Peope of Valor

Wake up people of valor!
Heaven is not as far away as you may think.
If you have invited Y'Shua into your heart, then you have heavenly in you.
All you have to do is bring the inside out.
Then you live in heavenly surroundings.
Create your own atmosphere!
Don't look to the right nor to the left.
Don't look up and don't look down.
Look within to the One you invited in.
Allow Him to be your guide and your strength!
Joel 3: "Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision, for the day of the L-rd is near in the valley of decision."
This month you will run into two people, your physical self and your spiritual self.
Which one will you embrace?
The word for the month is MUCH.
If you have been faithful in the little things, G-d is going to give you MUCH.
MUCH is in the horizon!
MUCH more fruit!
MUCH more gifting that has been lying dormant inside of you!
MUCH is in the horizon!
Stay steadfast for MUCH more is headed your way.
Reach high in your praising and receive MUCH more to glorify His Kingdom!
Wake up people of valor, for the harvest is ripe.
This is not the time to slumber. Don't let the fruit fall to the ground to spoil.
Faith without works is dead.
He needs warriors that are ready to reap in and raise up the harvest.
Wake up, I say wake up!


Anonymous said...

This seems to be the theme lately in a lot of the preaching I have been hearing; whether in church, on TV or on the radio.
When times are tough, look inside for the wisdom and the strength He has given you.
When God has sown a special mustard seed inside you heart, fight to cultivate it and don't let Satan steal the progress you have made.
Everything seemed to deal with, "from the heart or from the inside", keeping your eyes on God.

Anonymous said...

Vally of decisions seems to be were I am at. Pray I make the right ones to receive much more.