Urine Therapy

Heared about UT on Dr. Oz so check out what it was about; interesting but would you try it?
The commonly-asked question, "If your urine is so good for you, why does your body excrete it?" is best answered by looking into how our kidneys function. As your blood moves through the circulatory system, it flows through the kidneys at a rate of about 1200 ml of blood per minute. Inside the kidneys, the blood is continuously filtered through a huge system of minute tubules called nephron which sift out excess water, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, salts, and hundreds of other elements including vital antibodies, urea and uric acid.
Your kidneys aren't doing damage to your body by getting rid of particular excess nutrients, they're just simply excreting the precise amount not presently needed by your body at a given time. And the same goes for practically every nutrient, enzyme, hormone, antibody, etc. that are critical to your survival -- the kidneys keep what your body needs at a certain time, and excretes what it isn't momentarily using into your urine.
Despite what the public has been led to believe about urine, pharmaceutical companies have grossed billions of dollars from the sale of drugs made from urine constituents. Pergonal, a fertility drug made from human urine, earned a reported $855 million in sales in 1992, and sales ($1400 a month per patient) have increased yearly. Urokinase, a urine ingredient, is used in drug form and sold as a "miracle blood clot dissolver" for unblocking coronary arteries. Urea, medically proven to be one of the best moisturizers in the world has been a boon to cosmetic companies who package it in expensive, glamorized creams and lotions. Ever used Murine ear drops? They're made from carbamide -- another name for synthetic urea. Precautions are taken to ensure the purity and quality of the urine. The first urine of the day and the mid-stream urine is the best sample. Before collecting the sample, it is necessary to wash the genital area thoroughly. After taking the urine into the body, individuals should refrain from eating anything for at least half an hour. Urine can be used internally or applied externally. For internal use, it is necessary to collect the morning’s first sample. A sterile container is used, and with a dropper the patient places anywhere between 5-10 drops under his tongue. The usual system is to use 1-5 drops on the first day, followed by 5-10 drops on the second day, 5-10 drops on the morning of the third day and 5-10 drops on the evening of the third day.
For external application, new or old urine can be used. Since older urine has a higher concentration of ammonia, it is more effective against skin diseases and rashes. To make the urine old, it should be stored in a dark bottle and closed tightly and kept away from the sun for 3-4 days. A small amount of the solution is applied directly on the skin. It can also be sprayed on the skin or added to skin lotions, cream or moisturizers. Doctors advise against the use of soap immediately after applying urine on the skin.
1. Drinking. The mid stream of the first morning urine is taken. Begin with two-three ounces and increase it to your personal, comfortable level. Take a very clean glass. In the morning, right after getting up, try to urinate in three steps. That may sound somewhat silly, but it is meant quite seriously. The first urine to pass through the urethra cleans the passageway thoroughly. You should not collect these expelled substances. Pause briefly, position the glass, and let the urine pour in. When the glass is full, pause again. Set the glass aside and empty your bladder completely. This remaining urine does not contain many useful substances, and therefore you needn't collect it. It only would increase the amount of fluid you drink. What you have collected is the so-called morning midstream urine. This is the purest and richest urine of the day.
2. Fasts. Fasts with urine and water are practiced for one or more days. J.W.Armstrong, a renowned urine therapist from England, lets his patients fast for up to 45 days. Fasts are only recommend under trained, medical supervision.
3. Enemas. The easiest way to take an enema is with a syringe containing two-three ounces of urine. The urine is kept in the colon for as long as possible.
4. Gargle. Urine is kept in the mouth 20-30 minutes, or as long as possible, for gum problems and other lesions of the mouth and tongue.
5. Douche. For any vaginal discomfort or cleansing, a solution of Golden Seal and urine will give comfort and healing.
6. Eye and ear drops. Any pain, burning and tiredness in the eyes may get relief with a few drops of urine placed into the eyes. The ears also benefit greatly if receiving a few urine drops for ear pain and discomfort.
