Peace! Peace?

[Jer. 4:10 ….. Ye shall have peace; whereas the sword reacheth unto the soul.]
"And I said, Receive my supplication, O L-rd G-d; for, behold, the false prophets deceive this people and the inhabitants, saying, you shall have peace." The prophet could not reconcile this devastation of the country with the promises already made; and he appears to ask the question, Have you not then deceived this people in saying there shall be peace and prosperity?
The false prophets foretold "peace," and the people believed them; G-d overruled this to His purposes. When the sword is at the door, not only ready to take away the comforts of life, but even life itself, “the people being generally destroyed speaking in martial language, warning them of the nature of their approaching judgment.
There shall be tidings brought both to the country and city. A drying blasting wind, a parching scorching wind, which spoils the fruits of the earth and withers them, not a wind which brings rain, but such as comes out of the north, which drives away rain (Proverbs 25:23), but brings something worse instead of it; such shall this evil out of the north be to people, a black freezing wind, which they can neither fence against nor flee from, but, wherever they go, it shall surround and pursue them; and they cannot see it before it comes, but, when it comes, they shall feel it. It is a wind of the high places in the wilderness, or plain, that beats upon the tops of the hills or that carries all before it in the plain, where there is no shelter, but the ground is all champaign. It shall come in its full force towards the daughters of My people, that have been brought up so tenderly and delicately that they could not endure to have the wind blow upon them. Now this fierce wind shall come against them, not to fan, nor cleanse them, not such a gentle wind as is used in winnowing corn, but a full wind, a strong and violent wind, blowing full upon them. It is in vain to think either of opposing them or of outrunning them. This shall come to Me, or rather for Me; it shall come with commission from G-d and shall accomplish that for which He sends it; for this, as other stormy winds, fulfills His word.
Ill news flies apace; and an impenitent people, that hates to be reformed, can expect no other that ill news.
The lamentable cause of this judgment.
They sinned against G-d; it was all owing to themselves: She has been rebellious against Me, said the L-rd, your way and your doings have procured these things unto you, your evil way and your doings that have not been good. Those that go on in sin while they are endeavoring to ward off mischief with one hand are at the same time pulling them upon their own heads with the other.
In men's anger against us, and the violence of that, we must see and own G-d's anger and the power of that. If that were turned back from us, our enemies could not come forward against us.
In His just and holy anger He condemned them to this dreadful punishment: and we are sure that the judgment of G-d is according to the truth, and the execution of that judgment.
The false prophets, who had cried peace to them, shall be put into the greatest amazement imaginable, seeing their own guilty blood ready to be shed by that sword which they had often told the people there was no danger of. G-d's judgments come with the greatest terror upon those that have been most secure. Our Savior foretells that at the last destruction men's hearts should fail them for fear, Luke 21:26. And it is common for those who have cheated and flattered people into a carnal security not only to fail them, but to discourage them, when the trouble comes.

Single Parenting

Life has many chooses but eternity has only two.
I hear people (straight & alternate life style) saying “We are in a ‘new generation’ from when the Good Book has written”.
Which means what? A license to life as they please because sin runs ramped and it is acceptable?
What part of ‘G-d is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow’ do they not understand?
His Words and His Laws have never been recalled just because they choose to satisfy their fleshly desires above all else.
Women particularly have choose in the last 10 years to place their own flesh and blood offspring in second place giving first place to a ‘mate’s’ attention, if we checking saticites it is a fact the children deal with depression, and suicide thoughts as a way out of their unbearable situations.
Taking in the situation of the children is this the best environment for the children, who did not ask to be born?
I have been told by many: “Well, don’t I deserve to be happy and make a life for myself?”
Many women are not learning from their mistakes, today many children are born out of wedlock, lust runs ramped.
As a mother our first responsibility is to our children, they are priority not self. Children are innocent for a short period of time and need their mother’s support and understanding and time to be there to walk them through any experience.
Many times when they are involved with significant other the child seems lost in the process.
I have seen many single parents for many years choose to put their children first, train them, educate them, support them, and walk through life with them. When they are old enough and the responsibility is release they seek a mate.
Children deserve a good happy life not to be concern by other situations growing up pier pressure is enough within itself.
Life has many choices so please count the cost and choose wisely.
We will all stand at the door of eternity so think about the choices you make.
The L-rd loves all mankind and does not want one not to spend eternity with Him.

Lost Faith?

