Death March

The larval stage of the bag shelter moth is a woolly caterpillar and their hirsute appearance plays an important role in their unusual behaviour. When they emerge to feed, they form a procession, creeping along nose to tail in a colossal caterpillar conga-line. Researchers at La Trobe University managed to get to this hairy caravan.
These woolly caterpillars are the larval stage of the bag shelter moth.
Being social little critters they nest together inside a silken bag nest. And something remarkable happens when they come out to feed...
They form a procession, one following the other, and head to tail in a creepy crawly conga-line. First they observe how the caterpillars formed their procession, twitching to locate each other. Then full steam ahead. Then some caterpillars receive a haircut on either the first or last three segments of their body before being re-introducing into the procession.
The inclusion of caterpillars whose hindquarter hairs had been cut caused the procession to break down. Leader caterpillars become hard to follow and will not stop when those behind become detached. But if the head capsule is trimmed the procession rarely brakes. This study indicates that touch stimulus from the hairs is the mechanism that maintains the single-file, head-to-tail movement,
So their protected by their severely irritating hairs are the reason they never get lost.
A group of them were attached nose-to-tail in a circle with food just outside the circle; they continued marching in the circle for a week, not seeking the nourishment they needed, because their leader did not stray from his path. They died for lack of nourishment.
It is amazing how G-d design each creature and He says we can learn from them.
People, liken onto the woolly caterpillars can follow a leader in blind obedience forming a procession line as they locate each other. Full steam ahead, placing all their trust in the fearless leader that would lead them to nourishment. But if the touchy stimulus hairs of their hindquarters get cut the procession breaks down taking others with them, as they wander aimlessly for they had not been taught independence.
Too many people are following the path laid out by others without questioning, until something drastic happens and wander endlessly in their death march.
The time is coming when one will need great discernment in picking a leader that will lead you to nourishment and protection, and will not leaving you behind if you become detached.
G-d gave humans a brain to think for themselves, so they don’t follow in blind obedience, to their death. Maybe G-d made you to be the leader instead of a follower, either way everyone needs to tune into Him, think for your self for you are only accountable for your own decisions. Increase you discernment for the path of life to take and walk accordantly.

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