.
Emphysema patients are prone to lung infections, which if left untreated, can be life threatening. When respiratory infections accompany the emphysema, antibiotics may be prescribed. It is critical that the patient follow the instructions carefully to avoid becoming resistant to the antibiotic treatment.
Since emphysema patients are susceptible to frequent lung infections, it is important that they keep the lung passages from becoming mucous. Drinking sufficient fluids and occasionally using a mist inhaler can help keep mucus from accumulating in the lungs, and therefore reduce susceptibility of bacterial infections.
Pulmonary rehabilitation may be suggested to improve exercise tolerance and quality of life. However, any exercise program should be performed only under doctor supervision. This is one of the newest treatments for emphysema that have proven to be effective in slowing the progression of the disease.
I understand that smoking is an addiction; they say it is worse to quite than trying to break the strongest dope. Smokers have rights same as non-smokers, but their rights have been taken away, since you can't smoke in enclosed public areas anymore. If you are around a smoker and it offends you – move away from them; allow individual chooses by maintaining yours.I agree with everyone who's said if you want to condone someone for smoking which may damages your health, the same would have to go for anyone overweight. Anyone with a poor diet maybe even anyone without an EXCELLENT diet? Anyone who drinks too much, anyone who abuses drugs, anyone who works in dangerous jobs, and anyone who drives too fast, anyone who you know...who lives. A lot of things can end up killing you, once they said it was the red m&ms, every year they come up with different health tips revising the old theories. A lot of diseases could have been preventable through diet and lifestyle [heart disease, etc] and a lot of accidents could have been prevented through precaution etc. Essentially YOUR reaction to a situation is YOUR responsibility, and as harsh as it sounds, other people shouldn't have to spend their lives not-doing-things [like smoking, drinking, eating etc] just because of how YOU might react if it should kill them. Do you enjoy spending time with them, or harp on the subject? I personally would like the harpers not to be around, for loving me is letting me be me.
Smoking has been proven to shorten your life, and if you have kids it means they lose you earlier, it is not the time you spend together but the quality of that time. But I think this applies to drinking too much as well, because that messes up the liver and a bad diet to (because weight + diet can be inherited). The point is, a lot of things our parents do could be deemed selfish, but no one is perfect, INCLUDEING children, and friends.
There are so many ways you could look at this. What if smoking was the only thing stopping the people form having a complete mental breakdown? 'I have scars because I have a past; but they, like my past, do not define my future' In the olden days Doctors use to recommend smoking to calm their patients down.
We all reap what we sow – it is called free chooses – and death were is thy sting – grave were is thy victory?
Live and let live for we are all individuals heading to the same destination.

Election Day

I was with a person at the lake and we were journaling as we heard from the
L-rd, then read what we got to each other. Now this person rarely shares unless feels led to. As we were leaving, were impressed that G-d said to know the meaning of the date. That afternoon when I started to study, I felt impress to look up the meaning since I was the researcher; here are my results:

11 Stands for judgment Matt. 13:25; 14:1-31
Eleven judgments upon Egyptians Ex. 7:14
Eleven days journey in the wilderness Deut. 1:2
Dinah was the eleventh child born to Jacob and name means judgment
Gen. 30:21
Eleven things John saw Rev. 20:11-15

4 Reference to the earthly creation;
four regions ( north, south, east, west),
four seasons ( winter, spring, summer, fall)
four horns on the altar
four winds. Matt. 24:31; Rev. 7:1
four world empires Dan. 2
8 Represents resurrection and tells of a new beginning, fullness or abundance.
Circumcision on the eighth day. Col. 2:11
Eight souls passed through the flood
Eighth dispensations (millennium)
All equal up to;
23 Death

There is a change in the atmosphere!
Freedom as we know - will change
Life will take a change – for the good or the bad
Bottom line is to speak no evil about anyone – you do not want your words to go into the atmosphere for the advisory to use. We are told to pray for our leaders.
Know G-d is in control and His word says “His people will not beg for bread”; but it also says “It rains on the just and injust”.
Look up your redemption draweth nigh!
My interpretation: "Judgment will come on the people from the north, south, east and west in fullness or abundance. Spiritual and physical death, many will be taken home."
I even toke it a step farther to: 2 represents witnesses and 3 is the G-d head.
"Thinking we're closer to the last days when the two witnesses are proclaiming G-d, even onto their death." Do you get anything different?

