For Eternity

People sweat and toil daily as they go about their tasks in life. But if people can’t or won’t do it joyfully – would it all matter in eternity? People fight battles left and right over every little thing – would it matter in eternity? Yes, people may become disappointed over all the little things that won’t matter in eternity! People need to remember ‘this is the day the L-rd has made and I will rejoice in it’ the L-rd commands. Can not people be joyful in the positions they are in? Why do people struggle to be the head and not the tail or the tail and not the head? Are people not to walk side by side working together for the common good? Scripture says ‘sufficient is today, tomorrow with take care of its self’. Why do people refer to themselves as ‘slaves’ to family, friends and their work? Isn’t being a joyful servant to one another what people were called to do? Scripture said what we do to one another we do to Him. That in itself should make us more thoughtful to one another. People want more and more in this life taking and not giving. Is it self that matters in eternity? Getting through this life, running a good race will determine were they will spend eternity. People must start putting others needs before their own. Life is not about individual self, but standing by each other in support, holding their arms up when they become weary, Encouraging people to seek out the Father’s will for their lives. And to be obedient and faithful to His plan is what people should be doing. The Good Book says ‘His will be done in earth, as it is in heaven’, people can create their own atmosphere to walk in daily. People need to conduct themselves in what really will matter in eternity. Watch your tongue for it will bring life or death to another. Encourage; and uplift one another. There comes a time when one may need correction that is given in a loving way. Sharing from ones personal life may keep another from falling into the same type of pit, (if they heed your advice or seek out another’s). But most people have to learn the hard way. It is our experiences in life that help us grow as long as we learn from them and don’t keep repeating the same mistakes. Eternity is where people will get their rewards. So do not be weary in well doing.


Anonymous said...

Good word, Thank you!
The heavens are warring.

Anonymous said...

Thanks I needed to hear that!