Castor Oil

Castor oil (Ricinus communis) comes from the seeds of the castor bean but is not part of the bean family. Castor oil seems to have a natural healing ability, due to the presence of an unusual component that has anti-inflammatory properties - the Ricinoleic acid. This rare unsaturated fatty acid is responsible for the castor oil's remarkable healing abilities.
Here are some examples of how you can use this oil at home:
Hemmorhoids - Try soaking a cotton ball with castor oil and apply to hemmorhoids. Helps to relieve and shrink swelling.
Jammed finger - There have been many testimonials on castor oil being used on a jammed finger. Had a finger slammed in a car door? Try soaking it in a cup of castor oil until pain is relieved, or put a bandage or cloth soaked in castor oil and leave on over night. You probably should use something to cover it due to the oil being very messy.
Back Pain - Castor oil can also be used for back pain. Soak a cloth with the oil and leave on the soar area overnight or however long it takes to relieve the pain.
Prenatal and postnatal life - during the fifth month of every pregnancy a generous tablespoon of oil would be mixed in a warm cup of milk and given at night. This purged her system clean. Once the children were born, castor oil would be smeared on the newborn’s head every day to keep the baby cool in hot summer days. If the baby was constipated, the stalk of a betel leaf dipped in castor oil would be gently inserted into the baby’s anus to give instant relief. If the baby cried incessantly because of colicky pains, a drop of castor oil would be rubbed over the baby’s belly button and, if needed, a betel leaf smeared with castor oil and warmed slightly over a hot iron girdle would be placed on the baby’s navels.
Eyes burn - take a little castor oil on your finger tips and apply as an outline along the eye lashes. Apply it under the eyes to remove the unsightly dark circles.
Restless legs - rub castor oil under your feet, gently messaging the soles and the toes. You must try it to know how relaxing it can be.
Stressed - due to excessive workload and feel hot, mix a little castor oil with coconut oil and message your head, and then shampoo after soaking for one or two hours.
Castor oil pack - a piece of flannel is soaked in castor oil and covered with a sheet of plastic. The castor pack with a hot water bottle over it is placed over any part of the body to promote the healing of the tissues and organs underneath.
A castor oil pack can be placed over inflamed and swollen joints to relieve muscular sprains; it can be placed on the right side of the abdomen to stimulate the liver. Similarly, to relieve constipation and other digestive disorders, the pack is placed over the solar plexus; and to treat menstrual irregularities and uterine and ovarian cysts, the pack is placed over the lower abdomen. Castor oil pack placed over swollen lymph nodes removes toxins from the site and improves the circulation of the lymph.
Warts - smear 2-4 castor oil on the wart followed by gentle massage for 10-15 minutes at a stretch on wart with the oil. repeated for 2 times per day until the warts get disappeared.
Red eye - red eye, you can put one drop castor oil in each of the eyes and take rest for 5-10 minutes with closed eyes. This remedy will remove the redness from eyes.
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