“For I walk through the cities of this Earth where you so your deal-making. And it is as I pas you by, beloved, that My cheeks are hot with tears shed for you. For, indeed, has it not been I who was beside you even from when you were a child? Has it not been My presence that was with you in the travail of your soul you cried out? And in the valley of the shadow when none knew your agony of heart, was I not beside you, child? Was it not strange that those coincidences that delivered you from events that could have destroyed the course of your life where in parallel to those nights when you cried out to Me?
But as you grew in years, in the knowledge of worldly things, your heart once tender and open to Me became hardened and your conscience scared. And so as you grew in the ways of a perverse and thankless generation, you rejected faith as you knew it. And you threw Me aside as a childish thing.
Yes still in your times of greatest pain you would all out to Me. And in great compassion I would come to you, and you would know My comfort. But then the morning light would dawn, and memories of Me would fade. And so you grew in your own self-sufficiency.
And so it came, that through the passage of time you started to look upon Me and Mine with cynicism. And your heart became jaded and filled with unbelief. And so it was that your rationalized that you indeed put away childish things, and so you embraced the atheism of a perverse generation and rejected Me.
But still I was there as an onlooker, weeping for you, calling you tenderly until you closed the door to your heart completely. I watch over the years as you strove to find your way alone through the ruthlessness of life around you.
Your tentatively reached out to love, and then learned that risk hurt you. And so the first of your barriers was erected and then the second and the third, until love was a disregarded ideal, until you became as much the abuser as the abused.
And still I watched you, as you rose up the ranks of society and learned the fine are of disguise. And how well you wore your masks. And I watched as you mastered the lies until truth became so distorted that even the lies seemed like truth and the truth was despised.
And so now, My child, held in such high esteem by a renegade generation – you hold your position – you have achieved many desires, and many goals have been accomplished. And so you say in your heart: I have lost faith. And you scoff behind their backs at those few who still hold on to the vestiges of faith amidst the masses filled with cynicism and unbelief.
Yes, still some nights, I enter your household, and silently, unnoticed by you, I stand by your bedside. And I watch the hardness on your face ease as weariness enfolds you and the stresses and strains of all that encompasses your life today dissolved away in sleep’s deep respite. And I too remember a time when in your tender years you held out your heart to Me in wonder and in innocence. And it is as I remember one so esteemed by the society who does your bidding…
It is as I remember that the tears course down My face for you.
For you see, my child, you did not lose faith …. You have lost Me”.
‘The Unknown Prophet’.

Homosexual Lifestyle

“Beloved, do you not know? Do you not see? As you seek to find love, it is really Me you are looking for. I tell you that although My church has upheld the principles of Scripture, so they often have not done with a true reflection of My heart and My grace.
I stand before you with My arms out-stretched, not in judgment but in mercy, and I stand before you at this moment, not in condemnation but with mercy and with a love that would relentlessly purse you.
I was there at the first abuse of you body. I was there when you were mocked and rejected by your peers, and a searing came to your sensitive heart, as the father of lies whispered to you and you embraced the lies. You indeed drew to yourself others ensnared and battling the same, and so the lie took root and the lifestyle was born.
I know the breaches in your soul. I was there when your heart was scarred and bruised where others did not understand.
Forgive My church. Forgive those who judged you who follow Me. For surely, though they know My Word, they hearken not to the breath of My Spirit. My voice is quiet, full of tenderness, full of mercy.
I weep as I see you bring that which cannot be revoked down upon yourself. For the consequence of breaking the eternal Law cannot be revoked. And My judgment upon you is My mercy. Take heed, beloved, take heed and hear My voice.
In no other upon Heaven and Earth shall you find the rest for your aching soul, call upon me for forgiveness and I will answer.”
Modified from the 'Unknown Prophet'

