Women in Scripture

The Important things I learn from woman in the Bible. Then a Canaanite woman looked for healing for her child talking with Y’Shua and said even the dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their master's table . Deborah was a prophetess, a speaker of wisdom and when war came she led the out-numbered and badly-equipped Israelite troops to a great victory. Apart from Deborah, the Judges were hardly role models. Deborah stands out for her wisdom, courage and faith. Her name is ‘bee’ in Hebrew. Eve means 'life-bearer', she is the primordial first mother/Everywoman, but also a person in her own right. G-d also created an independent and strong-minded woman who, like all humans, was both creative and destructive, clever and short-sighted. The story recognizes that men's and women's lives interlock so completely in economic and social matters, that neither can survive without the other. Hadassah means 'myrtle', a tree whose leaves only release their fragrance when crushed. Her heroism only appeared when she and her people were in danger. Hannah waits upon G-d to answer her prayer, and keep her promise to Him. Jael though she was a weak woman, she used a tent peg and mallet to kill the unwary enemy general. She was hailed as a national heroine by the pursuing Israelite forces. Leah was loved less, but G-d sees her inner beauty and rewards her with many sons. Two of these sons are the forebears of the royal Messianic and priestly tribes in Israel. She was known for even if one don't understand it at the time, you can trust in G-d's ultimate plan. Judith is beautiful and respected, a wealthy widow of Bethulia, confronts the town leaders and relied on G-d's help and rebukes the town officials for trying to make G-d in their own image. Judith was not a soldier, but she killed a fearsome warrior of the ancient world. Judith has saved her people, and is hailed as a national heroine. Naomi though a believer went through hard times but her faith in G-d never died. Her name means ‘pleasant’. Noah’s wife - story of a woman with extraordinary patience, and extraordinary love for her husband. How else to explain the fact that she went along with a task that was preposterous, to say the least? Noah may have been nominal head of the family, but he could only have achieved what he did with the support of his family - and the leader of this family was his wife. Ruth, a foreigner could move G-d's plan towards fulfillment. Ruth means lovely friend’. Sarah with her laugh, not to think you known more than G-d. Sarah means 'the great mother is queen' Tamar Bad things happen to good people, but good can come from evil, even when we cannot see G-d's plan or understand it. She was a woman of integrity who risked her life to fulfill her duty to herself and her family. G-d's plan unfolded through the unorthodox actions of a woman, though she was in the right, that she had been acting according to the law. She ‘redeemed’ Judah. She saved him from doing what was wrong, and was thus a pre-figure of Y’Shua, who was one of her descendents. Queen of Sheba had the power of an intelligent woman. The Queen acts as Solomon's equal. She knows her own worth. There is a message here for all women. Most probably she was from Ethiopia a women played an important role in society and were equal to men in nearly all spheres, with civil, religious and military rights and duties much like a man’s. The emperor of Ethiopia traced his direct lineage from Solomon and Sheba’s baby.

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