Labor Pains

I had received this in an email and it got me to thinking:
“It's like have labor pains. -- Not always there but when they come they are horrible. It takes your breathe away.”
Labor pains are usually associated with women but I see everyone trying to birth something. Men in their careers, providing for their families, or in their finances; children in school or at home trying to earn merit points or just to make friends and feel accepted. Grandparents in sharing their wisdom to keep their children or grandchildren from falling into the same pit holes as they did, and then there is the economy at large that is just trying to keep it all together and put food on the table and a roof over their heads.
Everywhere you look someone is in pain and going through the birthing process. Funny thing is once you have given birth you become pregnant again and again, each time does not make going through the cycle any easier.
I had felt like I had been birthing my second pair of twins for several years now. The first set was Trust and Confidence. People would say ‘you’re pregnant with something special’, but it didn’t feel like it would ever come out of me. Then after a forced delivery there they were ‘Confidence and Stability’.
Confidence on who I am in the L-rd and Stability in standing in the calling He has chosen for me.
10,000 may fall to my right and 10,000 may fall to my left but I will not waver for I will be pushing onward and upward to the finish line.
No more week knees!
No more letting the majority take the lead!
No more feeling left behind!
What a great feeling, once the blinders have been taken off and you know that you know –
Maybe neither by your children, nor by your family but you are by the Most High, and that is a definite!
No weapon formed against me shall prosper for I now stand with Confidence and Stability under the shadow of His wings.
What are you birthing?
Is it making chooses of what you want to do with your life?
Is it keeping your job or finding one?
Is it your finances and trying to keep them from your door?
Do not be dismay at its longsuffering for when the time is right it will be birth and you will be strong enough to nourish it up.
Above all during this birthing process know that you are loved by your Maker and He will see you though.
The G-d of the day is still G-d in the night and all things are to be His delight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was the best thing for me to read today . Thank you so much! I moved out of my house on Monday this week, he keeps asking if I'm ever comming back. I don't know God only knows. He made away for me too leave.