In the final analysis, anything that impedes us, that inhibits the expression of our spiritual nature, from substance abuse to lustful foibles, also impedes G-d. Choice is an awesome gift in the World of Doing; we must use it wisely.
A person who is true doesn’t desire gold and never deceives anyone else, doesn’t live on a fancy diet, and doesn’t need fine clothing. Such a person doesn’t make plans for life, but waits on the divine will. The spirit of Error has no power over such a person.
When a situation is going well, ride the wave. When things are going badly, withdraw is another form of action. The flip side of withdraw is engagement.
We can learn from the Good Book that is full of examples of other people’s life’s:
Reuben – Desire Zebulun – Mercy and Compassion
Simeon – Jealousy Dan – Anger
Levi – Arrogance Naphtali – Orderliness
Judah – Courage Gad – Hatred
Issachar – Simplicity Asher – Single-mindedness and Duplicity
Joseph – Chastity Benjamin – Imitation of Goodness
The person who has wishes seeks possibilities; the person who has no wishes seeks only explanations. The world of faith should never have become a closed system, shut off from all inconsistent ideas, but an open book, intimately approachable, hiding nothing. The principles are simple, and the possibilities they present are awesome:
Know who you are, be true to yourself and the divine image that is in you. Cultivate a ‘G-d’s eye view of your world, a higher perspective that will help you make the right choices.
Reach out genuinely with your feelings, and dare to do great things.
It is all about the desire to be something greater than what we already are, and it is that upward motion that makes us fully spiritual, and fully human. The accumulation of ‘stuff’ never satisfies.
Don’t bemoan you ‘fallen’ condition; embrace knowledge, accept the reality of pain, and experience divine compassion.
We are all ‘light-bearers’. Know that the things you seek have been in you all along.
Believe in your own goodness and purity, whatever hellish experiences you encounter.
Organized knowledge and organized life, and calm will appear during any storm.
Accept the fact that nothing is permanent. Seize the day! Don’t surrender to doubt or despair. Become aware of the larger pattern, and of fate. Don’t just do something; sit there!
You are not a mere copy of the divine image; you are that image. Recognize the divine fullness in yourself, others, and in the natural world around you. There’s a hero hiding in each of us.
Become a ‘ring-bearer,’ channeling the negativity of life situations in positive directions.
Let hope energize love and actualize deeds as you move in consonance with your feelings.
Discover the ‘momentum’ in any situation. Stop. Think. Observe. Plan.
Imitate the virtues and shun the vices of previous generations.
Let your pain be transformed into the building blocks of character.
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