Silence is not always golden!

People remained silent during the Holocaust, some out of ignorance, some just don’t want to get involved and some didn’t want the tide to turn on them.
In the mean time people got hurt and many were killed for a cause that no one would speak out for or against.
At that time what good does praying do with out following some sort of action?
Does it make it all go away?
Did it stop the killing?
Not that praying can’t move mountains, for it can, but there is a time to pray and a time to take a stand.
So guess the question is when should we remain silent and when should we speak out?
This is an individual choice and hearing how the L-rd is leading you personally.
Not everyone is meant to be a watcher or a spokesman.
Remember in the olden days they killed their prophets.
Do you know that in one’s silence it appears like a stamp of approval, you are condoling what you remain silent about!
Whether in the world or in the church there is always injustice going on?
Scripture teaches us with salvation is to be followed with action, in faith there must be action, for one cannot say “O I believe that but I am not doing anything about it.”
We are not saved by our ‘works’ but action must follow being saved.
How did one such as Hitler get to have such power?
Do you know he was actually voted in!
And through millions of people’s silence he grew bigger and bigger.
Kenny Rogers sings “you got to know when to hold them and know when to fold them”, there is a time and place for everything under the sun.
I have friends that are Lutheran; they were telling me they are looking for a new church for their church now accepts gay pastors and they did not want to put their stamp of approval on such choices.
They even mentioned that in giving their tithes to the church is approving with the church’s decision on how they spend it, I had to stop and think about that, a reminder I had forgotten.
I was taught that if you give to a mission trip you reap the rewards or failures of that mission in you’re giving.
Blessings or curses can come upon you in the choices you make in life, that should put caution upon were your putting G-d’s money.
With the last days close at hand if not upon us, many changes of good old fashion goal in the churches are rappidly changing, the good news is G-d never changes nor does His Word.
Look at Revelations to see the differences in the seven churches – which one does yours fall under?
One change is pastors are into numbers, a body in the pew is money in the pocket. I have seen this at four different places, and heard them speaking out for the sheep to get more lambs. Pastors are not to produce lambs, sheep are, in the olden days their job was to keep their nose in the Word to teach the body, but now adays most preachers only have to prepair one sermon a week.
Another change now is taught - not to frighten the lambs away, and refrain the sheep well retraining the lambs to the new ways. Hmm, sounds like what the government is doing – get rid of the old (ones who know better) and retrain the youth. Hey, come to think about it, that is just what Hitler did!
I have also witness churches going into business such as selling cars to help make money to send their children to youth camps, one was selling body oils for physical healing as well as spiritual healing, of course these were all business outside the church walls, but now business have move within and that church was design around the busness, a coffee shop (the drug of christion choice) where people are always encouraged to buy expensive coffee, for another good reason. The coffe shop is open seven days a week, to bad drinking the Word wasn't.
Hmm, seems to me Y’Shua got a little upset when the Gentiles brought in their business in the court yard for profit, of course it also had a good reason--people need to sacrifice and they were just producing the offerings.
Interesting how time seems to go backwards than forwards, we just never seem to learn.
Question I ask is how one can have mostly lambs and not enough sheep to teach them
G-d’s way?
So I guess one should stack up all questions, or silence, or even the lack of silence against the Word.
I hear many people in many different areas say ‘they are not approving what is going on in their own home church but have not felt the release to move on.’
Maybe G-d is teaching them a lesson – could it be stand up and be counted?
Scripture says “touch not G-d’s anointed.” Did you ever think that anointed also includes you?
Are you not also sent out to teach His Word? That is what disciple means ‘students’, in what you have learned teach to the lambs.
People just hang in there, interesting, for I watch them welter on the vine as their dieing spiritually, their gifting have not been capitalized on to be used for the glory of the Kingdom.
Does not the Word say YOU are a child of the King?
If you are disrespected and cast aside then maybe the light bulb ought to go on and move you to were you can be used, remember to brush off the dust from the bottom of your shoe leaving all resadue behind.
In the 10 years I was the Pastor of a church, everyone there was used, and everyone could give a sermon or teach a Bible story, right down to the very youngest, for you should be reproducing who you are. Life is not about whom stands in the pulpit but magnify the gifting within your body for we are all one body – there just are many different camps.
Can one person make a change – yes, if no one speaks up to challenge an idea.
Do not surround yourself with ‘yes people’. I hope not, for a good counsel will help you stay on the right path.
If only one in the body has a vision for the church– G-d would confirm it through others if this it was from Him.
In these last days G-d is calling in the multitudes of hurting, lost people, everyone is recovering from something --- it is not a time to change the Gospel Truths!
Lambs will follow sheep, if the sheep are not all killed off. Training and Equipping have to be done immediately to be able to withstand the impact of the flow, that should be first on the list.
Well like I said, everyone has to make a choice to speak out or remain silent – guess you can see which one I choice, you need to know speaking out does not make one popular but one will stand accountable to their Maker for what they believe is right or wrong.


Seasoned Warrior said...

That aught to catch some backlash

Anonymous said...

I read it!! Muct truth. Do not be afraid to stand alone. If people come against what was written, then let the Lord deal with them. It's not your job to prove your innocence. He is your judge, let Him convict those that need it. Say nothing more -- you said it all already. Be a peace. Well done! Blessings,