Prayer Warriors Gathering

You have a window of opportunity to step up to the plate and bend your knees in prayer for your nation to turn back to G-d's ways.
If people of faith would humble themselves and pray I will heal their land!
You wrestle not against flesh and blood but the powers and principalities who have corrupted My world.
Have I not told you 'Greater is He that is in you then he that is in the world.''
Why do you sit back and do nothing? Isn't My cause worth fighting for?
It only took one woman to pull down My Word and My Laws. Where were My people of faith to allow that to happen? You have a voice, situations can be created or avoided for the majority will win. Keep running the race, don't back down, become on of the majority.
Prayer Warriors use you voice, stand and be counted. You can make a difference!
I'm giving you this window of opportunity to turn your nation around. I have already sent believers to counsel one that have not followed Me, deaf ears are being open.
Windows of opportunity are only open for a season - don't miss this opportunity to pray for those running the nation. Little voices can make a difference.
Remember I AM the vine - you are the branches. You believe I can do anything but I ask you do you believe in yourself? If you are in Me and I am in you then believe this is your time to come into the fullness of the calling I have placed on you. I have called all to be praying warriors, stand in the gap.
You may think you are different and don't fit in - I have come to tell you - YOU ARE! And being different isn't a bad thing - not fitting in to the 'normal churches'. I set meat eaters aside to become warriors that are willing to fight for the Kingdom sake.                                                                                           Many will judge you for 'no one' is perfect, babies do not know that I am the only one that sits in the judgment seat.
Babies suck off the milk of the Word. My warriors have chewed the meat and have been set aside to spend time with Me, in fellowship, and My Word. If My people spent as much time with Me as they do their cell phones, I would have more warriors. Pray for them to get the hunger to advance, that my army will grow into maturity. They are falling asleep to what really matters. Read Acts 20:9
'And there sat in a window a certain young man named Eutychus, being fallen into a deep sleep: and as Paul was long preaching, he sunk down with sleep, and fell down from the third loft, and was taken up dead.' Wake up before it is too late  Pray for you leader, pray for your nation, pray pray pray. The time is now - stop judging and PRAY.
Look up redemption draweth nigh.

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