'Super Power’ slip away

Ps. 83 by Sid Rolth
G-d promise Abraham & his descendents the land of Israel and we have been trying to take away piece by piece.
Ezek. 35:5 shows when the hatred between Jews and Arabs
In 2012 the conflict still stands, Ezek. 25:15 shows there is no end of time and spreads like cancer. All the enemy leaders are in place, Moslems are very calculated, and waiting for four decades to come into power, they are welcome in our White House by Present Obama.
Jordan in Jeremiah 49:1-6 says there is alarm of war, defeated by the Israel Defense Force.
Saudi Arabia,
Lebanon, Obadiah 1:19-20 talks about the West Bank, the Gaza Strip & the Sothern part of Lebanon coming into the possession of Israel.
Iran, Ezek. 38 speaks of Gog and Magog invasion with Russia under the banner of Persia
Jeremiah 49:34-39 Elem is were the nuclear plant is.
Modern day Iran on the map is compiled with Persia and Elem.
Egypt, Isaiah 19:18 say 5 cities in the land of Egypt will speak the language of Canaan which was Hebrew.
Iraq in Jeremiah 49 seems to talk about it gets struck at the foremost of its might and there will be dispersion into the world.
Isaiah 17:1 says Damascus will be destroyed.
USA, in the Bible could be the merchants of Tarsus mentioned in Ezek. 38:13 and their young lions. We are a ‘super power’ that was called to be a ‘save haven’ for the Jewish people & we were to be a ‘beacon of Christianity’ to the world. We were to help the reestablishment of the Jewish state. The last 2-3 decades we have been asking Israel to trade land for peace. In Joel 3:2 says G-d judges nations who divide His Land. We could have the same fate as Great Britain for the same reason!
We have a obligation to Israel to help to survive for the L-rd has big plans for His People. We are starting to see the ‘super power’ slip away. The god of money has left this country in 2007 and our economy is getting worse.
When Psalms 83 comes around again, it will trigger the events to fall into place.
Matthew 24:8 says like the woman having birth panes, they become more and more and you can’t stop them.
In the after math, when the Israel Defense force comes into play they will win all the land back the G-d originally gave them in Genesis 15:18.
All of this is pointing to the coming of the Messiah.

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