God's Church

“Teach my church that they maybe one, feed My church with the Word. My Church is weak and oppressed, many think they thrive but they know not My presence where they prostrate before Me.
Feed My poor, for many of My poor have My presence. Many of My poor know My face, yet they perish: they cry out to Me for mercy, but My church turns their face. My church does not heal; for My church has become a place of trade, a place of merchandise.
Purify My church that it may be fit for the Bridegroom, that it may be fit for the harvest.
Many of My ministers have been out of step with Me in this past church age, out of time with My Spirit. The religious spirit has so dominated the Charismatic body and left My church so complacent. Their faces are set like flint.
My church will not heed the voice of the system or the politics and manipulations of man or minister. They shall not need or require man’s favor or reward, for they are a strange and wonderful breed dedicated and holy unto Me. They are neither bribable nor corruptible. Their master is neither mammon nor fame, nor favor. But their master is the mighty Holy One of Israel. They shall come forth with a fierce countenance for they do not listen to the voice of man and they have been trained in the desert place and the wilderness. They have been raised on misunderstanding and rejection. They have walked being despised and passed over and have been measured by the judgments of man, many have been rejected by the churches, cast out and not sought after. But they will come forth and shine like gold for they can be bought by no man, no ministry, no pastor or elder.
They are Mine that were refined by fire, they hold only to Me. They speak only My words. They do only My deeds and they will raise their voices in judgment against the false systems of My church. And they shall raise their hand even as Elijah, and My signs and My judgments shall come forth. The fear and conviction of My Father shall fall upon them and they shall know that that they are His, His alone.
My hand be stayed against this disobedient generation of My church. Watch well and see this people, for I tell you that even at this hour they rise in your midst. Take care and discern correctly that you may not be found having despised these strange ones, they are the prophets of the Most High.
Western churches heed what lays ahead – the persecutions, the sufferings, the martyrdoms. You who have tended to shy away from the subject of suffering, teach the people to learn to walk equipped to endure. Only a few isolated territories of My people have suffered in My name. Their lives and the lives of their loved ones have truly been laid down for the sake of My Words. A time of suffering draws nigh unto you if you don’t change your ways. Embrace My ways. Take little stock in your reputation, but take great stock in Mine. Take little stock in your buildings, but take great stock in Mine. For My building is My people, and you have neglected My people. Yet My children are of infinite value to Me!
It is a privilege to suffer for My sake and for the sake of My Scriptures. For up until now many of you, called by Me, have paid the price for your call but now you shall learn to suffer for My Word, and it is a much higher thing to suffer than to
do great exploits. Gird yourselves up for war for what starts as satanic onslaughts in the spirit realm will swiftly cross into the realm of the natural. I tell you that where you now walk in peace and where you walk in freedom of speech, there is yet coming a time, there yet comes a season, where even to speak My name will bring such persecution that many of you - even those who are leaders - will count the cost and not endure.
Prepare your congregations as for war, for they have little endurance, they have not been taught to endure in hardship, they have not been taught to persevere. You have taught them to prosper, to eat the finest wheat and build your fine buildings, but you have fed them that which is milk, that which will not sustain them in these coming days.
Teach them to suffer hardships for My name’s sake, teach them to endure, that they might be of no reputation. They will not stand in the time to come, many of My people take stock in their possessions, in what they own, in what they posses. They will be found lacking, for I tell you, that there comes a release of wickedness, there comes a time of such darkness upon the church that all that is temporal shall in a day perish. Teach them to proclaim My name that will draw all men unto Me instead of themselves.
I weep for how far removed My church has grown from My true Word. How I weep for how far removed My church is from the message that My sent ones preached, but I tell you that a shaking comes. Many will count the cost, some shall even lose their lives for My name’s sake.
I am coming for a Body where each man and woman and son and daughter laid their life down for the proclamation of My word. Where the cost is counted and embraced that My name might be glorified, that all may be one, that to suffer for My sake is the pearl of great price.
My hand is removed from all of those who seek the signs, and wonders or the anointing. To those who alone seek only Me and not my gifts, it is to those whose lives are laid down for Me, to these beloved ones I shall pour My Spirit out upon them.
The pastors and the leaders shall weep and shall wail for the omissions and the failures of My ministers; for they have done those things that they ought not to have done. And they have omitted those things that were required of them. And this they have done in My name.
I am calling for a greater degree of holiness in this hour. I am calling for the greater degree of separation and of holiness and of consecration in this hour. That My church shall come out of the world and no longer be counted with her. For too long now, My Father’s House had been contaminated by the world! Many leaders are there by their own hand by manipulation, by unsanctified ambition chose to do it thier own way, not My way. You will be held accountable for the innocent blood you have shed. You did not mete out mercy and comfort of My Spirit to My little ones, to My sheep that have been rejected and cast aside by the body they term as the church today. This is the time of reckoning, a time of examination. A time to take stock, a time to call back those you have cast out of your midst and a time of account as I prepare to rain judgment on the church.
Turn away from your works, works that build your kingdom, works that glorify not Me but the empires you cling to so avidly. Turn away from the approval of men around you, the prosperity and the trappings that you voiced to be for the Kingdom but are merely to serve your own ends. Ministers have drawn men and women to themselves and have neglected to point them to Me.
Take heed you minister whose security rests with your database, your monthly letters, your fund-raising schemes and not with the Lord of Hosts, for I will shake and examine your motives. You have ignored My sheep and fawned upon those in your congregations with power and sway, leaving them oppressed, defenseless and ignored. Examine yourself, pastor, the Spirit issues a warning for I do not put stock in your aggressive building plans while My people are left weak, despised, oppressed and passed over in your congregations. My people are My buildings and the cries of My people have risen up to Me.
You have taught your people to sit as judges of the brethren. Their conversations have risen up to me and they are as a stench in My nostrils, and I will call them to account for I will no longer tolerate this! You have criticized My people as you have judged, but your judgments have been short-sighted, and they have been shallow judgments and your judgments shall rise up against you. You have pointed a finger at those you consider unworthy and of no repute. I tell you of idle words you have proved yourself unfaithful, for even though your ways and thoughts are cleverly disguised, your measures are the measures of man.
I see you feed on idle gossip and propagate it, in the name of prayer. I see you flatter, and then I watch you despise in your heart the hurting, the oppressed, the brokenhearted and the struggling to find their way to Me. Come down from that pedestal and repent that I may grant you a heart of flesh for your heart of stone. Your measures of judgment are not My measures. My measures of My sons and My daughters is upon the motive and intent of their hearts. You see in part but I see the whole picture, judgment is to be left up to Me!
My glory shall shine through these bruised ones, through these overlooked of righteousness, did I not say those of you without sin cast the first stone, have you found yourself pure? The spirit of ‘treachery’ is that most violent of all manifest against My people. Innocent blood has dripped from your hands in My name. It is better you had no knowledge of aught to do with My name than what you have done, for I will spewed you out of My mouth. My church has been so embroiled in self-righteousness that if one of
My children has cried for help in a area of failure, may times they have been ostracized, isolated and had their confidence betrayed. But I tell you that those little ones loved us and who have hungered for Our presence who have often been the most damaged in their past – and now you have allowed satan to use you to target the damaged places in their lives. Did you not know I love them? That I am at work in their lives? Do not cause more damage to what is already applied.
I see My church caught up not in things that count for eternity but so ensnared and entangled in the temporal things of this world’s system. It is the pride of life that keeps My ministers from entering into everything destined and ordained for them. Their treasures of brick and mortar and their programs and activities of ministry, but I say My heart grieves, for their heart is based upon the things that fade away, with the things that do not come from the Father but come from the world itself. You have your business programs and you teach your men to invest and to plan, and that is good, and it is beneficial. But as I pass by the congregations, I see each man uses his faith for his own, for his house and his car, for his stocks and his shares, for the finest. Take heed minister and teach your people, for My prosperity is a prosperity to bless the poor and the lame, to feed the Third World nations, and to help those less fortunate. The same stocks and shares that caused you such rejoicing and caused such an elitist spirit shall cause you to weep. And you shall weep and wail on the day of judgment on the monetary systems of this world.”
Pieced together from the ‘Unknown Prophet’

