Seven Asia Minor Churchs

Ephesus It had patience and good works, and had tested the false teachers and had remained faithful to the truth, but their fruits, their works show that they are not. The professing Christian of today will not take rebuke or correction, saying: "stop judging me". This church also hates the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which Y’Shua also hates. Did you know that the Nicolaitanes were a gnostic sect that believed they didn't need to keep G-d's Law? They believed in Y’Shua, but thought they could carry on in a worldly sinful life. Sadly, this is also the state of much of the professing Christian world today, in which it believes that G-d's Law has been done away with. Y’Shua had to die because of disobedience to G-d's Law, why would it now be done away with?! Let me give you just one verse which describes the true end time church of G-d, Rev. 14:12. Y’Shua has one rebuke for this church in Ephesus, and that is they have left their first love. Have you lost that first spark you felt for Y’Shua? This is a serious matter, because Y’Shua says that He would take the candlestick away from them. This means that they would no longer be His church if they didn't repent of this evil, and return to those good works of believing and giving their all for Him. Smyrna was the second church age. We know this because Y’Shua said that this church would suffer persecution 10 days. These are 10 prophetic days and are actual years (10 years), which matches the 10 year persecution of the true church at the hands of Diocletian between AD303 - AD313. Constantine put an end to the persecution in AD313. This is a good church as they receive no rebuke, only commendation. This church in Smyrna did good works out of love for Y’Shua and suffers tribulation because they follow Y’Shua wherever He goes. They are also a poor church, but are spiritually rich! Did you notice that? Y’Shua commends them for being poor! Now that sends a sword right through the false gospel that is sweeping America today, which is the 'prosperity gospel'. The prosperity gospel teaches that being poor is a sign that you haven't got Y’Shua, whereas Y’Shua says that this POOR church in Smyrna is His church and they are spiritually rich!! Y’Shua isn't concerned with us being materially rich, but spiritually rich. What can we learn from this church? Be faithful in all tribulation, EVEN UNTO DEATH! We are in the very lasts days, and we very well may need to give our lives for Y’Shua. Pergamos is the church "falling away" that Paul described in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. This church age is from the time of Constantine in AD313 to the time of the Rise of the Papal Church of Rome in AD538, when that "man of sin" was revealed. This was a period of deteriorating moral standards and doctrinal corruption. Christian standards were lowered, and a union was formed between Christianity and paganism through the acts of Constantine and the Roman Catholic Church. We can see here that COMPROMISE has come into the church. In exchange for religious tolerance and acceptance, the true principles of Christianity were sacrificed to accommodate pagan beliefs. This church is allowing those who hold to different doctrines that are not of Messiah to dwell with them and commune with them. Again the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes pops up, which is the doctrine of doing away with G-d's Law. This Y’Shua hates! G-d's written and spoken Commandments is a Law of love that will never be done away with. Look at what the Psalmist would have said to this church: Ps. 1:1-2. Do we see compromise throughout the "Christian" churches today? I believe we do. You only need to look at the church councils in certain denominations that have meetings to discuss whether or not to allow practicing homosexual men and women as clergy. I mean, come on! Talk about ignoring G-d's Word!! We are to love the sinner but not except the sin. This compromise will get worse before Y’Shua returns. We really need to hold on to a NO COMPROMISE Christian attitude as we near the end. Despite the compromise that came into the church in Pergamos, there were still a few (G-d's remnant) that held on to the truth of His Word and sought to maintain the true faith of the apostles. Thyatira was a time of spiritual darkness, the true gospel was abandoned and Christianity was replaced by the old pagan form of sun worship, dressed in a garb of Christianity. This apostate church is leading G-d's people into fornication accepting there false doctrines, and instead of Thyatira rejecting what this (apostate church) is teaching, they are allowing it. Sardis represents the church age at the end of the protestant reformation in the 1500's, up to the time of the great awakening in the 18th century. A great work had been started in the reformation to separate from the error of Rome and to live according to G-d's true Word. But