Human Suffering

Job 38-41 we can count about 77 questions, many are symbolic questions, which none of the men could answer except by acknowledging that G-d Himself was the answer or that
G-d alone knew the answer. Many seem to be legitimate concerns of scientific research.
8 verses deal with the early history of the earth, 27 with the physical world as it functions today, 33 verses with the nature and needs of the animals (not including the behemoth and the leviathan, which are treated in more detail than the others, having 44 verses). All of these are a part of His creation, giving clear testimony of His providential care for all His creatures, and an implied rebuke to men and women for failing to understand this.
Keep in mind that not all statements – with the exception of G-d’s own words in chapters 38-42 – necessarily express divine truth, but all are correctly recorded by divine inspiration.
They had all had their saying, and yet had not gained their point, and then it was time for G-d to interpose, whose judgment is according to truth. When we know not who is in the right, and perhaps are doubtful whether we ourselves are, this may satisfy us, that G-d will determine shortly in the valley of decision, Joel 3:14.
G-d’s solution to human suffering - - He said noting about it! His divine message, given out of the whirlwind, occupies 123 verses in four chapters, yet there is not a word about the sufferings of Job, or even about human suffering in general.
What the Father does talk about is creation! The mighty message from heaven focuses exclusively on the doctrine of special creation of all things by G-d, and then His providential care of His creation. It exalts His power, His wisdom, His purpose, His love. In our present humanistic culture, even Believers have become self-centered instead of G-d centered, G-d and His purpose in creation to only a peripheral role in our thoughts and deeds. Do we not hear: “What about me? Why me? I need help? I need money. Ect.” What we really are saying is: You are not providing for me and I lack trust in You.
G-d’s response, at first, seems inadequate when these Believers were groping for answers to great human needs and problems. He was deeply concerned with Job, his suffering, and his reaction to it. Therefore, His reply to Job’s pleadings could not have indicated indifference. Instead, silence must have been the best possible answer, both to the wrong solutions proposed by his friends and to Job’s confusion as he sought to understand them.
This leads us to the remarkable conclusion that a correct and complete doctrine of creation is the answer to all the problems that burden this present hurting world.
Creation should have first priority in their thinking, no matter what problem they were facing. If G-d Himself laid such stress on it in dealing with this most vexing of all human problems, we would also do well to give it priority when dealing with this or lesser problems.
Men and women must first be brought back to recognition of their Creator before they can comprehend the meaning of sin against Him and salvation by Him. Creation is the basis of true Believers, true faith, and true salvation, true fellowship and true peace. The purpose on earth of those who have been reconciled to G-d is to bring others to the same happy condition.
Life is not about ourselves and our daily problems, sufferings are also part of our training and equipping and being in Him. May we stop our crying and start enjoying all of His creation for we are in His providential care! There is nothing you go through that G-d does not know about and everything is in His control.


Anonymous said...

I do think of you, and enjoy ,and am promoted in what you write and send. I really appreciated the one you just sent about human suffering.and the Lord's lack of addressing it . We are too self-centered for sure.

Anonymous said...

Praise God! Here you are just operated on and need your rest...but there you go... and are teaching us still!!!! You truly are His servant, even when you are down. May you be BLESSED immensely. I pray all went well with the operation and recovery will be swift. Then you can be out and about telling others your experiences in this life God has given you. I am happy to know you are up to writing again. How are you feeling? Nurses keep you up all night? I know God has BIG plans for you and the experience you went through. Love you, dear one!