Deep Wells

Trials are indeed a revelation. They are meant to be our teachers, but at the end of the day, it is up to us to choose what kind of students we want to be. I have the power to choose whether tests and trials will serve as messengers.
We have little to no control over what happens to us or what is said about us, but we are far from helpless when it comes to our actions. Taking each of life's waves head-on?
If we humble ourselves, then the trial allows the Holy Spirit to increase our depth and therefore our capacity for goodliness. The challenges of life reveal what we are made of without undermining who we are. Trials positions us to grow more Messianic  like and therefore unshakable. Messiah is the proverbial rock that is higher than I. He is our very core, the rock upon which we find rest each night and awaken to stand each morning.
When I am overly distressed by an offense, whether it is petty or looms large, I cannot escape the realization that my soil (ground under my feet) has been disturbed.  My husband likes to spread the dirt of excuser over them and sweep it under the rug, but they will still remain, and of course it will always be my fault.
Trials and tribulations clear the ground and remove what impedes future growth as individuals.  Our strengths and weakness are revealed in the discomfort of these experiences. Trials serve to teach us who G-d is. Everything we need for life and godliness is truly found in the Word of G-d, but it is the trials of life that drive us to our knees so that this truth can be worked in and through our lives. The Word of G-d is no longer read as suggestions for life's best practices but as the very words of life.
Trials and tribulations clear the ground and remove what impedes future growth. These encounters serve to refine and prepare us for future potential. Our strengths and weaknesses are revealed in the discomfort of these experiences. Trials also serve to teach us who G-d is.
Everything we need for life and godliness is truly found in the Word of G-d, but it is the trials of life that drive us to our knees so that this truth can be worked in and through our lives. The Word of G-d is no longer read as suggestions for life's best practices but as the very words of life. I have learned that G-d will use trials to deepen my prayers. Trials have the power to transform us from who we are into who we long to be.
Have you ever meet someone who is a deep well? Deep wells are mysterious and they have stories to tell. They are people who have been through stuff that would have muddied or polluted other wells, but their water remained untainted. Deep wells become fountains as they bring refreshing to others. A deep well means they have a greater capacity to reflect.
The Word of G-d alone has the power to give us clarity when circumstances have muddied the water. Without the counsel of Scripture, you will mistakenly call foolishness wisdom. How do you hear from? G-d or the serpent?  Remember the serpent's wisdom is wrapped in the subtle and cunning.
Laughing and spending time with family and godly friends fill the cistern. Reading the Word, keeping a journal, and prayer refresh me like a long drink from a cool fountain on a hot day. Admire yourself, see your self as the Father sees you. Admitting when you messed up can be tough, but taking accountability for your words or action is the only way you can go forward, stop looking at the past. The past is gone and it is time to move onward and upward.
Journey well is this life requires us to dig deep, reinforced wells, which requires a commitment to finish what we started, faithfully. Anyone can create a wishing well, but we want to dig deep wells, cisterns of life that are reinforced with G-d's Word and renewed with the refreshing fountains of the Spirit.

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