Joy of the L-d is my strength

 Nem. 8:10
Father, I come to Your throne today, rejoicing that I am a Believer; rejoicing that I am washed in the blood of the Lamb of G-d; rejoicing that I am a new creature in Y'Shua HaMashiach; rejoicing that You are my very own Father and I am Your very own child. Father, as I approach Your great and wonderful throne, I will turn to you for my joy and strength. I will confess Your Word. I will have whatever I say.
Y'Shua said to me, “Ye are the light of the World.” I want to thank You, Y'Shua, that You are my light! I will not walk in darkness because I know the Light of life. I will not be afraid of the darkness of this generation. I will not be afraid of the darkness that is coming upon the land. I thank You, L-rd, that You are my light. You are my salvation. Salvation is forgiveness. Salvation is healing. Salvation is deliverance. Salvation is wholeness. Salvation is health. Salvation is peace. Salvation is rest. Y'Shua, You are my salvation. You are all I will ever need to be free from the power of the enemy.
Holy Spirit, You live on the inside of me and I partner with You. You are my teacher, my guide, my correcter. I give You all control to keep my thoughts, words, and deeds in line with the Word. Put a coal to my mouth if I stray to self, help me keep self covered in the Blood. Holy Spirit, You are my comforter, helper and strengthener, therefore, I am not afraid of anyone or anything.
Heavenly angels, I thank you for your protection and guidance. Surly goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, as promise. Do not get comfortable as you camp around me for I plan on keeping You busy doing Kingdom work.
L-rd G-d, today I can boldly say that I have Your light, I have health, I have Your strength, I am in the Messiah, and the Messiah is in me! I have Your Holy Spirit to flow with Your Words. Thank You for the great gifts You have given me. If G-d is for me, who can be against me? Rom. 8. I am not dismayed because the L-rd my G-d is with me wherever I go. This is my confession today. When demonic powers come against me mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally, and maritally, THEY STUMBE AND FALL! I am covered by the blood of Y'Shua HaMashiach. That blood is a hedge about me. No devil or demon power can cross that hedge they must stumble and fall.
I know that we all will have trouble because those who live godly in the Messiah shall suffer persecution. Trouble comes to all, but I boldly confess that in the time of trouble, You hide me. You hide me from the devil. You hide me from demon powers. You hid me under the blood! You hide me, Father in Your pavilion. You hide me in the secret of Your Tabernacle. You set me upon a rock. That rock it the Messiah, and He is high above all of my enemies where they cannot reach me. So I say with the Psalmist, “Now is my head lifted up above my enemies where they cannot reach me.” Oh, yes, I am lifted up! I am more than a conqueror through the Messiah. I am upon the rock, and I will not be shaken. I will not be defeated, for greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.
I face life today with all of its problems, with all of its heartaches, with all the things that would engulf me with despair. I will not look at my circumstances, I will not dwell upon my situation, L-rd, but I will say boldly and confidently these things about You. I will rejoice that these truths are actually becoming a part of my life. I believe them within my heart. I confess them with my mouth, and they are indeed made mine daily because the Bible says I shall have whatever I say. 
The Joy of the L-rd is my strength!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved the JOY STRENGTH Prayer! Yeh and AMEN!!! May it always be said of us and His Body in the earth. I read it and spoke it into the Body of Christ. May the glory go to Him alone!