Pearl Of Great Price

"The pearls of great price are those who seek Me, My presents not the signs and wonders. Ones whom holds Me more dear than their own ministries.
I will shake people like never before it is time for My conviction cross over the body. Separate from the world for you will get contaminated by it. Cleans yourself and My people, weeding out the wheat from the tier. Your tears and supplications shall rise to Me and My angels shall arise to the wars in the heavenly until My people will be called ‘the land of the Rison Son.’
A time of persecution will be coming upon you; it shall come swiftly after the season of grace and before the rule of iron has started. Persecution like you have never seen before is coming in your land! Prepare My people, for what you have whispered in secret shall be shouted out. But those who stand for Me unto death, these are the pearls of great price, laying down their own lives for My name sake.
I will find the ones who long for Me and we will manifest ourselves to them. I will grant them favor to speak and declare the Scriptures as never before. Yours is for the taking – will you step out in times of trouble for Me? Liken on to the woodpecker will you continue to peck away at the ignorance and disobedience of the people?
This is a wake up call to the stiff neck of My chosen people, and I am calling you to stand with them for My hand is still on them and the blinders will fall from their eyes. My Covenant with them is continued from generation to generation.
Michel has fought against the principles in defense of My people. My eyes are upon Israel and I call you to stand along side them.
Live as in peace but always be prepared for war, be in-season at all times. Keep inquiring of Me that I may hear your cries and prayers as I gather you into My arms like a hen gathers her chicks that I may truly be your Messiah.
Take heed and do not be found wanting.
The prophetic will bring around mercy as well as judgments, signs and wonders. Now is the time to seek great discernment as to what is spoken from Me and what was spoken from the false prophets. Whose kingdom are they serving? Look to your house and if it is found in ruin let your hands and heart be found in praise.
Look at My house is there buying and selling in My house? My heart breaks as I see what is happing that My house has been turned into a market place. Open your eyes and ears and do not be a part of it!
I am looking for the pearls of great price, ones who will not condone the system and the politics found there. How is it they have gotten strayed from the Scriptures and work for their own advantages and in their own territories?
I purge to cleans and prune that you can be found as the pearl of great price! My eyes run to and fro to those we shall reveal ourselves to. We seek worshipers in spirit and in truth. We seek those who hunger of Our fellowship. I will gather the pearls that are beyond value as a great treasure that is priceless".
Mortified from ‘The Journey of the Unknown Prophet’by Wendy Alec

Water Pollution

I divided the firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters to make room for mankind.
One of My first gifts to you was cool, clean water that covered over 70% of the earth’s surface and is a very important resource for My people and the environment. But you have ignored My gift and have taken it for granted.
You have polluted it by dumping your waist in it then tiring to fix it by adding chemicals.
Water pollution affects drinking water, rivers, lakes and oceans all over this planet. This consequently harms human health and the natural environment.
Did you not know it housed many of My creatures?
Do you not care for other life forms I have created?
I made room for you and ignored to care!
All nature cries out to Me and I tell you the day will come when you will have to scrounge around for fresh water!
Why do you insist on learning appreciation the hard way?
I wish for the best for you and you take the least.
I chastise you because I love you.
Does not My word tell you about what happens to disobedient children.
Why do you keep challenging Me to raise My hand?
I am not only a loving Father but also a disciplining Father.
Repent and turn from your wicked ways and I will forgive you!
Take the time to appreciate and care for the gifts I have blessed you with and show holy fear and reverence of Me.
When you can’t find the time for reflection of My goodness towards you, you will not find the time for Me and judgment will fall.
Water is the basis of life and the survival of most of the planet’s species, including your own! There is but little time left My children, see the global warnings, for were you stand is from the chooses you make.
. Abba

The Way It Is

[1 Pet. 1:24] For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass.
The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away:
We are begotten only to die and return to the Father. There is no permanent, enduring life produced by that.
For all flesh is as grass that is, all human beings, all men. It was not unnatural, then, to dwell upon the feeble, frail, decaying nature of man, in contrast with G-d; and the apostle, therefore, says that "all flesh, every human being, is like grass. There is no stability in anything that man does or produces, lie himself resembles grass that soon fades and withers; but G-d and His word endure for ever the same. The comparison of a human being with grass, or with flowers, is very beautiful, and is quite common in the Scriptures. The comparison turns on the fact that the grass or the flower, however green or beautiful it may be, soon loses its freshness; is withered; is cut down, and dies.
Thus in Psalms 103:15, 16: "As for man, his days are as grass; As a flower of the field, so he flourishes, For the wind passes over it and it is gone, And the place thereof shall know it no more."
Isaiah 40:6-8 "The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, And all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field. The grass withers, The flower fades. When the wind of Jehovah blows upon it: Surely the people is grass, The grass withers, The flower fades, But the word of our G-d shall stand for ever."
Psalms 90:6 “In the morning it flourishes and sprouts anew; Toward evening it fades and withers away.”
This is the state of man: to-day he puts forth the tender leaves of hope, to-morrow blossoms, and bears his blushing honors thick upon him. The third day comes a frost, a killing frost. And when he thinks, good easy man, full surely His greatness is a ripening--nips his root, and then he falls.
And all the glory of man that man prides himself on his wealth, rank, talents, beauty, learning, splendor of equipage or apparel
Our glory is like the flower of the field. Our beauty fades, and our strength disappears, as easily as the beauty and rigor of the flower that grows up in the morning, and that in the evening is cut down. The rose that blossoms on the cheek of youth may wither as soon as any other rose; the brightness of the eye may become dim, as readily as the beauty of field covered with flowers; the darkness of death may come over the brow of manliness and intelligence, as readily as night settles down on the landscape; and our robes of adorning may be laid aside, as soon as beauty fades in a meadow full of flowers before the cut down of the mower. There is not an object of natural beauty on which we pride ourselves that will not decay; and soon all our pride and pomp will be laid low in the tomb. It is sad to look on a beautiful lily, a rose, a magnolia, and to think how soon all that beauty will disappear. It is sadder to look on a rosy cheek, a bright eye, a lovely form, an expressive brow, an open, serene, intelligent countenance, and to think how soon all that beauty and brilliancy will fade away. But amidst these changes which beauty undergoes, and the desolations which disease and death spread over the world, it is cheering to think that all is not so, There is that which does not change, which, never loses its beauty. "The word of the L-rd" abides, His cheering promises, His assurances that there is brighter and better world, remain amidst all these changes the same. The traits which are drawn on the character by the belief of Messiah, more lovely by far than the most delicate coloring of the lily, remain for ever. There they abide, augmenting in loveliness, when the rose fades from the cheek; when the brilliancy departs from the eye; when the body molders away in the grave. The beauty of belief is the only permanent beauty in the earth; and he that has that need not regret that that which in this mortal frame charms the eye shall fade away like the flower of the field.
Let us fade away in gratitude!

