Ship Ahoy!

Drop your anchor and test the waters. If the water is to cold and you remain in it long enough you begin to adjust to it. Question is if it was too cold in the first place, why do you choose to stay in?
If you step into hot water it can scaled you badly. But that too you can get use to and come out quite burnt.
Pull up your anchor and drift on for I have a place for you that is neither hot nor cold. Come towards Me for I am the Living Water that will be your resting place.
Lean neither onto your own understanding nor to your own provision. For I am watering the camp were you will be used mightily and I will provide the provision needed.
Do not look at the circumstances surrounding you for it is all part of a bigger picture, and I am in control. Keep your eyes on Me and I will direct your path.
As the wind blows so is My Spirit that floats as gently as the leaves, falling on My anointed ones.
So be ready in season or out of season for when I open the waves you are to walk through.
All glory is Mine, Saith the L-rd.

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