Disturbances At The River

My son and I went down to the river to pray:
Disturbances At The River
Too many waves causing discernment through out the functioning of the church body.
Small ripples can cause big waves if not dealt with immediately.
Be aware of different species that are non-scriptural to destroy the flow of
G-d's Kingdom.
All of nature points to the Father, one has to watch and listen to be aware of what is coming down the current.  
Decisions have to be made as to be aware of were each Watchmen is to stand, all are held responsible for their chooses to stay a float and not be carried off in the strong current.
Well you stand in the river of G-d or be put ashore?
Don't be caught in the wrong wave or you may be drowned in the deceptions.
Stand on the truth of G-d's Word for it will never change, it is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, man changes the wording but G-d does not.  

When we got home we heard a song, and I look up the lyrics:

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