[Isa. 59:8] The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace.
G-d’s people wondered why G-d did not seem to rescue them from their trials. They wondered if perhaps G-d had diminished in strength - if His hand had become shortened.
This touch on one of the greatest problems in practical theology: how can there be a G-d of love and all power when there is human suffering? If we loved someone and had the power to end their suffering, wouldn't we do it?
Your iniquities have separated you from your G-d: The problem isn't with G-d's power, His knowledge, or His interest. The problem is with our iniquities. Sin has separated you from your G-d. Sin does not necessarily separate us from the presence of G-d, because
G-d is present everywhere (Psalm 139:7) and even Satan can have an audience with G-d (Job 1:6). Sin does not separate us from the love of G-d, because G-d loves sinners (Romans 5:8). But sin still does separate.
Sin separates us from fellowship with G-d, because at least at the point of our sin, we no longer think alike with G-d.
Sin separates us from the blessing of G-d, because at least at the point of our sin, we are not trusting G-d and relying on Him.
Sin separates us from the some of the benefits of G-d's love, even as the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) was still loved by the father, but didn't enjoy the benefits of his love when he was in sin.
Sin separates us, in some way, from the protection of G-d, because He will allow trials to come our way to correct us.
How easy it is for us to blame our problems on everything except our iniquities! We will even blame G-d before seeing that the problem is with us! We will deny who G-d is before seeing that the problem is with us!
Your hands are defiled with blood: They practiced and approved of violence and murder.
Your lips have spoken lies: They lied with ease and regularity.
No one calls for justice: They did not share G-d's heart for what was fair and good; everyone simply thought in terms of their own good. Both justice and truth were distant concepts, and instead of justice there were empty words, instead of truth there were lies.
They have made themselves crooked paths; whoever takes that way shall not know peace: Their choice and the consequences are plain. Their crooked paths will never lead them into the way of peace, meaning peace in the full sense of shalom. Justice and righteousness are put away from our legal courts.
We look for light, but there is darkness! Now, having given themselves over to darkness, when they want the light, it isn't there. When you always have the light to go to, the darkness feels "fun." It seems mysterious and adventurous. But when the light is taken away, we despair in the darkness.
The state of G-d's people was no mystery to the Father. He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: Not only was the state of G-d's people bad; but no one among them took the lead in getting it right. Where was the man that would lead the people in righteousness? He could not be found. Where was the intercessor who would plead G-d's case to the people, and the people's repentance to their G-d?
No intercessor could be found. None arose; so the Father did it Himself.
They have had their reality check, and see things as they are. Now we need to check ours!
Their plans resembled the egg of the serpent. The nature of the egg cannot be easily known by an inspection. It may have a strong resemblance to those which would produce some inoffensive and even useful animals. It is only when it is hatched that its true nature is fully developed. So it is with the plans of the wicked. When forming, their true nature may not be certainly known, and it may not be easy to determine their real character. Their plans, when developed, are like the poisonous and destructive production of the serpent's egg. The true nature is then seen; and it is ruinous, pernicious, and evil.
Most people don't pick up the connection between Isaiah 59:17-18 and Paul's comments on our spiritual armor in Ephesians 5:10-17. In that passage, Paul calls that armor the whole armor of G-d, and it is G-d's armor in the sense that it belongs to Him - after all, He uses it here in verses 17-18 - and He allows us to use it to fight for Him. If we don't put on the armor of G-d and fight for Him, then eventually G-d will put it on Himself and fight for His glory. But G-d's preference is to work in and through us, with us using His armor. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Father will lift up a standard against him. The enemies of G-d will never triumph over Him. Even if they come in like a flood, and seem unstoppable, G-d will lift up a battle-standard against him, and he will be stopped. G-d gives His people the glorious privilege of being more than conquerors (Romans 8:37), but will win it with or without us.
The Redeemer will come to Zion: After speaking in the third-person through the prophet, now the Father speaks in the first-person through the prophet. When He speaks, He declares: the Redeemer - the goel - will come to Zion. The goel - sometimes translated kinsman-redeemer, here simply as Redeemer, the goel was responsible to safeguard the persons, the property, and the posterity of the family. The Messiah, He is our near kinsman because He has added perfect humanity to His deity. He is the one who buys us out of slavery. He is the one who avenges wrongs done to us. He protects our inheritance, and blesses and guards our posterity. This promise of G-d in verse 20 could be reworded, "I will send My Son, the Redeemer for all humanity, Y’Shua of Nazareth!"
Who does the Redeemer come to? To those who turn away from transgression. The goel only worked for those who asked for His services, and knew they needed Him.
“My Spirit who is upon you, and My words . . . shall not depart from your mouth . . . from this time and forevermore”: The covenant G-d makes with His people promises an abiding Spirit and an enduring word. G-d accomplishes His purpose in people and through all creation through both the Spirit and the word.
There is too much to gain to spend a lifetime in wrong chooses!
Don’t allow sin to bring on righteous judgment to come into your life!
Put on the full armor of G-d to be able to war off your battles.
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