Dusk to Dawn

From dusk to dawn, daydreamers can capture the moments
when time seems to stand still.
When those brief magic seconds of golden silence
is crossing the sky.
It is a quite time of reflecting on one’s day
as sunset disappears beyond the horizon.
The colors and the splendor are showing off G-d’s glory
as a new day begins, followed by a time
of resting in our Savior’s loving arms.
In this time for the daydreamers
is when dreams are planted and built into reality.
Foresight and discernment are brought to the surface.
Burdens are brushed off and conflicts are mended,
as the clouds are whispering by.
And before you know it the sun is peaking
over the land escape promising another adventure in His anointing.
It is a time to enjoy the beauty of His creation
and reflecting on His plans for our time.
We are to build intimacy with Him as we travel
through out our day.
Notice we started out the day in rest
and end in His service,
for all that we do is to be as onto the L-rd.
Our destiny is still with in our grasp because we started and ended
being in Him, as the Holy Spirit
guides us down life’s pathway


Anonymous said...

I like this!! Well said.

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful!