Oven & Shower Cleaner

Oven and shower cleaner Into a spray bottle mix:
2 oz. Dawn Dishwashing liquid
4 oz. (bottled) Lemon Juice
8 oz. White Vinegar
10 oz. Water
Now make your house sparkle!
*Please test it first before using on delicate surfaces. This is powerful stuff! If your shower has a bad build-up of soap scum and crud it may take a time or two to get that shine.
Works on every stain I've tried it on !!!
The ultimate stain remover that actually works on a seriously set in stain! Never buy oxyclean again!
The mixture is:
1 tsp. Dawn dishwashing detergent
3-4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide
couple tablespoons of baking soda.
Scrub on with a scrubbing brush

2/3 cups Dawn Dishwashing Liquid
2/3 cups ammonia
6 Tbsp baking soda
2 cups warm water
Mix everything together and pour into a spray bottle. You can get the empty bottles at Walmart for about a dollar.When you get ready to use it each time, give it a good shake. Spray on stain and let soak for a few minutes. For tougher stains, rub the fabric together for a minute as well. Launder Remove hard water stains
Fill about half a spray bottle with distilled white vinegar. Add in 1/4 cup of lemon juice. Fill the majority of the remaining space in your spray bottle with the dish soap of your choice. Shake the bottle to mix together ingredients. Use your solution on hard water stains! Spray it on liberally and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then scrub away the grime. Rinse, dry, and marvel at the glorious results. 

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