G-d's Treasures

My three main purposes for each day: Knowing the voice of the L-rd, obeying Him, and dwelling in His presence. (being a woman I can multitask) He is the Way, the Truth, and the life. The Word says that the ways of the righteous are ordered by the L-rd. He does order our steps to help turn what He is teaching us into life.
We are promised in His Word that all who seek, find, and all who ask, receive. A more accurate translation would be that all who keep seeking find, and all who keep asking receive. The quest for these treasures of the knowledge of His ways is one of the greatest adventures you can know in this life, to a large degree because He adds to it the experience of the truth.
Only those who care enough to continue the pursuit of these treasures will find them. Those who care that much for them will likely be careful enough to handle them rightly. Those who do not have the experience of building a fortune will not have the wisdom to keep it. Those who do not have the experience of searching out G-d's treasures of wisdom and knowledge will not care enough to keep them or live them. The greatest treasure of all will be the fellowship I have with Him when He becomes our Teacher.
I personally put the highest priority on any book or material I felt that He has specifically put in my hands, but only a small percentage of what I studied over the years would I put in the category of knowing that it had been given to me directly by the L-rd. They would often get me going on a trail, but I followed the trail with my own pursuit and research, digging deeper, wanting the full meaning.
I was given a Helper, who was sent to be my guide, not the Doer. Once I got on a trail I would feel the Holy Ghost guidance if I started to drift from it, and He would correct me and help me get back on the right track. He is gentle and humble of heart. He is gentle in the way He guides me. For this reason, I must stay sensitive to recognize His guidance and even His correction. He may use dramatic ways to get my attention but that tends to be the exception, not the rule.
I was taught when I was a new believer that He gave us the desires of our hearts. The things we desire in our innermost being were the things He was calling me to do. I followed my heart in my studies. There were a few that I had fellowship with, they were rare but they were rich in substance.  Just to meet someone with the same zeal for understanding was like finding an even greater treasure. Pastor Heath Perry was a G-d sent, I was talking with my Father and said: “I know you have many more over the hill, but it would be nice to talk to one.” I felt alone in life’s journey and was ready to quite looking for a place I would fit in.
I had been an agnostic before coming to know that G-d was real and not like Santa clause, tooth fairy ect. From the time I learn to read, I had a hunger too real everything I could get my hands on, story books to me out of reality of the cruelty of life’s experiences.  I developed a love for knowledge, I wanted to know about everything, and had many interests. I was confused by religion, but I thought that if I could ever learn who the real G-d was I would spend the rest of my life getting to know Him.
Then I had a supernatural conversion experience that left me with no doubt that G-d is real and that Y’Shua is the Son of G-d and everything He said He was in the Scriptures. This was the greatest day of my life, I found someone who truly loved me. I knew I had found the greatest treasure of knowledge anyone could ever find.
It is written that G-d is LOVE, I learned that you could not learn anything about Him without loving Him more. That compels you to learn more about Him so that you get caught up in an ever tightening and ascending life spiral that gets stronger and stronger. There is nothing that will ever satisfy the human soul like knowing G-d. Once you start to know Him, you just cannot get to know Him enough.
The L-rd shares His glory with men and His love for man is more than anyone has yet comprehended. The real revelation was not in the words, but in what I felt – His love for me. He is always with me. He loves me! His manifest presence is with me all the time, but He does not always manifest Himself in the same way. Being with Him in His presence is like nothing else. This is what I was made for-t9 dwell with Him, to know His special fellowship.
You could tell a difference in the writings of those who had experienced this. Their message was far more than just doctrine and principles. Their message was far more than just doctrine and principles. There was a life on it that made you not want to put the book down. I feel for all who sit for years under teaching and preaching, but never experience the L-rd Himself. That is too common in our times, which led me to study church history, times and customs. History comes from the words His and Story. My purpose for studying history was to see His works in it, and by this, to know His ways better. I did not realize that I was building a foundation of general knowledge that was necessary for the great revelations that were to come. Without that foundation some of the greatest treasures I found would not have even made sense to me. One must go through a wilderness to get to the Promise Land, and that wilderness is usually the exact opposite of what you’ve been promised.
Without question it would be G-d’s relentless pursuit of man and His unimaginable patience and love for man even though He is constantly rejected or ignored by man. It’s the most painful love story ever written, and it is not over. He is in relentless pursuit of a bride, but, to date she seems to have little or no time for Him. So far, it is the greatest of all tragedies, but we know it will have the most wonderful of all endings. He will have the bride that He is so worthy of.
