Dead Flies in the Ointment

Studying with Rabbi Curt Landry
[Ecc. 10:1] Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour: so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honour.
Dead – flies attract live flies because they like the dung pile.
Flies – Matt. 10:25, 12:24, 27 represents evil thoughts, evil plans and evil desires, and brings guilt and shame. Fly eggs are evil thoughts that can lay dormant until it starts multiplying and becomes an distraction and making it unable to hear the voice of the Shepard.
Flies having a short life span can die landing in your anointment if you are not watching causing your prayers not to go straight up into the nostrils of your Maker.
The idol Beelzebub was the prince of the air and the lord of the flies.
Ointment – is applies to the head, beard and garment. Separating them for the purpose of G-d.
There was 11 spices mentioned in Scripture (Ex. 30:34) and the rest was passed down by oral tradition. It was mixed by the water gate on the South side; they used a herb that made the smoke rise straight up. Here is the Hebrew righting about that herb that grew by the dead sea:
“Our fathers passed on a tradition to us, that one day the Holy Temple will be destroyed. We did not want to teach our secret, so that it does not fall into the wrong hands, the hands of idolaters.”
The 11 spices represent 11 of the N.T. Prayers:
1. Confession of sins in 1 Jn. 1:9.
2. Confession of faults in James 5:16.
3. Agreement in Matt. 18:19.
4. Faith for healing of the sick in James 5:15.
5. Binding in Matt. 16:19.
6. Loosing in Matt. 16:19.
7. Praying in the Spirit in Eph. 6:18.
8. Praying with understanding in 1 Cor 14:15.
9. Thanksgiving in Philippians 5:16.
10. Intercession in 1 Tim. 2:1.
11. General Supplication in Philippians 4:6.
Apothecary – is the Cohen (Priest) that makes the ointment. Ex. 30:23-27.
Stinking savour - Ps. 23:5 Thou anointest my head with oil. The Shepard rubbed oil on the heads of his sheep. Because the flies would come and drop eggs on the heads of the sheep and also in the sheep’s noise. Then the sheep would butt heads with one another to try to get the fly eggs that agitated their minds and tormented their noses.
The Shepard would mix the oil with a tar like substance, then when the tar was put on the head or in the nose the flies would not land on it.
When insects bite into a olive leave it has a bitter taste so they can not take the leaves out and the olive tree can live forever.
A little folly - can spoil the work or the reputation of the wise as fast as flies can make an ointment give off and evil odor.
Light can become dim
Salt can loose its taste
Anointing can become stale
Do not be caught up with the cares of the world and get chokes out, becoming stale!
G-d’s Spirit and Word quickens.
You are to get the fly eggs off your head, because Philippians 2:5 Let this mind be in you which is in Messiah Y’Shua.
Do you know any ministries that have dead flies in their ointment?

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