Deep is calling to Deep

Enoch was the first one about whom it was said that he prophesied, and he is the father of the prophets. If you are called to this ministry today and you mature as you should, you will be more like Enoch, and you will be one of the happiest people on earth.
Our food is to do the Father's will, and the joy of the L-rd will be our strength. New joy will be our companion, and we will grow in this every day that we stay on the path.  In His presence is the fullness of joy, and the joy that comes from being with Him is a food that gives us greater strength than any other food ever could.
The shepherd's staff is the Tree of Life. The authority of the shepherd comes from the Tree of Life. It is the fruit of that tree that you are to lead G-d's people to. It is the 'root of Jesse' that brought forth the Messiah who is our life. He is the food that is our joy, and His joy is our strength.
It is also the rod of Aaron that sprouted. His rod sprouted because the staff of the shepherds is from the Tree of Life and is living. It is this life that helps us recognize the ones who have been sent by G-d and are the true shepherds.
When some called me a prophet, a seer, a watchman (I am not big on titles for I believe we all are called) I was told that one of my assignments was to recognize those who had the shepherd's staff and to support them. Their staff seems like it is new and fresh because of the life that is in it, and life will stay in it as long as they walk with G-d and do not depart from His path. This was cut from the Tree of Life before the world was formed, and it was sized just for them at that time. This is true of every leader's staff given to the leaders, even those who lead the smallest company of G-d's people.
True leaders are known by their walk with G-d. They may be great counselors, healers, and teachers, but the leaders are known most of all by their walk with G-d and their closeness to Him. Ones that have stayed on the path of life do not seem to have cares or burdens because they are yoked with the One whose yoke is easy. These are not stressed, but are constantly energized by the strength that comes from the joy of the L-rd. Their rod, or their authority, will be recognized by the life that is in them.
Deep is calling to deep, hearts are being awakened. Deep calls to deep, and life calls to life. Those who have the leaders come increasingly sensitive to what is life and where the water of life are flowing. Their rod will be His rod in the earth. They will not just lead
G-d's people and protect them from the enemy with the rod, but they will strike the enemies of the L-rd with their prayers. They will not just part seas, but they will part nations. They will lead G-d's people to the Promised Land.
When one feels commissioned from the Father, they may not feel adequate and throw down the rod, it becomes a serpent and will chase them until they pick it back up. That is what happens when you cast off the calling of the L-rd. Like Mosses, your rod became a serpent and chased you until you picked it up again, which was to take up your commission again. When running from my calling I was miserable. I felt that what I had dropped - my calling to teach and minister to the unloved, it was pursuing me day and night. People did not think 'women' were called to be pastors', and those that did one had to go to 'there' schools. G-d is the one who calls and said I was to serve Him and His Word! When I orbed and picked it up again it was like I had never missed a step in some ways, but stepped into a place much higher than when I left, for I work for Him not man.
Now it is time to grow in it, but for a long  I had missed a lot. There is danger for all who do not grow up into their authority as they should. The L-rd's grace is made perfect in weakness, and weakness comes from walking apart from ones calling. This is a time the enemy found access to you and your family that led to some of the greatest failures of your life. Even though you see the results of your failures now, you have the promise of the L-rd for your children and their children. They will serve the L-rd and glorify His name. He who is faithful will bring this to pass.
You are being called to the mountain of the L-rd!
From the Father's Heart

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