
Is the Mammoth the behemoth?
The name “behemoth” does not identify this animal, because the Hebrew word behemoth, as now commonly used, does not designate any specific animal but simply signifies “gigantic beast”.
The mammoth, for size, will answer the description “He is the chief of the ways of G-d”.
We may judge sizes: elephants are frequently ten and eleven feet high; this will make the mammoth at least twenty-five or twenty-six feet high; and as it appears to have been a many-toed animal, the springs which such a creature could make must have been almost incredible: nothing by swiftness could have escaped its pursuit.
This mammoth species is believed to have live 150,000 years ago and disappeared from most of its range 10,000 years ago, reaching a height of 4.9 m or 16 ft at the shoulder.. Woolly mammoths had extremely long tusks — up to 5 m or 16 ft long,
Job 40:17 Tail like a cedar – As the tempest bends the cedar, so it can move its smooth thick tail. To which it is compared, not for the length and largeness of it; but because of the smoothness, roundness, thickness, and firmness of it; the cedar implies straightness and length, stiff and strong.
His nose piercea through snares - the nose here meaning the proboscis, with which he can split trees, or even tear them up from the roots!
Though on the ark during the flood, this animal is now extinct and now found only as fossils, due to earth’s more rigorous climate and vastly depleted resources after the flood.
G-d seems to have made it as the proof of His power; and had it been prolific, and not become extinct, it would have depopulated the earth.
But the destruction of the Mammoths of the past is a type and prophecy of the final destruction of Satan in the future.
G-d was announcing His victory over Satan, both in the cosmic wager concerning Job and in the age-long spiritual conflict that would continue for another 5000 years.
Thus ends the description of the behemoth; what I suppose to be the mammoth, or some creature of this kind, that G-d made as the chief of His works, exhibited in various countries for a time, cut them off from the earth, but by His providence preserved many of their skeletons, that succeeding ages might behold the mighty power which produced this chief of the ways of G-d, and admire the providence that rendered that race extinct which would otherwise, in all probability, have extinguished every other race of animals!
The behemoth perhaps is intended (as well as the leviathan afterwards) to represent those proud tyrants and oppressors whom G-d had just now challenged Job to abase and bring down. They think themselves as well fortified against the judgments of G-d as the Mammoth with his bones of brass and iron; but He that made the soul of man knows all the avenues to it, and can make the sword of justice, His wrath, to approach to it, and touch it in the most tender and sensible part. He that framed the engine, and put the parts of it together, knows how to take it in pieces. Woe to him therefore that strives with his Maker, for He that made him has therefore power to make him miserable, and will not make him happy unless he will be ruled by Him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But notice it was quite and gental and harmed no one.