The Inner Fight

The battle is not yours but the L-rd’s.
Stop fighting against powers and principalities that you have no control off.
Do you not believe that the good work G-d has done in you – He will bring to pass?
There is no fight like an internal fight that you have with in you that people don’t even know you have it.
It is also painful, personal, and private; today you can bring it to rest in prayer.
“Father in the name of Y’Shua whether they are held by hinder, whether they do it by procrastination or insecurity.
To day we break the yolk and stop this struggle and we seize the power of their current movement that we can move forward with all might and all diligently.
I rebuke that little devil that trip to get in the way.
May every demon take its flight for we are about to give all for His glory and for the advancement of His Kingdom.
May we walk in His Word.


Anonymous said...

Short, simple, and very power! Thanks!

CeLeStiAL PheNYx said...

Shalom! Beautiful postings. I write about some Judaica topics on my blog as well. Feel free to check me out (and wade through the stuff about video games and movie reviews) and "ta da" the posts are there! :)

In love and light.