Prayer for Friends

Wondrous L-rd, I lift up my friends to You this day, as I come to Your throne to pray for my friends.
L-rd strengthen that which needs strengthening.
Heal that which needs healing.
Renew that which needs renewing.
Motivate that which needs motivating.
Bring peace to that which needs peace.
I ask that You would bless them with Your supernatural refreshment as they move through this day.
Give then a lightness in their step and a song in their heart and may they feel Your love and strength.
L-rd, I ask that You would draw my friends into a new depth of joy and intimacy with You.
I ask that You would fill every weary area with refreshment.
I ask that You would fill every financial lack area with abundance.
I ask that You would fill doubt area with strong faith.
I ask that You would fill relationship need with wisdom.
I ask that You would touch every healing need with healing mercies.
I lift up my friends as they find themselves in the middle of a difficult situation.
L-rd, I ask that Your hand would help them, protect them, and draw them close to You.
I lift up this situation that my friends are facing.
The Enemy of our souls means this situation for my friend;s harm. But You have a plan to turn it around for their good.
I ask for Your favor to protect my friends.
I ask for godly resolution.
And as You are working things out for them, I pray that You would keep them uplifted in their emotions.
And L-rd, hold them close to Your heart as they walk with You.

In the awesome name of Y'Shua HaMashiach, I pray.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

Thank you , May Father God make you his favorite today, in Jesus name amen