Frozen Walls

Long made walls frozen over in time are glittering in His Son’s light.
Tall walls, medium walls and small walls displayed in the shadows and openly but none of them held a bridge to cross.
Some were covered in the sot of this world, were others were towering as high as the trees; all were long and wide stretching out to the sea.
Here and there you could see melting going on, leaving flowing water passing between that dismantled them from the others.
They seem to surround the two trees in the garden, as if trying to outline, the pathway to His light.
A new birth is appearing to pop through as it pushes back all our barriers freeing us from hunts of the pass.
Our baggages are getting too hard to carry; we need to let go and let God hold our hand the rest of life’s way.
Father what do You have to say to us today?
“My yoke is easy and My burden is light,
Wouldn’t you sit at My feet
And be My delight?
Only I can give you the peace that passes all understanding.
Push into Me for I am waiting for you with open arms,
As I rock you gently.
Let the tears of sorrow fall, for as they flow down,
Your frozen walls will melt away
Into My sea of forgetfulness.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is just beautiful. He truly gives you the words to show others.