Guardian Angels

A guardian angel is an angel who protects and guides a particular person.
They can be guides and intercessors for men appears in Job 33:23-6, and in the Book of Daniel (specifically Daniel 10:13) angels seem to be assigned to certain countries.
G-d will "set a guard of holy angels over all the righteous" (1Enoc 100:5).
Our guardian angels seem to have many jobs.
Guardian angels protect the body and present prayers to G-d, protecting whichever person G-d assigns them to.
One of the most important one is ‘pest control.’
He will vindicate us to walking in integrity.
Keeping us trusting in the L-rd.
Reporting our supplications to the Father.
He will keep the Father’s loving kindness before our eyes.
He will keep us walking in Scriptural truths.
He will keep us out of harms way.
When the pest comes against us to eat up our flesh they will stumble and fall.
He hates the assembly of evil doers.
He will guide us from bloodthirsty men in whose hand is a sinister scheme.
He keeps pest away from our door so we can go about the alter of the L-rd.
He encourages us to proclaim Y’Shua’s words and tell of His loving works.
In the time of trouble he will hide us in His pavilion, in the secret place.
Our guardian angel has been our help and he will never forsake us; but deliver us, for he is the pest control.
Because of our guardian angel presents we can say: “the L-rd is the light of my salvation, in whom shall I fear? He is the strength of my life in whom shall I be afraid?”
Wait upon the L-rd and be of good courage for He has given all of us a guardian angel to be our pest controller.
Angel of G-d, my guardian dear to whom G-d's love commits me here.
Ever this day/night be at my side to light, to guard, to rule and guide.


Stephanie said...

What is 1Enoc 100:5? Feel free to email me instead of replying in your blog. I love the verse about angels encamping around us. I am in a time in my life where I have had them encamped around me for quite some time. They do not allow my weakness to touch me. It is something that I have yet to be delivered from, and God knows it, but sees fit to guard me from. Not something I fully understand, why not just deliver me? However I do know that His ways are higher than my ways, so I must trust that He has a plan in this. Any thoughts?

Seasoned Warrior said...

The Book of Enoch translated from the Dead Sea Scrolls. Was not one the fathers added to the Bible, but adds to the story. It is a good read and I would have added it to the Scriptures.
G-d knows just how much you can handle in deliverance - took me years to get through it all.