Mutal Advice & Correction Clement

That being endued with humility and moderation, they may submit not unto us, but to the will of G-d.
Let us receive correction, at which no man ought to repine.
Beloved, the reproof and the correction which we exercise towards one another, is good, and exceeding profitable: for it unites us the more closely to the will of G-d.
For so says the Holy Scripture, the L-rd corrected me, but He did not deliver me over onto death.
For whom the L-rd loves He chasteness, and scourges every son whom He receives.
The righteous, saith He, shall instruct me in mercy and reprove me; but let not oil of sinners make fat my head.
And again He saith, happy is the man whom G-d corrected; therefore despise not tho the chastening of the Almighty.
You shall be hid from the scourge of the tongue; neither shall you be afraid of destruction when it comes.
You shall laugh at the wicked and sinners; then shall you know that your house shall be in peace; and the habitation of your tabernacle shall not err.
You shall come to your grave as the ripe corn, that is taken in due time; like as a shock of corn comes in, in its season.
You see, beloved, how there shall be a defense to those that are corrected of the L-rd. For being a good instructor, He is willing to admonish us by His holy discipline.
Do you therefore who laid the first foundation of this sedition, submit yourselves and be instructed unto repentance, bending the knees of your hearts.
Learn to be subject, laying aside all proud and arrogant boasting of your tongues.
For thus speaks the excellent and all virtuous wisdom, Behold I will pour out the word of My spirit upon you, I will make know My speech unto you.
Because I called and ones would not hear, I stretched out My words and one regarded not.
For that they hated knowledge, and did not seek the fear of the L-rd.
They would not hearken unto My counsel: they despised all My reproof. Therefore shall they eat the fruit of their own ways; and be filled with their own wickedness.
Taken from Clement chapter 23, one of the lost books of the Bible.
I had gone through hard times last week, and then I read this and was encouraged, amazes me that nothing in life is a accident, the timing was perfect.
When having a dispute, both sides of correction can learn to keep your eyes on G-d and offense can not harm you.
Dieing to self means you sees yourself through the Father’s eyes, and then another’s opinion does not penetrate your skin. One has to be tough skin with a soft heart (in the church or in the world), and see the Father in every situation of your life, asking yourself:
Would He be pleased with your actions or words?
Would He be pleased with the other party’s actions or words?
I would go as far as to say if you see the conflict arising: say out loud “Father, You are invited to come as a witness.” That should put all parties in proper respect.
In every situation of life there is a lesson to be learned – did you learn yours?
How could this have been handled better?
What could we do in the future to avoid such conflicts?
Then move ahead and keep pushing in.


Anonymous said...

We are to rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perservernce, preserverance character, aand character, hope.And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.
Romans 5:35

Anonymous said...

Good Word!