Strategic Season

A new year and a new season settling in, time is disappearing as the days are rapidly bringing new changes. Holiness and righteousness is once again being preached in some churches. They are correcting their mistakes and bringing back the Written Word, well in the mean time the world is falling apart not knowing which direction to go, running to and fro. Grace has been preached so long it became a blanket of ‘free will’ to do as you please; you’re not under the letter of G-d’s Law. People have not been told or forgotten G-d is not only a loving, forgiving Father but also a righteous judge and what is done in secret will be brought to the light. Signs of the days of harvest are more prominent now then ever before, angels with sickles are coming down to separate the wheat from the tare. No more playing church, it was never meant to be a social club, a religious spirit has crawled in (holier than thou). Originally churches have started with ‘no walls’, we have made them monuments, put on a pedestal. G-d is not into denominations, just take what you have learned that is truth and spread the Word. Nation by nation are preparing to go against Israel, beware which side you back up for it has been written that Israel is still G-d’s chosen people. Tune in your ear to hear the sounds of heaven’s cry. Watchers speak the Word with all confidence; cry out for wisdom for our nation and leaders. Many will turn aside to seek other ways but G-d’s people must follow Him, even if the path is rocky and steep. Our lives here are all about relationships, especially with the Father, pressing in, being tried and going the distance. G-d is offering each of us a fresh start, a clean slate. It is true weeping comes in the night but overwhelming joy comes in the morning.


Anonymous said...

Good word!

Anonymous said...

Great word of encouragement from the Lord!

May an abundance of grace be upon you as you carry the Hope within you to many others!