Dear G-d

Dear G-d,
There comes a point in our life when one realizes: Who matters, who never did, who won't anymore... And who always will. We don't need to worry about people from our past, there's a reason why they didn't make it to our future, and we move onward.
Help us to be kinder than necessary because everyone we meet is fighting some kind of battle. We just never know where a person is in their life and what they are going through.May we never judge another person's scars, because we don't know how they got them.
Father, bless this person reading this ~ make them strong and loving.
Help them live their life to the fullest.
Please promote them and cause them to excel above their expectations.
Help them shine in the darkest places where it is impossible to love.
Protect them at all times, lift them up when they need You the most and let them know when they walk with You that they will always be safe.
Let them feel Your loving arms wrap around them.
Blessings to them all!


Anonymous said...

This Dear God is really encouraging!!

Anonymous said...

Don't want to disapoint you but never could grasp the God concept, but have always believed in the goodness of man and enjoy the company and kindness of most all.

Anonymous said...

it's wonderful, & the same feelings and blessings to you. Diana