Lilies A Floating

As I started out my morning sitting by the pond, conversing with my Maker, I noticed the beautiful white lilies laying open to their full capacity being surrounded with large green leaves of growth.
It is a delusion of them standing still in one spot for the unseen currant is moving them ever so slightly to prevent them from getting placement and stale.
The white pure looking petals have a bright golden center of sunshine and they are placed sporadically around the pond, it is like G-d places us – not all in one bunch but here and there to shine for Him and so others can see His glory shining through us.
Little pink flowers and tall shaded of green reads surrounding the whole bouquet – what a gorgeous assortment for a wedding, I thought. Nature at its best!
The world has seemed to vanish in this place – leaving such calmness, peace and sterility. No striving to be better than --, or being equal as--, or running in place and going no where fast. There is a unity of oneness here, everything going back to the basics of what life is all about.
Could this be what it will feel like in the Millennium reign? It is hard to imagine the adversary could get into such a place but the Good Book says he can and he will. Liken on to the movies monsters can jump out of the quite settings at any minute. The Book warns us to be ready in season & out of season, to be forever watching, waiting, and warning. Do not grow lax in your discernment for all that smells good – taste good- or feels good could be a delusion.
The Father has liken us onto sheep and sheep are very stupid animals!! They pick one leader and will follow them to their graves, they don’t seem to have a brain of their own. Maybe that is why Timothy said to study to show thyself approved onto G-d, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. If all believers did that and not leave it up to one person, the world would not be in such disarray for people would see truth for themselves and grow in ever ending intimacy with the Creator.
Is that why G-d talks about the elect?
Not everyone will be the bride, some will be the bride’s maids, and some will be the wedding guest. How will it be chosen you ask? Well I think a bride will have grown to maturity and intimacy with the Groom. The maids have started growing but didn’t quite finish the process, and the guest are saved and made it though the door and that is all they wanted. I guess it isn’t so bad which position you get, I am personally going to kiss the ground for making it that far. It is better to be through the gate way of heaven than to be standing in front of a closed door ---- don’t forget to keep your oil lamp full!
Have you heard the warning cry and washed your gown? Or have you become placement and at a stand still?
“Oh beautiful, righteous one of Mine, let My light shine through you!
Can you not see all the mature growth I have placed around you, tap into them.
I have also placed many shades of protection around you well you bath in My loveliness.
Stand straight and tall for I have made you and claimed you for my own!
Do not let every wind that passes through blow you off your course.
I have given you My Word, wouldn’t you take the time to become intimate with Me?
I so long to spend time with you, come lift Me up and I will lift you up.
Stop being so harsh on yourselves for you were made in My image and I call you My precious, beautiful, little lamb – look to Me for I am your one and only Shepard that will never leave you nor lead you astray.
Focus only on Me and not on the circumstances surrounding you, hear only My voice.” Abba

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