
It seems that even the Hallelujahs have a prophetic story to tell. There is NO Hallelujahs in the Bible, the Hebrew term translated into English, ‘Praise ye the L-RD’, which is found thirty-five times in the KJV. In the Deuteronomy section of psalms (107-150) is eighteen Hallelujahs. That section prophetically portrays the seventh millennium of human history- the Great Sabbath Rest wherein the kingdom of Y’Shua HaMashiach will be established. There are eighteen Hallelujahs to declare the praises of G-d during this time (6+6+6), a contrast to the curses found in the mark of the beast, which, according to Revelation 13:18, bears the number-666. These eighteen Hallelujahs nullify the curse of the antichrist.
In the Numbers section (90-106), which represents the Tribulation Period, there are four Hallelujahs. The first one is found in the last verse of Psalms 104; the second is found in the last verse of 105; and third and fourth Hallelujahs introduce and conclude in Ps. 106. These four Hallelujahs correspond with Revelation 19:1-6, showing the divine continuity of prophetic Scripture. Why four at this point? Because the number four has a special meaning, it represents the world. It is the number of material completeness.
The four hallelujahs which conclude in Numbers section of the Psalms and the four hallelujahs in Revelation 19 declare a rejoicing on the part of G-d’s people over the fat that the problems which have plagued the human race since the fall of Adam are now ended. Paradise is regained. The Garden of Eden is restored. Humankind is no longer plagued by the great tempter. Satan is bound in the bottomless pit and Messiah sits upon the throne of this world.
These four hallelujahs is the Numbers section added to the 18 hallelujahs in the Deuteronomy section make a total of 22 hallelujahs in the Psalms-one for each of the 22letters in the Hebrew alphabet. It is so fitting since the book of Deuteronomy was originally called ‘Dabarim,’ meaning, ‘Words,’ and since our Savior was referred to as the Greek equivalent, ‘Logos,’ as well as the Alpha and Omega! Hallelujah!
J.R. Church

Amen & Amen

"Amen" AND "Amen" occurs 78 times in 72 verses in the KJV
Prophetic implications found in the double application of Amen. As insignificant as it may seem on the surface, it is by no means trite. The word Amen was used very carefully throughout the Old Testament to represent prophetic passages. The very word itself has a future tense. It means ‘so be it.’ Wherever you see the term Amen in the Old Testament, it has a prophetic implication. It is saying, ‘let the thing that is done or said, come to pass in the future.’
The Psalms are divided into five books which correspond with the five books of Moses. They, in turn, present an outline of future events. A Genesis period was predicted-for the land of Palestine to be prepared for the Chosen People. An Exodus period was predicted-when the Chosen People would return to their land. A Leviticus period was predicted-for a restoration of Temple worship. A Numbers period was predicted-for the world to suffer unparalleled tribulation. Finally, a Deuteronomy period was predicted-for the Messiah to establish the kingdom of heaven.
The first forty-one psalms correspond with the book of Genesis, the last verse of which is concluded with two Amens-declaring the Genesis section of the Psalms to be a prophecy.
Ps. 41:13 Blessed be the L-rd G-d of Israel from everlasting, and to everlasting. Amen, and Amen.
Psalms 42-72 corresponds to Exodus. Like the first book, it is also concluded with two Amens and is thus declared to be a prophecy.
Ps. 72:19 And blessed be his glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with His glory. Amen, and Amen.
Psalms 73-89 make up the third book, corresponding with Leviticus. Again the section is designated as prophecy. The psalmist declared, Amen, and Amen – ‘so be it, so be it.’
Ps. 89:52 Blessed be the L-rd for evermore. Amen, and Amen.
In each of these cases the two Amens seem to be saying, ‘What you have read is a prophecy. But read on, there is more!’ But the next Amen in Ps. 106:48 stands alone. It seems to be saying, ‘What you have read is a prophecy. But the story ends here, there is no more!’
Psalms 90-106 make up this fourth book of the Psalms, which compares with Numbers. It is a prophecy of those dreadful years at eh conclusion of this dispensation. It represents the time of G-d’s wrath. At the end of the Tribulation Period the Messiah will return to this earth to establish a new golden age-the millennial reign. Therefore, the Numbers section of the Palms concludes with a single Amen, followed by a Hallelujah.
Ps. 106:48 Blessed be the L-rd G-d of Israel from everlasting to everlasting; and let all the people say, Amen. Praise ye the L-rd Hallelujah.
Though the previous prophetic Psalms conclude with Amen and Amen, the Numbers section ends with a single Amen followed by Hallelujah. By this the psalmist declares the section to be not only prophetic, but the final prophecy containing the judgment of G-d. ‘So be it,’ he wrote, but then adds a Hallelujah, for the fifth book of the Psalms 107-150 declares not the judgment of G-d, but the blessings of the millennial kingdom.
When we cone to Psalm 150, which concludes all five books, we do not find the word Amen. Instead, we find the same word which followed the last Amen of the Numbers section. The last word of Psalm 150 declares, Hallelujah.
Now if all this seems insignificant, please understand that it is not. It is quite profound, pointing out the important events which will fulfill G-d’s great plan of the ages. Remember, the word Amen is prophetic, it means ‘so be it.’ In each place where it is found in the O.T., it declares that portion to be prophetic.
Taken from J.R.Church's book.