instead of carrying on this great work, the reformers submitted to the protection of civil authorities and became subject to the state. And we are now seeing the result of this failure of the reformers to move forward in truth, with many of the original protestant churches re-uniting with the Roman Catholic Church. Y’Shua confirmed in this letter that the works of this church weren't perfect, which points to the reformers not FULLY separating from the errors of the Papal Church. There are so many professing Christians who do not study Bible prophecy, and yet Y’Shua warns us that if we do not watch, then He will return (at the second coming) like a thief. And He is coming as a thief to those who are lost. How will you know when and how Y’Shua will return if you don't study Bible prophecy? We are living in the end times and we need to grasp the importance of end time Bible prophecy, so that we will not be deceived. Satan is pulling out all the stops to deceive us before Y’Shua returns, so we need to be rooted in G-d's Word, studying like we've never studied before, to find out the truth. We need to be watching and eagerly waiting for our L-rd and Savior. Philadelphia this is the church during the great awakening of the 18th Century and the Advent movement started by the Millerites. The great disappointment in 1844 lead to the discovery of the truth about the 2300 day prophecy of Daniel, and Y’Shua moving into the Most Holy Place ("I have set before thee an open door") in the Heavenly sanctuary that contains the Law of G-d (written and spoken} Commandments) and the start of the investigative judgment for those who have professed the Christian faith. The "Jews" in these verses are not literal Jews, but spiritual Jews, those who profess to be in Y’Shua HaMashiach professing Believers. This is one of two churches of the seven that don't receive a rebuke. This is a good church that holds fast to the true doctrine of Y’Shua HaMashiach. They do not let themselves be led astray, because they firmly hold on to the truth of G-d's Word. This is something that is really lacking in the "Christian" world today, because too many people would rather go along with their 'feelings' rather than the truth of G-d's Word in the Bible. We MUST hold tight onto the truth. We must stand on the rock, and not be thrown about by every different wind of doctrine that comes our way. Laodicea means "judging the people". Which is exactly what the advent movement of the Philadelphian church in 1844 revealed to the world, when proclaiming the three angels message that "the hour of His (G-d's) judgment is come" (Rev. 14:6-7). This is the last church age and it is the age that we live in right now. G-d is judging those who profess to be Believers. Are you ready? This is the only church that has no commendation, it perfectly describe the state of the professing Believers world today. The professing church is in a state of being lukewarm. The majority of the Christian world is holding on to Y’Shua with one hand and holding on to the world with the other. Why are we not prepared to completely let go of this world, and the things of it? It is going to be destroyed soon when Y’Shua returns, so stop trying to hang on to it. We can live and reign with Y’Shua forever in glory if we would just let those things go that are holding us back. If you stay in this lukewarm state then Y’Shua is going to spew you out of His mouth and throw you into the lake of fire. Y’Shua is trying to wake you up out of your sleep. He is standing at the door knocking. Answer the call from the L-rd, as time is short, give your all for Him now, and find out how to worship G-d in spirit and truth. We cannot receive forgiveness without repenting. To Philadelphia He says "Behold I come quickly." Then to Laodicea He says "Behold I stand at the door." During the spiritual age of the Philidelphia church, His second coming was approaching, but now during the spiritual age of the Laodicean church, which is the age we live in, Y’Shua says that He is AT THE DOOR. In Matthew 24 Y’Shua is describing the signs of His return, and in verse 33 He says ... 'So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.' ... When we see the signs happening, know that His second coming is AT THE DOORS!! Friend, Y’Shua is certainly at the door, and His second coming is very close indeed. The loud cry is going out to the world to wake up those who are spiritually sleeping. It's time to wake up friend, and get ready for your redeemer. What about the rewards? Those who overcome will: 1. Eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of paradise. 2. Not be hurt by the second death. 3. Receive a new name written on a white stone. 4. Receive the morning star. 5. Be clothed in white garments and walk with Y'Shua. 6. Be made a pillar in the Temple of G-d, and receive the name of G-d. 7. Sit with Y'Shua on His throne.

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