Judge Not Unless Ye Be Judged

L-rd we tend to look at people in judgment: By their so called bad habits, without knowing their personal lives, or the struggles they are or have been going through.
Everyone has a story to tell of their joys, hurts or the struggles they go through. The events through out their lives that made them who their are and how their lives were shape them inward and their outward personalities.
Actions speak louder than words,  pointing fingers never do any good. We are told to clean up our own messes not someone ease's.  We are told to stand in the gap.
We all need to look pass what we see on the outside, take the time to see one's heart.
We are all called the children of G-d, and were made beautiful in His eyes. Each one as a individual and unique personality. He knew us well we were yet in the womb!
We are here to serve Him and to glorify Him through our words and actions, not judging but loving everyone for we are all brothers and sisters in the L-rd.
We are all accountable for ourselves, He is the ONLY Judge. The Good Book says we are to stand in the gap, interceding, praying and encouraging them. There is no fishing in the sea of forgiveness, mankind might remember but once forgiven G-d has put it all under the blood, and forgets as far as the east is from the west.
We all walk in different paths, so until you have walked in their shoes, judge not!
Remember one is only accountable for their own actions, and everything one does or says to another  --- the Father says you do it onto Him.  Just think about that - if I criticize you for anything or say things that hurt your feelings ---- I am doing it also to the Father!
That in its self teaches me to think before speaking.

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