Believers Conduct

[1 Pet. 1:13] Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Y’Shua HaMashiach;
[14] As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance:
[15] But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;
[16] Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.
[17] And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man's work, pass the time of your sojourning here in fear
Therefore gird up the loins of your mind: Living the way G-d wants us to means that we must gird up the loins of our mind. The idea in this phrase is of preparing for action, much like our phrase "rolling up your sleeves." We are to have our minds in constant preparation to discharge the duties, or to endure the trials of life--like those who were prepared for labor, for a race, or for a conflict.
Then, we must also be sober, which means the ability to take a serious look at life. Sobriety is, spiritual self-restraint, lest one be overcome by the allurements of the world and of sense, and patient hopeful waiting for Messiah’s revelation, is the true ways of "girding up the loins of the mind."
Hope to the end "perfectly," so that there may be nothing lacking in your hope, no casting away of your self-confidence. Hope so perfectly as to reach unto the end of your faith and hope, namely, "the grace that is being brought unto you in the revelation of Messiah.
We are not to become faint or weary in our trials, and however much might be done by others to induce us to apostatize.
From sobriety of spirit and endurance of hope Peter passes to obedience, holiness, and reverential fear.
As obedient children conduct yourselves as becomes the children of G-d, by obeying His commands; by submitting to His will; and by manifesting unwavering confidence in Him as your Father, at all times.
Not forming or modeling your life after the world. The idea is that they were to have some model or example, in accordance with which they were to frame their lives, but that they were not to make their own former principles and conduct the model. The Believer is to be as different from what he was himself before conversion as he is from his fellow-men. He is to be governed by new laws, to aim at new objects, and to mould his life in accordance with new principles. When you were ignorant of the requirements of the gospel, and gave yourselves up to the unrestrained indulgence of your passions.
But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, "Be holy, for I am holy": The main idea behind holiness is not moral purity but it is the idea of "apartness." The idea is that G-d is separate, different from His creation, both in His essential nature and in the perfection of His attributes. But instead of building a wall around His apartness, G-d calls us to come to Him and share His apartness. He says to us, "Be holy, for I am holy”. Holiness is not so much something we possess, as it is something that possesses us.
And if you call on the Father: If we, as Believers, call on a holy G-d, we must understand we call on a G-d who shows no partiality - and will so judge our conduct, making a working, sober, holy walk all the more important.
Fear is reverential, not slavish. He who is your Father, is also your Judge--a thought which may well inspire reverential fear.
A double fear is mentioned in Scripture:
1. Elementary, causing one to become serious;
2. Perfective: the latter is here the motive by which Peter urges them as sons of
G-d to be obedient. Fear is not here opposed to assurance, but to carnal security: fear producing vigilant caution lest we offend G-d and backslide. "Fear and hope flow from the same fountain: fear prevents us from falling away from hope". Though love has no fear IN it, yet in our present state of imperfect love, it needs to have fear going Along with it as a subordinate principle. This fear drowns all other fears. The believer fears G-d, and so has none else to fear. Not to fear G-d is the greatest baseness and folly. The martyrs' more than mere human courage flowed from this.
The high call for godly living makes sense in light of the price that was paid for our redemption. We weren't saved by the precious blood of Y’Shua to then live as if we were garbage.