There is a lot of suffering on earth, and it is right to have compassion for it, but I think it is even more important to know the suffering of the L-rd. His suffering did not end on the cross. He still intercedes for us because He still feels for our suffering, and it hurts Him. I don’t think this will end until we see and are touched by His suffering and devote ourselves to seeing the bride that He is so worthy of make herself ready for Him, and they are united. Then the new age in which His kingdom comes will begin.
Advancement in the kingdom comes by becoming greater servants of others. We were created for His pleasure, and nothing will ever satisfy our own souls like fulling this purpose. To spend a lifetime just to bring Him joy for a single moment would be a life well lived, but we can bring Him joy every day. What do we have to do that is more important than that?
Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. The repetitious cycles of history are tragic. We keep repeating the same mistakes.
The church has been just as guilty of this as the rest of the world. This is the cause of the worst human tragedies, and why they are repeated over and over. The most prevailing reason is pride. The core of this pride causes every generation to think that they are better than the last one. We tend to think we are smarter, wiser, and definitely not like our parents, and this keeps us in the trap. We become even more shallow shells of who we could be. Only repentance, and the humility that would enable us to be teachable, will get us free.
The L-rd gave us the answer to this dilemma when He gave the Law to Moses and commanded us to honor our fathers and mothers, that requires more than just knowing their stories, it is continuing with a respect for their teachings. He did not say honor the great ones, or even just the good ones, but whatever parents we got, they do the best in what they have to work with. I think if our mindset was to honor those who have gone before us instead of disregarding them, we could even learn so much form the bad ones that our progress could be multiplied. When our elders are not listened to, that we do not try to learn all that we can from those who have been this way before, is one of our greatest mistakes, and the reason why we repeat the great mistakes of history over and over. It is rare to find anyone who has been changed by the truth, it is rare to find those who are living the great teachings of the faith. I think humility must be mixed with the truth in order for it to change us.
G-d commanded Israel to repeat their history every year. This was not to get them to live in the past, yet we cannot deal with the present or the future as we should if we forget the lessons of the past. Not respecting the past enough to study it is probably the main cause that so many empires have risen, through all that it takes to build such a thing, only to quickly disintegrate for the lack of a simple, basic, understanding.
One of the great revelations of G-d in history is His seemingly infinite love for, and patience with, man. We are ever learning but not coming to the knowledge of the truth. Even the few who honor His witnesses seldom really do what they say. Yet the L-rd has never given up on us. He remains faithful even when we are so unfaithful.
Please bear with me to share a couple of other principles I’ve learned. What may at first discourage us can lead to an even greater, more substantial hope. The true hope that will never disappoint us often has to begin with losing our hope in men, but that is when we can put our trust in the L-rd. Our hope cannot be in people, even G-d’s people, but in Him. To be disillusioned means to lose you illusions, replacing them with the illusions with faith. True faith is always centered on G-d, not mankind. Part of truth is to see our true condition, but even more importantly, to see G-d’s heart and purpose for us. Israel went through repetitious cycles of: trusting Him and seeing His victory; forgetting Him and falling into apostasy; falling into bondage; crying out to Him for deliverance, and He would deliver them, over and over. I, myself have done this over and over, even the church has done the same thing throughout history.
G-d had never lost His patience or His hope in us, because He is not really trusting in us as much as He is in His Holy Ghost to bring this to pass. There will be a generation that breaks this downward cycle we have been trapped in. We can resist the delusions that they are so much smarter or better than previous generations. That generation will break through and possess the Promise Land.
A main factor about the times is that the end of the age is the harvest. A main factor about the harvest is that all of the seeds that have been sown are coming to maturity, both the good ones and the evil one. When the L-rd spoke about the end of the age, He would send His angels to gather out of His kingdom all of the stumbling blocks. The tares will be reaped first, and that will leave the wheat.
True sojourners do not follow the masses, but always move the opposite spirit of this world. The pride and arrogance of man has reached the levels that were prophesied for the end of this age. It cannot get much worse, so those who overcome this darkness will be some of the humblest and, therefore, the most teachable and wise of all time.
Where sin abounds grace does that much more abound. G-d gives His grace to the humble, and G-d’s grace is the most valuable of all treasures. There is nothing that can stop His grace, and there is nothing that cannot be accomplished with His grace. We are getting close to the time when the humble will inherit the earth. They will do this because they walk in His grace. Therefore, the greatest in the kingdom are the humblest.