PAIN is NOT a lifestyle

I saw this sign in the window of a dentist, and it jumped out at me. I got to thinking and surfing the internet to see what G-d wanted you to know. Some of us live with pain for so long that it just becomes a way of life; we not only accepted pain but swallowed the lie of ‘that is just the way it is.’
What is the source of our pain and suffering? We tend to view pain and suffering as negative things, bodily pain is a positive thing for it warns us that something is wrong. Fear naturally creates resistance when we become afraid, we tend to close off, and we shut down. And when we close off to life we inevitably create pain for ourselves. A tight muscle will hurt, a relaxed one will not.
So, pain is a part, and one might argue a vital and essential part, of life because it warns us about the places where we are constricted, where we close off to the truth, where we are out of harmony of G-d’s original plan.
One can be strong without the rigidity of resistance. That is real strength. Not having resistance actually makes one stronger. True G-dly power does not throw up walls to people or to life; it confronts them. The power in the Messiah’s message comes from being a servant and loving one another unconditionally.
Perhaps you have noticed that if you do not deal with an issue it will return in a more intense form to re-confront you. You are valuable and you are eventually going to have to accept that truth! Every thing in life you have gone through is for training and equipping you to be used for the glory of His Kingdom. As has been said, you will meet your destiny on the road you take to avoid it, "where your greatest hurt is where G-d will use you the most."
So, you will have to face this issue somewhere, sometime. But "facing it" does not mean confronting it. As we may see, ego issues must be confronted and dealt with.
It wasn't about flawless perfection, or always doing it right, it was about being aware and making the changes necessary to maintain harmony with changing surroundings. That is the principle of a happy life and that is the challenge you face in dealing with your fear. Fear causes us to become rigid and stiff (physically and emotionally). We hold back, we do not respond in the moment…and the little problem grows into a mountain.
Although the Creator has given us all many blessings, it is necessary that you experience and accept grace or enlightenment or whatever you choose to call it, for yourself. It is the only way you will trust what you know. Personal drive loss is a separation from part of your vital core caused by things like trauma, psychological disturbance, emotional pain and even witchcraft or generational curses. This vacated region within us can become toxic if not attended to, and lead to disease.
Pain whether physical or emotional is not meant to be a lifestyle! One must choose to deal with the pain of past issues to become an over comer or allow it to defeat you throughout life.
Our destiny is in the choices we make!
Be happy or miserable; no one else can make the choice for you!