Angels Watching

[1 Pet. 1:12 ………………which things the angels desire to look into.]
Things which angels desire to look into: The unfolding of G-d's eternal plan is something that angels desire to look into. Angels observe our conduct (1 Corinthians 4:9), making it necessary that Believers conduct themselves properly (1 Corinthians 11:10).
Part of G-d's eternal purpose is to show His wisdom to the angelic beings through His work with the Body (Ephesians 3:10-11). G-d wants the angels to look in on what He does in the Body.
In illustration of this sentiment, we may make the following suggestions:
The angels, doubtless, desire to look into all the manifestations of the character of G-d, wherever those manifestations are made.
A. They are not omniscient, and cannot be supposed to comprehend at glance all his doings.
B. They doubtless employ their faculties, substantially as we do, in the investigation of truth; that is, from things known they seek to learn those that are even unknown.
C. It is not unreasonable to suppose that there are many things in relation to the Divine character and plans, which they do not yet understand. They know, undoubtedly, much more than we do; but there are plans and purposes of G-d which are yet made known to none of His creatures. No one can doubt that these plans and purposes must be the object of the attentive study of all holy created minds.
E. They doubtless feel a great interest in the welfare of other beings.
F. It is not unreasonable to suppose, that amidst all the other topics of wonder in this plan as seen by angels, this is not the least--that man by nature takes no interest in it; that in so stupendous a work, performed in his own world, he feels no concern; that he is unmoved when he is told that even G-d became incarnate, and appeared on the earth where he himself dwells; and that, busy and interested as he is in other things, often of a most trifling nature, he has no concern for that on which is suspended his own eternal happiness. If heaven was held in mute astonishment when the Son of G-d left the courts of glory to be poor, to be persecuted, to bleed, to die, not less must be the astonishment than when, from those lofty heights, the angelic hosts look down upon a race unconcerned amidst wonders such as those of the incarnation and the atonement!

Old Covenant Saved?

Were the people of the Old Covenant saved has been a long asked question – the answer is yes because they searched diligently and looking forward to the Messiah.
[1 Pet. 1:10] Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you:
The object of this reference to the prophets seems to be to lead them to value the religion which they professed more highly, and to encourage them to bear their trials with patience. They were in a condition, in many respects, far superior to that of the prophets. They had the full light of the gospel. The prophets saw it only at a distance and but dimly, and were obliged to search anxiously that they might understand the nature of that system of which they were appointed to furnish the comparatively obscure prophetic intimations.
The magnitude of this "salvation" is proved by the earnestness with which "prophets" and even "angels" searched into it. Even from the beginning of the world this salvation has been testified to by the Holy Spirit.
The prophets generally (including all the Old Testament inspired authors), as "the angels" similarly refer to them in general. This language would imply that this had been a common and common wish of the prophets.
The Old Testament saints saw Messiah only hidden, and as it were absent--absent not in power and grace, but inasmuch as He was not yet manifested in the flesh". The prophets, as private individuals, had to reflect on the hidden and far-reaching sense of their own prophecies; because their words, as prophets, in their public function, were not so much their own as the Spirit's, speaking by and in them. A striking testimony to verbal inspiration; the words which the inspired authors wrote are G-d's words expressing the mind of the Spirit, which the writers themselves searched into, to fathom the deep and precious meaning, even as the believing readers did. "Searched" implies that they had determinate marks to go by in their search.
This word is intensive. It means that they sought out, or study perseveringly with care the revelations made to them, that they might understand exactly what was implied in that which they were appointed to record in respect to the salvation which was to be made known through the Messiah.
They had hearts to be sanctified by the truth; and it was needful, in order to this, that truth should be applied to their own hearts in the same way as to others. The mere fact that they were the channels or organs for imparting truth to others would not save them, any more than the fact that a man now preaches truth to others will save himself, or than the fact that a sutler delivers bread to an army will nourish and support his own body.
Who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you - Of the favor that should be shown to you in the gospel. Though the predictions which they uttered appeared to the men of their own times, and perhaps to themselves, obscures yet they were in fact prophecies of what was to come, and of the favors’ which, under another dispensation, would be bestowed upon the people of G-d. The apostle does not mean to say that they prophesied particularly of those persons to whom he was then writing, but that their prophecies were in fact for their benefit, for the things which they predicted had actually terminated on them, the benefit was as real as though the predictions had been solely on their account.
The grace of the New Testament: an earnest of "the grace" of perfected "salvation . . . to be brought at the (second) revelation of Messiah." Old Testament believers also possessed the grace of G-d; they were chosen children of G-d, but it was as children in their nonage, so as to be like servants.
Meaning that they inquired in regard to Him, who He would be, what would be His character, and what would be the nature of the work which He would perform. There can be no doubt that they understood that their predictions related to the Messiah; but till it is not improper to suppose that it was with them an interesting inquiry what sort of a person He would be, and what would be the nature of the work which He would perform.
They studied what time or when these things would occur and what signs to watch for. Not to the exact time when these things would occur, but to the character or condition of the age when they would take place; perhaps referring to the state of the world at that period, the preparation to receive the gospel, and the probable manner in which the great message-would be received. Perhaps, however, the inquiry in their minds pertained to the time when the predictions would be fulfilled, as well as to the condition of the world when the event takes place. Isaiah, for example, had given utterance to the sublime predictions which we now have of the Messiah, in his prophecies, he sat himself down with the spirit of a little child, to learn by prayer and study, what was fully implied in the amazing words which the Spirit had taught him to record! How much of mystery might seem still to hang around the subject! And how intent would such a mind be to know what was the full import of those words!
They saw clearly that the Messiah was to suffer; and doubtless this was the common doctrine of the prophets, and the common expectation of the pious part of the Jewish nation. There was much about those sufferings which they wished to learn, as there is much still which we desire to know. Whose sufferings are the price of our "salvation", and who is the channel of "the grace that should come unto you."
It is only because the Son of G-d was to become our Messiah that He manifested Himself and the Father through Him in the Old Testament, and by the Holy Spirit, eternally proceeding from the Father and Himself, spoke in the prophets.
The Hebrews think the greatest sin is not to look forward to the Messiah.
Do you examine the Word as diligently as the prophets?
Do you examine your own prophecies, since you are only the vessel G-d uses, to see how they apply to you?