Disturbances At The River

My son and I went down to the river to pray:
Disturbances At The River
Too many waves causing discernment through out the functioning of the church body.
Small ripples can cause big waves if not dealt with immediately.
Be aware of different species that are non-scriptural to destroy the flow of
G-d's Kingdom.
All of nature points to the Father, one has to watch and listen to be aware of what is coming down the current.  
Decisions have to be made as to be aware of were each Watchmen is to stand, all are held responsible for their chooses to stay a float and not be carried off in the strong current.
Well you stand in the river of G-d or be put ashore?
Don't be caught in the wrong wave or you may be drowned in the deceptions.
Stand on the truth of G-d's Word for it will never change, it is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, man changes the wording but G-d does not.  

When we got home we heard a song, and I look up the lyrics:


The Messiah was crucified on Wednesday, not Friday 
It is sad how the symphony of Scripture is often confused by error and tradition.        Confusion about the day of the week is easily explained. Mark 15:42 says it was “preparation day, the day before the Sabbath”. Most folks assume he is referring to the Saturday Sabbath. Not so. There were 3 Sabbaths that week, two “high” Sabbaths and one regular weekly Sabbath (Saturday). Passover is a “High Sabbath” The 1st day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread is also a “High Sabbath” And, Saturday’s are Sabbaths.  So, if ‘3 days and 3 nights’ means what it says then it is most likely Passover / Crucifixion that week landed on a Wednesday. He would have been dead, and in the grave, beginning Wednesday night. He rose sometime after Saturday evening because He had risen by Sunday before dawn. Y’Shua foretold that He would be in the “heart of the earth for three days and three nights” and He was! Matthew 12:40 Friday at 6:00 p.m. through Sunday at dawn (36 hours) is NOT three days and three nights. It’s seems wrong to try and make it so. Buried in a tomb – three days and three nights. Mark 15:42-47 Luke 24:1-12   It is sad how the symphony of Scripture is often confused by error and tradition. It was a bitter sweet day indeed. Few understood it at the time. Few understand it today.

                                    The Bible is One book

The Bible is not a composite of two books nor sixty-six books with conflicting concepts and teaching. It is, rather, one book recording the acts of G-d under two primary covenants (Old and New Testaments). Doctrinally there is no conflict between the two. They are altogether compatible and in mutual
agreement.  We believe literally that all Scripture is given by inspiration of G-d, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of G-d may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works (2 Tim. 3:16-17) (Wilson 1989, 26).                                                                                                                   
The themes in the Old and New Testaments are the same: G-d’s holiness, righteousness and mercy; and man’s alienation and estrangement from G-d through disobedience. It might surprise you to know that the Jewish people do not rely on works for salvation they know the only way to salvation is through the Messiah.  The basic significance of the New Testament is uniquely a Jewish one: the fulfillment of the messianic hope. The New Testament writers, with perhaps the exception of Luke, are all Jews. The early Apostles and followers of Y’Shua are also Jewish. There is nothing in the New Testament that is non-Jewish or anti-Jewish. Quite the contrary, Y’Shua’ entire message taught
that:   G-d’s Laws or instructions on how to live righteously are for all that follow Him. Only the merciful were to receive mercy, only the forgiving could expect forgiveness and that love would be the sign of His true disciples.


