A Mother's Gift

A mother is the first person that longs to cuddle her offspring in her arms. She counts her baby’s little fingers and toes. As she rubs it’s little feet and kisses the tinny, loving face. She holds the little one to her bosom, snuggling it close as it drinks in her milk. A bonding that is beyond compare, for no one else can do this but her. There is no building up the bottle so she can go about her busy day, no; it is a time to rest and to put one’s priorities first.
Mother’s gives all her love and nurturing to her children, many times she goes with out to provide for their needs. She actually gets so involve in their interest that she forgets about her own dreams and desires. But nobody notices, least of all her.
She teaches them to talk and walk, and how to feed their selves. To know the difference in right and wrong, and the consequence for chooses one makes. She becomes the taxi driver to get them to all their meetings, and hits all their school functions. She cleans the house, cooks their food, and washes their clothes – yet still had found time to play a game or read a book to them, before tucking them in their own beds at night.
Mothers seem to be the ones that take the time to teach her children about G-d, trying to lead them to have a personal relationship with Him. Sadly many times children learn about G-d, but only go on the parent’s faith and don’t develop their own. They don’t really want to know Him for then they would have to follow His instructions, and could not do their own thing, with out feeling guilty for the wrong chooses.
As young children they think mother is the best thing in the world, one who was always there to kiss their owes, and lesson to their thoughts and hurts. She was the one that would sit up with them all night when they were sick. They spoke openly of their love and shared their kisses and hugs, un-shamble. Children all reach the stage were there seems to be a generation gap – forgetting mother was once a teenager too for times and feelings have not changed so much throughout the generations. But all a sudden, mother is not as smart as they thought – after all they did not do anything important with their live but raise the children and been there for their every wimp and need.
Why is it that as they get older they no longer can say the magic three letters or show their appreciation for giving them live to the fullness of their ability? When was the last time you said I love you or given your mother a hug? Have you made her birthday,mother’s day, or grandmothers day a remember able one? Or do you just take enough time to make a phone call, after all she should know you are very busy or need time to your self.
To many times I have heard people say they wish they had done better and used voice with action when they had the chance. But they learn after the parent has pass away, how they have been so self-centered, and how much they really relied on mother, but had took her for granted.
G-d said to respect thy parents – He did not say ‘if they deserve it’ but respect because of all they had done to provide for you and your future. In the olden days G-d commanded one to provide for their parents in their golden years, and learn from their wisdom for wisdom comes in even making mistakes. Children are not seeming to learn as quickly anymore, maybe not lessoning, for they are still go to mommy for money because they can not manage their own finance because they have not learn to live within their means. Or they cannot handle their own children and always need a free babysitter – ‘how in the world can one do any shopping with two kids hanging on them’ or I hear ‘I get no sleep.’
Scripture says if they do not work they do not eat – too many excuses for not getting out there and supporting their own family, why work if welfare gives you a roof over your head and food on the table – but then they even complain about that.
In trying to give our children better than what we have – we have been enabling them not really helping them. There is such a cases as giving to much and not allowing them to stand on their own two feet, allowing them to learn from their own mistakes. We have help make them what they are today – shame on us. Good intentions are not always good for their growth.
Then the time arrives when all your chickadees are moved out of the house and their offspring has grown up and living their own lives and you find yourself wondering what your dream was and is it to late to be full filled. Your have made your children and grandchildren your life and they have flown the coop – you are left behind. Is it to late for your dreams or do you even have a dream anymore?
Today people don’t want to change their life style so parents are sent to a nursing home, and usually forgot about. I have watched them sit and stare out the window watching and waiting for family to show up, day in and day out. How fast life starts slipping by as you get older, what was once so important as cleaning the house, gardening, cooking ect, is not what is important anymore – all you got left is family or loneliness as I fill my days in research. Maybe this is the time you get to draw even closer to your Maker for you no longer have to be in the rat race.
Please take the time to reflect on your mother, or any women, for G-d has made them the weaker vessel that needs to be touched and told she is loved everyday, for she is the heart of the family and needs to be respected and appreciated.
Life is to short to be taken for granted – here today and gone tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I can feel your heart through your words of wisdom. You are hurting, as many of us do when our expectations are unfulfilled. It doesn't seem fair, as a woman of children, to be left hurting and no-one seems to hear the mother's cry. Why? We ask and get no answer. I know what you are feeling, as I too have gone down that same road. Our own flesh and blood are chasing after their own desires while we sacrificed our youth, to bring them into this world and see that they received the proper care and love. God help us as we get older and need to fend on our own. Keep your chin up and God will always be there for us, even if our family isn't.

Anonymous said...

Hey, hello there. I really liked what you wrote about the Mother's gift. It was very special and right on the mark with what I needed to think on and what has been stirring in me too. I bet others are thinking this same thing. God Bless you!!