In The Stillness

July 28, 2011
“In the stillness of the night, changes are being done.
There are warning signs all around. Those who are lessoning to the stillness and watching nature will see what I am doing.
Many are snuggled in their homes, unaware of the sounds and changes.
People come and go for they are too busy with their own agendas to look up and notice the signs.
Angels are assigned to see who is watching.
Who is anticipating My return.
I am bringing forth the signs of the time.
Be still and lesson to the sounds of nature that you will notice the difference. And that your labor will not be in vain if it was done for the glory of My kingdom.
Changes are happing quickly now for time is moving forward at a fast pace.
Lesson to the sounds the evening and morning thereof so that you wouldn’t be caught off guard to what I am doing.
Some maybe splattered
Some maybe scattered
Some maybe taken over with fear
Some maybe even broken
But those that are waiting on Me will have the peace that passes all understanding.
They will have shelter in My everlasting arms.
Priorities have to be put in order. I must be your ALL in all.
Listen to the sounds of nature and know that I am in control."

Trial of Faith

[1 Pet. 1:7] That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Y’Shua HaMashiach:
Trial is through testing, proving. That your faith so proved "may be found (once for all, as the result of its being proved on the judgment-day) unto (eventuating in) praise", namely, the praise to be bestowed by the Judge.
This does not mean that their faith was much more precious than gold, but that the testing of it, the process of showing whether it was or was not genuine, was a much more important and valuable process than that of testing gold in the fire. More important results were to be arrived at by it, and it was more desirable that it should be done.
Not that gold perishes by the process of being tried in the fire, for this is not the fact, and the connexion does not demand this interpretation. The idea is that gold, however valuable it is, is a perishable thing. It is not an enduring, imperishable, indestructible thing, like one’s faith. It may not perish in the fire, but it will in some way, for it will not endure for ever.
Though it "which perisheth, YET is tried with fire."
The meaning is that gold, though it will bear the action of fire, is yet a destructible thing, and will not endure for ever. It is more desirable to test one’s faith than it is gold, because it is more valuable. It pertains to that which is eternal and indestructible, and it is therefore of more importance to show its true quality, and to free it from every improper mixture.
If gold, though perishing (verse 18), is yet tried with fire in order to remove dross and test its genuineness, how much more does your faith, which shall never perish, need to pass through a fiery trial to remove whatever is defective, and to test its genuineness and full value?
Might be found unto praise means that is, might be found to be genuine, and such as to meet the praise or commendation of the final Judge.
That honor might be done to it before assembled worlds.
Glory – “Honor" is not so strong as "glory." As "praise" is in words, so "honor" is in deeds: honorary reward. That it might be rewarded with that glory which will be then conferred on all who have shown, in the various trials of life, that they had true faith.
Appearing is translate as in verse 13, "revelation." At Messiah’s revelation shall take place also the revelation of the sons of G-d (Rom. 8:19, "manifestation," Greek, "revelation"; 1 John 3:2, Greek, "manifested . . . manifested," for "appear . . . appear"). To Y’Shua is coming to judge the world. Comp. Matthew 25:31; Acts 1:11; 1 Thessalonians 4:16; 2 Thessalonians 2:8; 1 Timothy 6:14; 2 Timothy 4:1, 8;
Titus 2:13.
From these two verses (verses 6-7) we may learn:
1. It is desirable to know whether that which appears to be faith is genuine, as it is desirable to know whether that which appears to be gold is genuine. To gold we apply the action of intense heat, that we may know whether it is what it appears to be; and as faith is of more value than gold, so it is more desirable that it should be subjected to the proper tests, that its nature may be ascertained. There is much which appears to be gold, which is of no value, as there is much which appears to be faith, which is no value. The one is worth no more than the other, unless it is genuine.
2. It is desirable in order to show its true value. It is of great importance to know what that which is claimed to be gold is worth for the purposes to which gold is usually applied; and so it is in regard to faith. Faith claims to be of more value to man than anything else. It asserts its power to do that for the intellect and the heart which nothing else can do; to impart consolation in the various trials of life which nothing else can impart; and to give a support which nothing else can on the bed of death. It is very desirable, therefore, that in these various situations it should show its power; that is, that its friends should be in these various conditions, in order that they may illustrate the true value of faith.
3. It is desirable that true faith should be separated from all alloys. There is often much alloy in gold, and it is desirable that it should be separated from it, in order that it may be pure. So it is in faith. It is often combined with much that is unholy and impure; much that dims its luster and mars its beauty; much that prevents its producing the effect which it would otherwise produce. Gold is, indeed, often better, for some purposes, for having some alloy mixed with it; but not so with faith. It is never better for having a little pride, or vanity, or selfishness, or meanness, or worldliness, or sensuality mingled with it; and that which will remove these things from our faith will be a favor to us.
G-d takes various methods of trying His people, with a design to test the value of their faithfulness, and to separate it from all impure mixtures.
He tried his people by popularity.
He tries his people in adversity.
He tries his people by sudden transition from one to the other.
He tries his people by prosperity.
In prosperity we may have shown that we were grateful, and benevolent, and disposed to serve G-d; but our faith will be subjected to a new test, if we are suddenly reduced to poverty. In sickness and poverty, we learn to be patient and resigned, and perhaps even happy.
Faith will bear any trial which may be applied to it, as gold will bear the action of fare.
Faith which will bear the tests that God applies to it in the present life, will bear the test of the final trial.