The Pasach (translated Passover) was the Last Supper as the paschal meal. The term Pesach, or Passover was applied not only to the Paschal Lamb, but also to all the Passover sacrifices, especially to what was called the Chagigah, or festive offering to bring the festive sacrifice usual at each of the three Great Feasts, the Chagigah was brought on the first festive Paschal Day. It was offered immediately after the morning-service, and eaten on that day – probably sometime before the evening, when, as we shall by-and-by see, another ceremony claimed public attention.
Not on the eve of the Passover, but on the first Paschal day, the Sanhedrins would avoid incurring a defilement which, lasting till the evening would not only have involved them in the inconvenience of Levitical defilement on the first festive day, but have actually prevented their offering their offering on that day of Passover, festive sacrifice, or Chagigah….There would have been no reason to fear ‘defilement’ on the morning of the Paschal Sacrifice; but entrance into the Praetorium on the morning of the first Passover-day would have rendered it impossible for them to offer the Chagigah, which is also designated by the term Pesach.
The paschal sacrifices (hagigah) which were eaten during the seven days of the feast.
The Passover lambs were killed between the evenings at the going down of the sun (Deut. 16:6, Ex. 12:6, 18; Lev. 23:5; Num. 9:3, 5 around 6 p.m. The lambs could be sacrificed only one place, which was Jerusalem at the Temple (Deut. 16:6). Since there were thousands of lambs to be slain there, these began to be killed just as soon as the sun permitted – about 3 p.m. With all the courses of priests’ present, the offeror would kill his lamb, and the priest would catch the blood in a golden bowl, which was then sprinkled, before the altar. The lamb was prepared by being roasted, and with the three-fold blast of the silver trumpets at about 6 P.M. the Pascha had commenced.
Josephus says when they slay their sacrifices, from the ninth hour (3 p.m.) till the eleventh (5 pm.) The night on which the lambs were eaten was the 14th of Nisan and not the 15th is clearly stated by Josephus.
The Pascha, then, was eaten during the night, but no later than the middle of the night. The night for eating the Pascha was the 14th of Nisan, for it could not have been the 15th, which was a High Sabbath day; and therefore the killing of the lambs commenced between the evenings of the 13th and 14th, or at some time after 3 p.m. and on the 13 of Nisan.
No leaven was permitted in the Israelite’s dwelling at this time. The cleansing of all leaven had taken place the night of the 13th, and the burning of the morning of the 13th of Nisan. An Israelite would not enter into a Gentile’s dwelling lest he be defiled by leaven in that Gentile’s home. At sunset on the 15th of Nisan was the beginning of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. This was a high day, and as such, no work of any kind was permitted. The 15th of Nisan was the day that Israel came out of Egypt. The 15th being a High Sabbath day, the day before was the preparation. Y’Shua was killed on the preparation, which was the 14th day of Nisan, and His body was taken down from the cross and buried before the Sabbath began. He had kept the Passover with His disciples as was His desire. On the day of preparation things could be brought. Yet a person could be defiled by a wrong use of the day. (Ex. 12:15-20). A person even before this time had to be clean, and had to remain clean.
Thus there is no conflict in Scripture if, the Chagigah is offered on the first day of the feast, and this day is the 14th of Nisan and not the high or Sabbath day of the 15th.
History tells us the Temple was destroyed and had never been rebuilt. The priesthood ended; sacrifice could no longer be offered. The genealogical records were destroyed. The scattering of the people was total. The ancients had demanded that the coming One present proper credentials. After the great dispersion in 70 A.D, it would have been impossible. The Lamb, standing on the altar as if slain, described as innocent, meek and mild, represented the emblem most suited to the Messiah. The Picture presented was not from man who offers and slays. This was G-d giving voluntarily of His own.
G-d sacrificed the Lamb on the altar of the cross. Those wooden beams became the doorpost for the world’s home. G-d promises to pass over us with His judgment of death, as we are willing to stand under its protection. This is what we remember and celebrate at Passover.
The Seder means order. The intent of the ceremony is and always has been to obey the precept ‘tell your sons and daughters.’ Passover then represents our salvation. ‘Do this in remembrance.’
The Unleaven bread used at Passover time is called the Matzoh. It is striped and has holes in it. ‘By His stripes we are healed’, pierced, ‘they shall look upon Him whom they have pierced’ and of course, pure, without any leaven, as His body was without sin.

Y’Shua was buried at beginning of the Feast of Unleavened Bread since His body was interred at sundown of Passover day. Crucifixion normally took three days. The Romans utilized this slow and terrible way of death to terrify the population of provincial Israel.

The young, strong Carpenter of Galilee was dead in just six hours. He was placed on the cross at 9 a.m., the third hour and taken down at 3 p.m. There was then time enough to wrap the body and bury it at sundown. The answer to why He died in six hours is that’s all the time He could spare for our L-rd never omitted a feast. This was the High Holiday.

Three days He aroused! Resurrection, the grave couldn’t hold Him!
Buried on a Wednesday at 6pm to Thursday 6 pm is one day
Thursday 6pm to Friday 6pm is 2 days
Friday 6pm to Saturday 6pm is 3 days
He was raised by 6pm on Saturday for when the ladies came the first day of the week (which started at 6pm Saturday according to the Jewish time) they found the tomb empty!

Unfortunately, while trying to separate from the non-believing Jews the Church threw out the baby (Biblical holidays) with the bath water (un-Biblical customs)! There was no reason to stop the Holidays. These days did not bring bondage they brought people closer to God. Y’Shua and Paul both celebrated the holidays. The holidays should be analyzed according to the Bible whether or not they are Jewish.                         A non-Jew may choose voluntarily to conform to certain observances, celebrations, or customs which are both Jewish and rooted in Scripture. Such practice is not Judaizing. Following a Biblical custom is far different from being bound by a required practice (Wilson 1989, 26).                                                                                                           Y’Shua’s ministry, death, and resurrection, has made it possible for all believers, Gentiles and Jews, to maintain the righteous principles of the law (or G-d’s instructions) without being encumbered with all the cultural baggage of Talmudic Judaism (Judaizing).