Glistering Reflection

As I sit along side the river I noticed how the water glistens in the reflection of the sun. How marvelous the diamond-like radiance sparkled as it danced upon the water!
Father, we are to shine and dance as we grow closer and closer to the Son also. You said if ‘one had ears to hear and eyes to see, along with obedience to Your Word’ then we too could be in united with creation, as it was in the Garden of Eden. We need to take back what was stolen!
The leaves of the trees clapped their hands; the birds sing love songs onto the King. Even the rocks cry out their praises, while the flowers and plants turn their heads toward the Light, should we not do the same?
We must all go swiftly into the heavenly chambers, were all life glistens with Your glory, for our spirits are not earthbound. The gentle breeze of the Holy Spirit blows sweet fragrance of Your presents to quiet our souls.
You are calling many of Your warriors home to be witnesses to the up-coming events that must take place. You are redirecting life’s paths to those who have been left behind to pick up the banner to march onward. Retreat is not an option; we must stand our ground and take back what the adversary has stolen, that You will receive all the glory, for each battle could not be won with out Your guidance. All we need to do is keep our eyes and our trust on You. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world!
Help us to purify ourselves and wash our garments, not letting the oil in our lamps to run out at the midnight hour. That we are found weary in well doing, we must be found ready and waiting, watching and expecting.
I decree and declare for all warriors to step forth, that means men, women, sons and daughters to join the Father’s army that they may shine in glistering reflection of His glory.

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