Love of Creation

Are you enjoying My creation?
Are you enjoying the birds softly singing to you?
Are you enjoying the cool breeze on your head?
All things I have made in My garden for your pleasure; wouldn’t you take the time to enjoy them?
Life goes speeding by one day your young the next day you are old. Sometimes I need to slow My people down enough to enjoy My creativity and to fellowship with Me. So if things get you up set because it ruined your plans – know that it has not ruined My plans.
Maybe I am just calling you back to rest a while with Me. I have created such days to fellowship with you.
Have you studies My animals? They were put there to teach you and comfort you. If only My people would learn from them how to become of one-accord. Animals are industrial and plan and store for the seasons. They are never found being sloth and useless.
If I love them and care for them – how much more I love you who were made in My image. You must work and toil and do all you can do; then I will meet You and provide where you lack. In Me, you can do all things, have I not said you will do even bigger and better things.
All is done for the glory of My Kingdom, so take your rest for soon you will be busy gathering in My harvest.

Standing Firm

I have made you to stand strong and straight. But you have been placed towards the bottom and started to bend over from all the pressure. You are full of large gapping holes that go very deep but they have not penetrated completely through. Scar tissue has formed all around the outside but I have covered them with My grace.
You appear to be mummified but I have given you strength to stand the course I have set before you. I have built you strong and deposited My words in you. Smoothing off the rough edges as you release them to Me.
The world goes by outward appearances but I see the whole pattern that I have design, and I call you beautiful! Rest in Me, My Child, for I am in control and can change all circumstances to work for My good. Keep your eyes focus on Me and watch My wonders appear right before your very eyes.
I know you have felt lonely, but I have sent other eagles to fly with you for a season.
I know you think you are tipping over and falling, but I have you in the center of My hand. Look up into my eyes for you will walk on the water with Me.

Wayward Waves

Wisdom from the Lord on Wayward Waves
October 6, 2008
Oh the nation seems it is on a wavered wave of down and under. But I say look up for your redemption draweth nigh.
Recall dear one I showed you almost three years ago that the richest of the rich could be the poorest of the poor. A time such as this is needed to bring man to his knees, man has looked to himself for provision, yes, I give man the skills needed both in wisdom and physical, means, however, they have left me out of their decision an let greed and self take over. Does it not say everything that can be shaken will be, but does it not also say do not fear the terror of the night, also do not fear for I am with you. This is a work that needs to be done so all things can come to pass for My kingdom to be at hand. Time is drawing short and the evil one knows it and has sent every demon in hell out to fulfill his purpose, but I am who I say I am, the beginning and the end and the end is not yet to be, no one knows the hour but I tell you dear one I am on the throne, and some things that don’t look to be of Me will be concluded in the end, it was I moving, changing, extending, shortening, shifting all so that everything is in place for My next move, even down to the very hairs on the heads of those called by name. I tell you destinies of Mine will come to pass and those that have let the evil one pull them into things that should not be, will repent and My grace will be sufficient. My covenant with My people will not be broken. I will make My voice heard in the middle of the storm. It is a wake up call for the elect of Me to the things out of the way, and get ready to move out in the army of God. Each one has a place, even the highest position does not mean the lowest is just not as important.
What does all of heaven rejoice in but one soul coming into eternity with Me.
Wake up and get ready oh sleepers, arise in Me and I will arise in you for My plan and purpose; again I say GET READY do not worry about tomorrow for I already have made provision, do not look to any man but look to Me and My plan and purpose in your life: be mindful of your brother that you set an example in the shifting and that you do not become a stumbling block. Whether My body sees it or not, all eyes are watching through this storm. Set your eyes on me; watch your words during this crucial time, put a guard at your mouth and speak negative of NO ONE for you don’t want the evil one to take your words and use them against the plans and proposes of Me. Trust in Me and do well for what is ahead for the hour and time has come for My people to arise and no weapon formed against them will prosper, for I am at the head of My army. It is My love and compassion for each one the world needs to see now. Again I say be encouraged. Go out now and be used of Me for My glory, seek Me first in all you do and I will guide your steps all the way.
From a vessel of the Lord