Neither male nor female 2 Clement

A Fragment of the L-rd’s Kingdom
2 Clement Ch. 5
1. For the L-rd Himself, being asked by a certain person, when His kingdom should come? Answered, when two shall be one, and that which is without as that which is within; and the male with the female, neither male nor female.
2, Now two are one, when we speak the truth to each other, and there is without hypocrisy one soul in two bodies:
3. And that which is without as that which is within; - He means this: he calls the soul that which is within, and the body that which is without. So therefore your body appears, let your soul be seen by its good works.
4. And the male with the female neither, male nor female; - He means this;
He calls our anger the male, our concrescence the female.
6. …having dispelled the mist arising from them, and being full of shame, shall by repentance have united both his soul and spirit in the obedience of reason; there as Paul say, these is in us neither male nor female.

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