Triumphant Over Circumstances

Palm trees are noted for their unique beauty and almost invariably grow erect and straight. Its life is in the center, or the heart, of the tree. It is not at the circumference, under the bark, as is the case with most trees. The palm tree is master over virtually all circumstances. The palm flourishes even is barren desert areas were no other plant life could exist, drought, heat, wind - no matter what may prevail, the palm tree triumphs. It is not dependent on such circumstances but is triumphant over them. The people of G-d should, like the palm tree, flourish and be triumphant over all circumstances - wind, storm, drought or deluge. Palm trees and branches have long been used as symbols of victory. Palm trees are nourished from springs of water hidden beneath the surface of the earth. They have large, deep roots, and those roots go many feet into the earth until they find water for nurture. This hidden source is the secret of their triumph. This is precisely the secret of the Believers life: we are not nourished by the outward things of the world by a secret spring of living water - the Holy Spirit, who is dwelling within us and strengthening our inner man. Palms are used for constructing houses and providing both the framework and the covering. This passage conveys both a divine exhortation and a divine expectation. Beauty, uprightness, inner life and strength, mastery over circumstances, nourishment from the divine Source and compassion to mankind - all these are to be manifestations of the true Believers life.

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