Fall Season

The fall season is upon us if you stand sill for a moment you can feel G-l's presents all around you. The soft blowing wind is raining down all the beautiful colored leaves, what a marvelous display of colors, He has made!
Aren’t we a mixture of beautiful colors also? We sometimes go through different seasons too, We sometimes go through different seasons too, were we may fall but we still can be used in different territory or ways.
Liken onto the fall leaves that can be gathered up to make decoration. Some leaves get turned over and over until they die to themselves and get used as compose to nourish the ground. All things in G-d's nature have a purpose for each season they pass through.
The sky and the waters are filled with His geese as they gather together, discussing their flight to warmer weather. Have you ever noticed their V shaped in fight? What organization! The leader takes the blunt of the wind, shielding those that following him. When he grows tired he will drop in the back of the line, allowing another to take the lead. Looks like all will get a change on leading the flock to better ground.
Do you think it is like our so-called training and equipping of the saints?
One can't do it by themselves so we need to be developing more leaders. Even Moses had to learn that lesson.
As I sit quietly by the lakeshore, I am surrounded with all sizes and colors of rocks. They come in all shapes and forms. I can imagine the day when they too will sing their praises to our Heavenly Father.
Waves of restoration are rolling in.
There is a change in the weather; the wind of the Spirit is overtaking all that are acceptable in its path.
New beginnings are coming upon G-d's people!
Get ready for the change!
Old things that were holding you down will be removed. This has to be done to make room for the right things and people to come into your life. When times are tough, the right people well be put in place that will encourage you to stand up and go the distance,.
New anointing are being poured out.
More of His gifting is being distributed.
The creative G-d is hearing your prayers.
Your part is to flow with G-d's wind, allowing His breath to bring in the changes needed in your life.
Just let go and let G-d!
You need to develop good skills in discernment and filter all things through the Father.


Anonymous said...

thank you marilyn, good stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks I needed to hear that.

Anonymous said...

I am lying down old habits. Ready to move forward also!