7. Urine sniffing. This is the most effective way of treatment for any sinus congestion and upper respiratory problems.
8. External application of urine upon any injury or wounds arising out of cuts or burns gives instant relief and the wounds get dried and healed soon. Even the marks of the wounds would not remain on the body ! Hidden injury due to sprain or swelling in any part of the body gets cured by Shivambu.
9. U. T. Treatment is very effective in counteracting the venom of snake, scorpion, poison due to mad-dog's bite or intoxicating influence of opium, brown sugar and other nasty drugs. It's the most harmless yet powerful detoxifying agent for drug addicts. The drug addicts can't afford to remain ignorant about the most beneficial use of Shivambu for detoxifying their brain, body and whole system by this simple yet most effective therapy !!
Urine-Therapy: It May Save Your Life, morning urine is the richest and best urine to drink. This is partially due to the greater level of hormonal secretion that takes place in the late night hours when the body is totally relaxed and repairing itself. She offers some further advice for the novice uring drinker: "Saying 'thank you' to your body just before drinking urine will help you to realize the value of this golden liquid. Your body produced it for you.
Method of massage with old Urine
Like old wine, old urine is precious for massage and outward applications. (Not for drinking) In order to get rid of chronic incurable diseases of cancer, asthma, leprosy, arthritis and incurable skin diseases doing massage with old urine systematically along with Shivambu fasting helps considerably in early recovery. As the urine which enters the body through the pores detoxifies the possible toxins of our body and helps in early recovery. Massage should be done with light hand like anointing all over the body from head to feet for minimum one hour daily. If it is done twice a day still better.
For this purpose you have to arrange 7 clean bottles having half litre capacity putting labels of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 number. First day collect urine in bottle no. 1 which will be used for massage on the 7th day. Thus fill seven bottles in seven days. When old urine is not available, in the mean time fresh urine can also be used for massage and outward application. If the urine collected in the bottles becomes several months old it will not be spoilt, but its efficacy, will be enhanced for all external use. For drinking always use fresh urine. Massage should begin with the urine collected in bottle No. 1 seven days back. Keep that bottle in a tumbler or small bucket containing hot water so that the bottle and urine will become warm. It can also be made warm by keeping the bottle in the sun. To reduce the offensive smell of old urine you can mix camphor powder in urine while massaging. Massage the whole body. Thereafter the patient should sit for 15-20 minutes in the open air or sunshine, (If convenient) then he can take bath with lukewarm water without using soap, instead one can use gram flour or clay. Late Shri Morarji Desai had not used soap either for bathing or shaving but was using urine only during the last 30 years ! That was the secret that he hadn't visible wrinkles on his face and body at the ripe age of 99 years.
Urine therapy is supposed to cure a variety of ailments ranging from Arthritis, Cancer, Hepatitis, Multiple Sclerosis, Eczema, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Herpes and adrenal failure. It is commonly used to combat venom from snakebites, jellyfish and beestings. Urine is the main ingredient in infertility drugs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say how grateful I am to Martha Christy for writing her book. I was skeptical at first - who wouldn't be? But I have been suffering from rheumatoid arthritis for 7 years (I'm 34) to the point where I have been nearly disabled at times; hospitalized because of the pain at times; and unable to function as a mother to my newborn 3 years ago.
I started with "MY" own perfect medicine about 16 months ago, and within 3 days... yes THREE DAYS my aches were dramatically decreased, my swollen joints
began 'unswelling' and over the past 16 months my 'sed' rate has dropped from an alarming 90 - 100 to about 27; almost normal!!
Just wanted to let you know that Perfect Medicine is RIGHT ON in my opinion. Now, if we could just get others to understand. No one in my family understands even the concept of it... so needless to say not even my husband knows I'm doing this. They all just think "it's a miracle" that I'm feeling so much better.
Well, it is a miracle. My OWN miracle! By the way, I have also used the therapy to relieve dry skin patches on my legs and face, and minor acne problems. Have also sprayed it into my hair on nights when my husband works... and left it over night. When I washed in the morning, my hair was soft and shiny, and the dry spots were much smoother. And minor acne all but disappears over night. I swear by this stuff!!!
Sincerely, Denise