Fruit of the Spirit

I took the time to search this out and break it down to its meaning to clear up confusion.
Gal. 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
Eph. 5:9 (For the fruit of the Spirit in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)

1. Love - 1) affection, good will, love, compassion, brotherly love. 2) love feasts
2. Joy - A) joy, gladness a) the joy received from you b) the cause or occasion of joy
3. Peace - 1) a state of national tranquility a) exemption from the rage and havoc of war
2) peace between individuals, i.e. harmony, concord
3) security, safety, prosperity, felicity, (because peace and harmony make and keep things safe and prosperous)
4) of the Messiah's peace
a) the way that leads to peace (salvation)
5) of Christianity, the peaceful state of a soul assured of its salvation through Messiah, and content with its earthly lot, of whatsoever sort that is
4. Longsuffering - 1) patience, endurance, constancy, steadfastness, perseverance
2) forbearance, longsuffering, slowness in avenging wrongs
5. Gentleness - 1) moral goodness, integrity 2) benignity, kindness
6. Goodness - 1) uprightness of heart and life, goodness, kindheartedness
7. Faith - 1) conviction of the truth of anything, belief; in the Bible of a conviction or belief respecting man's relationship to G-d and divine things, generally with the included idea of trust and holy fervors born of faith and joined with it
a) relating to G-d
1) the conviction that G-d exists and is the creator and ruler of all things, the provider and bestower of eternal salvation through Messiah
b) relating to Messiah
1) a strong and welcome conviction or belief that Y’Shua is the Messiah, through whom we obtain eternal salvation in the kingdom of G-d
c) the religious beliefs of Believers
d) belief with the predominate idea of trust (or confidence) whether in G-d or in Messiah, springing from faith in the same
2) fidelity, faithfulness
a) the character of one who can be relied on
8. Meekness - 1) gentleness, tenderness, humbleness
9. Temperance - 1) self-control (the virtue of one who masters his desires and passions, esp. his sensual appetites)
10. Righteousness - 1) in a broad sense: state of him who is as he ought to be, righteousness, the condition acceptable to G-d
a) the doctrine concerning the way in which man may attain a state approved of G-d
b) integrity, virtue, purity of life, rightness, correctness of thinking feeling, and acting
2) in a narrower sense, justice or the virtue which gives each his due
11. Truth - 1) objectively
a) what is true in any matter under consideration
1) truly, in truth, according to truth
2) of a truth, in reality, in fact, certainly
b) what is true in things appertaining to G-d and the duties of man, moral and religious truth
1) in the greatest latitude
2) the true notions of G-d which are open to human reason without his supernatural intervention
c) the truth as taught in the Christian religion, respecting G-d and the execution of His purposes through Messiah, and respecting the duties of man, opposing alike to the superstitions of the Gentiles and the inventions of the Jews, and the corrupt opinions and precepts of false teachers even among Christians
2) subjectively
a) truth as a personal excellence
1) that candor of mind which is free from affection, pretence, simulation, falsehood, deceit
Eph. 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
Fellowship - 1) to become a partaker together with others. 2) to have fellowship with one waling with darkness, serving another source.
Work - 1) business, employment, that which any one is occupied
a) that which one undertakes to do, enterprise, undertaking
2) any product whatever, any thing accomplished by hand, art, industry, or mind
3) an act, deed, thing done: the idea of working is emphasized in opp. to that which is less than work
Darkness – night darkness, metaph.
a) of ignorance respecting divine things and human duties, and the accompanying ungodliness and immorality, together with their consequent misery in hell
b) persons in whom darkness becomes visible and holds sway
Bottom line if they have even one of the fruit of the Spirit you may fellowship with them to bring them in the light, but if they are serving ‘spiritual darkness’ and choose to continue have no fellowship with them.
Reprove - 1) to convict, refute, confute
a) generally with a suggestion of shame of the person convicted
b) by conviction to bring to the light, to expose
2) to find fault with, correct
a) by word
1) to reprehend severely, express disapproval, give a warning, scold
2) to call to account, show one his fault, demand an explanation
b) by deed
1) to chasten, to punish
Matt. 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits.
Matt. 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Bottom line: We are to look at a person’s fruit, no where does it say a Believer’s ‘sins’.
If they have any of the above fruit, concentrate on that and let G-d deal with the rest.
Gal. 5:24 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

Blessing Others

Matt. 63-4 But when you doest alms, let not your left hand know what your right hand does. That your alms may be in secret: and your Father which sees in secret Himself shall reward you openly.

Giving something and expecting something in return is G-d’s way.
‘Now you owe me because I bless you’ is the worlds way,
(‘one scratches the others back’ sort of idea.)
Giving anonymously gives G-d the glory not the giver.
If one gives something, and says “I am blessing you” they are taking the ‘glory’, when they are only the vessel that G-d used.
It was suggested to me that if I wanted to bless others to give them ‘gift cards’ which could be mailed.
Or if it be a product to just leave it by their door.
When it is necessary hand it to them and if you need to say something besides ‘can you use this’, say: ‘G-d wants to bless you’.
Give ‘all the glory to G-d’ is found 11 times in Scripture, never does it say to take the bows or pat yourself on the back.

I remember in the 70’s it was preached if you receive your ‘reward’ here then you have not stored up treasures in heaven.

Any thoughts on the idea?