Home Remedies

Empty the golden raisins into a bowl and pour in just enough gin to cover the raisins. Allow the gin to evaporate (about one week) and then place the moist raisins in a jar with a lid. Eat nine raisins a day. They go well on cereal. After one week you will feel the difference, in less than two months you should be pain free.
When cut was long but not deep, put pepper on it. The bleeding stopped almost instantly, and the cut healed with barely a scar. Not only does the bleeding stop quickly, the wound heals cleanly with little scarring.
Dry instant coffee put on will also stop the bleeding.
1/3 Listerine applied on a cotton ball and rubbed into the scalp with get rid of dandruff, may mix it with 1/3 baby oil. Listerine contains a number of essential oils (thymol, eucalyptol, menthol, methyl salicylate) that may have anti-fungal activity. Since dandruff appears to be caused in part by fungus (yeast), it stands to reason that a fungus fighter could provide some benefit.
Rub Vicks VapoRub on the temples to ease headache pain.
On animals just mix one cup of powdered sugar with 1/4 to 1/3 cup of any cooking oil to the consistency of cake frosting. Keep the wound covered for one or two days and change if necessary.
A paralyzed friend with persistent bed sores was cured when the sugar and oil mixture was used on them.
Heartburn is a consequence of stomach acid splashing back into the lower part of the esophagus, where it causes damage and pain.
Vinegar on hand and took about half a teaspoon. The taste was pleasant. To my amazement, my heartburn was gone within a couple of minutes.
Moderate itching (the sort of thing you get from a mosquito bite or mild case of poison ivy without blisters) often responds to a hot water application. The water needs to be hot enough to be slightly uncomfortable but not so hot that it burns (120-130 degrees Fahrenheit. If you let the hot water tap run for a few minutes this should be about right. A few seconds' exposure is all you need to produce several hours of relief.
Restless leg syndrome (RLS)
Drinking three tablespoons of dill pickle juice is a remedy I follow, both for night cramps in my thighs and for twitchy feet. The dill pickle juice works astonishingly fast, within seconds.
Skin Infections
I have been using honey as an ointment to prevent and treat skin infections for years. Not only does it work for cuts and scrapes, but it also works on herpes cold sores. Grade honey speeds wound healing, provided the wound is clean and not infected.
Research on duct tape was published in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine (Oct. 2002). Parents were told to cover the wart with a piece of duct tape for six days. If it fell off, they were to replace it. At the end of the six days, they removed the tape, soaked the wart in warm water and then filed it down with an emery board. The duct tape was replaced the following day and the process was repeated for two months or until the wart disappeared. In this study, 85 percent of the children treated with duct tape were cured. Most warts disappeared within the first month. In fact, the study found that duct tape worked better than freezing warts off.
There are many other remedies for warts, including banana peel, castor oil or turmeric.
Preparation H can smooth wrinkles on your face. For decades people told us that they used this ointment on bed sores, surgical scars (to reduce itching and inflammation), burns, cracked dry finger tips as well as wrinkles and eye puffiness.
May use it for cuts and abrasions and found that it healed them real fast and with very little scarring. It can be used under makeup as a moistener.

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